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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2024

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I think the complete opposite reaction to the quality of this year songs is the evidence of how much musical taste varies to different people :d

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:IND has voted :thumbup:


Except 1 song( which topped my ranking) most other songs were so difficult to score . I had a bunch of 15-18 songs which were so hard to place . Eventually i set a few tie breaking criteria which helped me get my top 12 . 

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Right, I think my list is finalized after switching the top-3 around like a hundred times (and those behind it quite a few times as well). Now let's see which songs are of which nations :d 


Excellent overall quality, often I struggle a bit to find 12 songs I do want to give points, but now there's roughly 20 songs I've had in my top-12 at one point or another...

Edited by heywoodu


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I did another listening, fairly messed up my rankings, but I'll just have to deal with that this time.


One of the busiest TISC's for me this time around :p



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