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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/2021 in all areas

  1. 84 users have participated in least one contest, 17 users have participated in least 14/18 contests and 9 users have participated in all 18 contests this year. The 9 users are: juliosilva, Henry_Leon, toulousain, Herberth10, Monzanator, Ufilov, Pablita, vlad, SteveParker A total of 34 nations took part in Totallympics Prediction Contests this year with 17 nations winning at least one medal. 28 different users won the 54 medals which were on stake. After this short breakdown of the numbers for the 2021 Totallympics Prediction Contests, let's now switch our attention to the individual and team winners of this year. Final Standings and Medal Tables are here 2021 Totallympics Prediction Contests Overall Individual Points Top 3 juliosilva 9955 Henry_Leon 7420 toulousain 6499 Highest Point Average (Participated in at least 14/18 contests) Top 3 juliosilva 553,1 Henry_Leon 412,2 Agger 366,3 Highest Point Average (No minimum participation rule) Top 3 miro 780,0 Jahiegel 706,0 Xarles 585,0 2021 Totallympics Prediction Contests Overall Individual Medal Table Top 3 Place User Gold Silver Bronze Total juliosilva 3 3 2 8 Henry_Leon 2 1 0 3 Gianlu33 2 0 0 2 Jahiegel 2 0 0 2 Total Medals Won - Individual Top 3 juliosilva 8 toulousain 4 Agger 4 2021 Totallympics Prediction Contests Overall Team/Nation Points (Based on the top 3 highest scoring users from every nation) Top 3 Brazil (juliosilva, Herberth10, titicow) 18864 (9955, 6205, 2704) Italy (Henry_Leon, Gianlu33, Pablita) 16461 (7420, 4719, 4322) Romania (africaboy, ady48, vlad) 14702 (5788, 5251, 3663) Best Team/Nation (Only 2 members) Top 3 Greece (George_D, maestro) 6332 (5070, 1262) Hungary (varnoldr, MagyarBabu) 4846 (3563, 1283) Tunisia (tuniscof, amen09) 2985 (2395, 590) Best Team/Nation (Only 1 member) Top 3 Denmark (Agger) 5128 Slovakia (hckosice) 4541 United States (Jahiegel) 3530 2021 Totallympics Prediction Contests Overall Team/Nation Medal Table Top 3 Place User Gold Silver Bronze Total Brazil (juliosilva 8, Herberth10 3, titicow 1) 4 4 4 12 Italy (Henry_Leon 3, Gianlu33 2, miro 1, valtellina 1) 4 3 0 7 Poland (Monzanator 3, Speedy 2, Ufilov 1, rafalgorka 1,Vojthas 1) 2 2 4 8 Total Medals Won Team/Nation Top 3 Place User Gold Silver Bronze Total Brazil (juliosilva 8, Herberth10 3, titicow 1) 4 4 4 12 Poland (Monzanator 3, Speedy 2, Ufilov 1, rafalgorka 1,Vojthas 1) 2 2 4 8 Italy (Henry_Leon 3, Gianlu33 2, miro 1, valtellina 1) 4 3 0 7 These were the winners/medallists of this year. We in the Prediction Group hope you all have enjoyed this season and now look forward to a new exciting season in 2022. Users who are mentioned in this post: @africaboy, @ady48, @toulousain, @Agger, @juliosilva, @Herberth10, @titicow, @hckosice, @vlad, @Henry_Leon, @Gianlu33,@Pablita, @miro, @valtellina, @Monzanator, @Ufilov, @rafalgorka, @George_D, @maestro, @varnoldr, @MagyarBabu, @tuniscof, @amen09, @Jahiegel, @Xarles, @Vojthas, @Speedy
    7 points
  2. 2 points
  3. A revived speed skating team, new events and hopefully a return to the podium in curling could maintain Canada's count from 2018. The thing is, Canada tends to be good at things that are unpredictable like freestyle, snowboard and short track. One slip spells disaster in those events. Add to that uncertain training and competitive seasons the last 2 years and who knows. It could turn out great, it could be terrible. Prediction: Canada doesn't win a figure skating medal for the first time since 1980.
    2 points
  4. While we’re associating people with political entities…seems fair to note that Kast’s father was likely a card carrying member of the NAZI party Plus, his brother was apparently a top advisor to the former military dictator. Bolsonaro 1.0 hasn’t gone particularly well for Brazil, so maybe there’s some logic to not electing Bolsonaro 2.0 in Chile. Boric has clearly given many Chileans hope after many years of political strife. It’s clear that Chileans have wanted real change for while, and they’ve made their choice. We’ll have to see how well Chile’s democratic institutions hold up under him.
    2 points
  5. 3 gold medals and a WR today for Canada!
    2 points
  6. Quebec is locking down tighter than the rest of Canada. Pro sports aren’t cancelled outright, my guess is that the logistics just weren’t workable. They had to get a special exemption from the provincial government just to hold the event. That was granted three days ago, but right after that the government tightened COVID rules.
    1 point
  7. Considering it's his second-fastest time ever, I don't think it is Immediate advantage of Jumbo's 'super suits'?
    1 point
  8. Milda Valčiukaitė (rowing) announced about her retirement during Lithuanian Sports Awards. Milda won bronze in Rio 2016 Olympics, 2013 and 2018 World champion and 2013 European champion
    1 point
  9. Sweden 4 gold 5 silver 3 bronze 12 medals total. Best in history for Sweden. Pretty ok I think.
    1 point
  10. …and the Olympic trials have been cancelled due to COVID. No word yet on the effect that will have on the team’s selection.
    1 point
  11. I'm in Beijing now, 15 minutes from the hockey venue. I took this job a few years ago with visions of seeing Team Canada play. Now....I'll be lucky if I get to see a bobsled session. I've been waiting years for this moment, for the whole Olympics to be in the city I'm living in, and it's just poof, gone. I'll watch it in my living room like I could have done from anywhere in the world. I know this might be controversial, but screw covid.
    1 point
  12. Dude, there is literally 0 chance of any non-democratic form of government to take over in modern Chile. The system and institutions there are too strong and established. Communist parties in Argentina and Brazil were part of coalitions in recent governments, and no, nothing anywhere close as a "full-scale takeover" took place. Much less would it happen in Chile.
    1 point
  13. The Canadian team has been performing incredibly here. Maggie MacNeil's World Record was truly an impressive feat.
    1 point
  14. Nice to see a Canadian man winning a medal (that's not a mixed relay) in swimming. Hopefully they will continue to grow like the women.
    1 point
  15. yeah, better to believe some randos on sports forums claiming that everyone with economic views left of Bolsonaro's is a wannabe communist dictator.
    1 point
  16. Annecy made a strong pitch for a permanent spot on the calendar this weekend. Fantastic atmosphere and the IBU people surely have noticed it. It's becoming Nove Mesto 2.0 The only problem is that there is not enough rounds in a season for them all. And this is without Russia in the picture. To think that once upon a time biathlon was under the hat of modern pentathlon and look how things turned out. One is hitting peak popularity, while the other has been completely forgotten. IBU are probably blessing that split everyday.
    1 point
  17. I suggest this emoji for surprise as "yikes" is too strong sometimes. While we're at it, maybe these too.
    1 point
  18. Zaisteva disqualified almost 8 years later and when the world cup rank 2013-14 is calculated again, Makarainen might lose her overall titel to Berger
    1 point
  19. vinipereira

    Athletes Deaths Thread

    Ian Matos (Diving), 2016 Olympian.
    0 points
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