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Everything posted by Agger

  1. For me it's usually 100 % my taste. This time it's the slightly more personal choice, as I know Kris and have helped him on several occasions.earlier in his solo career. I still like the song a lot (though I personally liked som of his earlier songs a bit more)
  2. A terrible alpine season for Sweden. It ended in a fine way with a podium for Frida and a win for Andre as well as a team win.
  3. Well. The first cut is the deepest, as Cat Stevens sings. It has now been done. I expect to be done by the 27th or 28th.
  4. No doubt that he never bacame as good a sprinter as was expected (as we was after all seen as a major talent), but he was still pretty decent
  5. As a student, it surely would for me!
  6. Well. After a rather mediocre (maybe even bad) Champion season, we finally got our golds!
  7. Danish and Dutch TV seem to be having a bit of a battle at who's best at the other country's language!
  8. Usually I listen to the songs twice before doing anything (the first time without even looking at the countries) The third time, I make the first cut. Sometimes it's pretty big and other times only 5 songs are cut (this will be during this weekend) The fourth time, I try cutting it down to the final top 15, but sometimes it's a bit more. Then I rank the songs during one or two listening sessions (sometimes I feel sure enough to just take the first ranking. Other times, I give it another go)
  9. Don't know if I would feel happy about machines yet, but it did seem extremely slow. Also pretty interesting that cities like Amsterdam and Groningen are done, while some of the very small are still counting.
  10. Groningen! Let's just finish counting now
  11. Didn't really listen to that one (was focused on something else). But wow. Watching people counting votes brings back memories (I was an official myself during the election for the European Parliament)
  12. Will be interesting if PvdA will actually end up as biggest in any areas... Lots of respect for Jesse Klaver's speech. It's of course easier with their great succes, but much respect to him for congratulating the other parties and respecting those who didn't succeed as well.
  13. It's just as much a matter of signals. If PVV ends up as the biggest party, it would be considered another major hit for the EU after BREXIT
  14. I'm always hyped about elections in Europe, though it's of course more when it's with parties that I feel some kind of relation to. And also, as Gianlu33 says, it's a damn important election considering the future in Europe.
  15. I am pretty impressed the the turnout right now with the 3 first counted is at 107 % (I guess that's because it's actually possible to vote other places than where you live?)
  16. Guess I'll stay up for midnight, then
  17. Would be absolutely lovely with as many seats for D66 as PVV! When do you usually have an ide about the actual result? I'm considering a semi-late night, but I have class at 8...
  18. Well. Analyzes can be wrong as well, and some people may use it against me one day You can select polling stations for yourself? In Denmark it's just the closest (if you don't vote in advance). It was my old public school until I moved about 1½ years ago.
  19. So far it seems like a rather big rise in voter turnout in the Netherlands with 43 % voting by 15.45. In comparison it was 37 % in 2012. So far it pretty much follows the numbers from the 2006 election, where the turnout ended at 80.40 %. Often a high turnout is bad news for right wing populists, but it's never safe to say that it will be the same here, as PVV may just as well manage to get more people out to vote for them. It could mean a bit more with knowledge about more local turnouts, but the only thing I've read is that the turnout in Amsterdam is high, which doesn't seem too great for PVV. But as we saw a couple of times last year, it's dangerous to analyze too much!
  20. Maybe I should tell our chairman to meet you (we have four people in the Netherlands campaigning)
  21. Well... I thank you Dutch and the Germans for starting paranoia. Just read somebody stating that we'll be in civil war in Denmark soon...
  22. I read that the police tweeted that the match was still on, as relatives of some of the spectators had called the police to report relatives as missing. Rather funny
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