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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. By targeting the ball, not the player.
  2. Good choice then. The Swiss guy 100% went for the Swedish foot to prevent him from scoring, meaning a red card. That other situation (I forgot the game ) saw someone actually trying a last-ditch attempt to take the ball away so it was rightfully punished with yellow and not red.
  3. Which comes to show that FIFA rankings are just as meaningful as my opinion on football: 0
  4. Didn't he withdraw the red card after VAR?
  5. Meh, would much rather have seen Switzerland win, but alright. Congrats to Agger's team
  6. Great example again of why we need actual time, that is stopped in these situations. Play has been halted for several minutes, but nobody has a clue how long exactly so nobody knows exactly how long they should keep playing Edit: haha, wtf, he adds not even one second for minutes of stopped play and VAR review
  7. China: "We have a handheld laser rifle that can burn your skin at 800 meters!" Laws of physics: "Nope."
  8. Purely out of curiousity: what is the definition of 'migrant' for these statistics? A player being born outside the country they are playing for? Or a player who was born in the country they are playing for, but whose parents or grandparents or greatgrandparents weren't?
  9. Gibraltar has less than 35.000 people. I find it amazing they manage to have national teams in team sports. Then I'm surprised even more today, seeing that apparently they have enough U16 boys and girls to field teams in that category as well
  10. Well yeah, Croatia played yesterday and Uruguay the day before, so nothing about that has changed.
  11. Yes this is terribly sad for them, they'll comfort themselves by celebrating.
  12. I follow it, as in, I check the score of every match Plus I turn on the TV usually but switch away when something more exciting is on
  13. Fellaini in the match, frustrated red cards incoming.
  14. Aaaaaaaaaaand I'm gonna need something to do for the night because I ain't sleeping
  15. Not as many as when it would be in the evening of course, but no doubt more people are watching TV now then on a normal 4am
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