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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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Switzerland has ethanol shortage problem - two years after they got rid of 10,000 tonnes of reserves :lol:  Way to go, morons!

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3 hours ago, heywoodu said:

Since this is also a sports forum: what are governments in your countries doing, if anything of course, to help the sports community? Not much here yet, but some of the top flight football teams have had the balls to pretty much demand money from the government to prevent them from going bankrupt :facepalm: 


Obviously I hope the government won't hand out money to football clubs, especially the bigger ones, but it might be different especially for smaller sports and teams.



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Numbers of people hospitalized keeps on dropping (about 100 below the peak and 25 below in ICU). Estimations say that between 70 and 150.000 have had the virus at this point meaning very low lethality here in Denmark. Som blood samples from donors has been tested as well. If the blood donors were representative (and they aren't quite) calculations show a number at about 127.000.

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Some preliminary result from a study conducted in Heinsberg (the region in Germany that was hit the hardest):

They randomly tested 500 people and found out that 15 % of them had been infected. If we assume that 15 % of all people in this region have already been infected, then it would mean that 37500 people have been infected, while officially only 1500 people have tested positive. This would mean that the actual number of infected people is 25 times higher than the official number. The study also suggests that the real death rate therefore is 0.37 %. Earlier the scientist who conducted this study also said that they took samples from different objects (door knobs etc.) in a household with infected people and that they weren't able to cultivate the virus in the laboratory, which probably means that it is extremely "difficult" to get infected via objects.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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4 hours ago, dcro said:


 Is that in lbs? :p

Yes, I’m America, so I use the easy understandable lbs weight system :p

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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19 new Confirmed Cases yesterday, 1671 Tests. By this we surpassed the 700 confirmed infected mark, 7 new fully recovered patients.

The curfew continue with much less traffic problems today (since it is the last working day, Friday, Sunday and Monday all shops will be closed except pharmacies), 


So 701 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+19 Yesterday), 1671 Tests yesterday (21371 in total)

2 Deaths (+0), 23 Healed (+7 Yesterday)

157 Hospitalized, 5 in serious conditions (under ventilators), 2 in very critical (ICU)



"Special Easter" Restrictons of movement continue the second day, less traffic troubles than during yesterdays total chaos




5 Roma slums quarantined














meanwhile new Roma slums are tested gradually, yesterday in the peripheries of the cities of Humenne and Medzilaborce






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This is a whole new level of boredom.


Someone made puppets of Alemka, Krunoslav, Davor and Vili. They are the people who lead the daily press-conferences about the coronavirus. :lol:




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All restrictions are extended at least until 19th April, schools and universities will remain closed at least until 26th April, borders will remain closed at least until 3rd May and all mass events are cancelled until further notice. Also since next Thursday finally we will have to wear mandatory masks in public space, shops, pharmacies, post offices and in workplaces. Final exams in schools are postponed to second half of June. During Easter in church can be only 5 people at Holy Mass. Few days afrer Easter new restrictions will announced, which will probably allow opening all shopps in shopping centers with keeping 2m distance between people and wearing the gloves and masks and in public transport probably could be more people than now.


Today we had 370 new cases and 15 more deaths. Total numbers are for now 5575 cases, 174 deaths and 284 recoveries

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