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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. I know my logic better than you do. Please inform yourself next time before clowning around. Thanks!
  2. Fluke alert! Germany leads after Round 1 by 4,9 pts over Norway.
  3. Ema Klinec blew the women's team event gold and now probably blew the mixed medal chances as well Romania won't finish last as they beat USA by 7 points
  4. No way someone bullies Norway into any changes. They invest more money into cross-country than everyone else combined save for Sweden. It's like trying to ban China in table tennis or Canada in curling. It's just NOT gonna happen
  5. Yes, I mentioned Rolland on the previous page I suppose more people remember her best from the unceremonial exit three seconds into the Vancouver OG downhill
  6. You probably don't follow cross country much? Lampic has 6 World Cup podiums to her name which is quite a lot given how deep Norway and Sweden are in women's sprint. Just because you seemingly don't pay attention to anyone beside Norway, Sweden and Germany it doesn't mean it's always a fluke. Besides Slovenia also won a silver medal in Seefeld in this event which you probably don't realize either
  7. Nope. Nobody beats Rok Benkovic as the biggest Slovenian fluke in WCh history
  8. Very early reports that KV Lie has a broken tibia & fibula. Potential knee injury as well. Schneeberger suffered a broken leg which you could see during live broadcast already.
  9. Pace & Lindh are DH World Champions after all. They never had a World Cup podium in Super G but had multiple in DH. Lindh from Alaska of all places was always in Picabo Street's shadow but she won Olympic silver in 1992 and two medals at WCh including gold in 1997 when Street was out with injury. She retired prematurely due to a back injury after that season aged 28. Nick Fellows was already there to provide ES commentary: Kate Pace won at the infamous Morioka 1993 WCh. Those people who complain about Lake Louise being a boring course need to check back how the Morioka course looked like
  10. Schneeberger with another heavy crash and this also looks bad.
  11. Of course, several skiers have done much better in Downhill than Super G over the years. Siebenhofer and B.Johnson from the current ones, Merighetti, Rolland & Kamer from the recently retired and off the top of my head the likes of Kate Pace and Hilary Lindh dating back to the 90s.
  12. Gut's Super G winning streak is over. Brignone of all people decided to become relevant again
  13. @Olympian1010 I'm pretty sure USA wants to stay out of East Africa forever after the epic Somalia 1993 disaster Not to mention the civil war in Somalia is still going on some 28 years after the failed UN raid
  14. Doesn't like the entire cross country team consist of two Italian-born siblings? Btw, Baiba Bendika will start in the 10km race? No publicity stunt for FIS points only?
  15. Forget it. Biden occupies the most powerful political position in the world and he looks like a guy who'd have trouble ordering a pizza on the phone. After four years or constant Trump blasting the Democrats can't possibly expect to get a free pass on Biden's age and his ramblings that show how old he really looks. It's different when you could hide him behind Obama's youthness, as the President the focus is on him and him alone. No more excuses (unless Kamala Harris or his wife will have to bail him out of PR trouble time and time again ).
  16. Everything evens out. The fluke gold medals Norway won with Rune Velta or Lars Bystoel at the Olympics shouldn't be forgotten. I mean Velta never won a single World Cup event and Bystoel only one
  17. Why? Poland has more gold medals than Germany. That's the perfect therapy
  18. Obviously not. Everyone had wind in the back in the second round today. Nobody takes Zyla seriously because of his Abbott & Costello antics off the hill but he just delivered a perfect kick in the teeth right there
  19. Not quite. Zyla takes gold! Poland beats Germany... in Germany
  20. Whatever happens here, it's nothing compared to the Seefeld shitshow two years ago
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