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Posts posted by bestmen

  1. 14 hours ago, hckosice said:

    pfffff cmon this goaile is a real sifter...


    @bestmen who the hell is this dude in your goal ?


    not only the GK all this team is a trash collected from the street , they lost against Palestine 1-0

    people were shocked about the choice of players.


    ans this fifa why don't they add this event in the calendar , we have hundreds of good players in europe but the clubs refused to release them


    that's why i predicted 3-0 for honduras , around 8-0 vs argentina and 6-0 vs portugal

  2. 2 hours ago, dcro said:


    Prediction Contests Are Just-For-Fun Games

    "There are things that are uncertain for us, things more or less probable,

    and we seek to compensate for the impossibility of knowing them

    by determining their different degrees of likelihood.

    So it was that we owe to the weakness of the human mind one of the most delicate

    and ingenious of mathematical theories, the science of chance or probability."


    BUT in judo there are 2 Bronze medalists in total 4 medalists not only 3

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