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Men's Baseball WBSC African/European Olympic Games Qualification Tournament 2019

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Men's Baseball WBSC African/European Olympic Games Qualification Tournament 2019


ITA.gif Bologna/Parma (ITA) - 18 September 2019 - 22 September 2019 ITA.gif


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Tournament Schedule


Competition Format


Single Round Robin


Tie-Breaking Criteria


The standing of the teams after the round robin shall be according to their win-loss records of all the games played.


All ties shall be settled in the order of the following list.


That is, if criterion (1) does not break the tie, then it is no longer considered the criteria capable of breaking the tie, and the next criterion (2) will be used.


This logic continues through the list, in order, until the tie is broken:

1. The team that won the game(s) between the teams tied shall be given the higher position.

2. Team's Quality Balance (TQB) and win-loss records in games between the teams tied.


3. The team that has the best Earned Runs Team's Quality Balance (ER-TQB).

4. Highest batting average in games between the teams tied.

5. A coin flip

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2 hours ago, dcro said:


This would be fun. :p

The Maldives cricket team at the 2014 Asian Games strongly disagrees.


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2 hours ago, heywoodu said:

The Maldives cricket team at the 2014 Asian Games strongly disagrees.

Soviets would do the same:bounce:

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Just now, Gianlu33 said:

The ML player (or some minor league) Pat Venditte and Gavin Cecchini will join the Italian Team


better than nothing, but we need far more effective pitching...Venditte is definitely not enough...:nopompom:


and still no Liddi or Garcia...:facepalm:

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