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Tokyo Summer Olympic Games 2020 News

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By the way if you want to educate yourself on how the British conservatives were hypocrites, and just plain shits back then, google "The D'Oliveira Affair"

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13 minutes ago, Vektor said:

If athletes want to make a statement at the Games, do it with the one way that has been allowed since the start: by winning medals. That's what this event is for. If it was enough for Hungarian athletes in 1956, it sure should be enough for everyone. 

What about athletes from poor countries without funding for sport and, consequently, no chance to win medals? for example, some oppressed person from Yemen or Afghanistan that wants to make some statement.

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Just now, Dragon said:

By the way if you want to educate yourself on how the British conservatives were hypocrites, and just plain shits, back then google "The D'Oliveira Affair"


Here's the thing, I believe EVERY single politician in the world is a hypocrite one way or another ;)

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Just now, LDOG said:

What about athletes from poor countries without funding for sport and, consequently, no chance to win medals? for example, some oppressed person from Yemen or Afghanistan that wants to make some statement.


Nobody in the liberal West gives a damn about Yemen ever since this country supported Saddam Hussein during Gulf War. They made their own bed 30 years ago and it's over - hence nobody cares about the Yemeni civil war either.

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28 minutes ago, Monzanator said:

It's down to countries not politics. In every single country taxpayers fund the governments to begin with - and every single rotten politician in the world.


No government has its own money - they take it from their citizens.


Politicians without citizens they can take advantage of are worthless. Absolutely worthless.

Politics is not only about politicians. Sometimes it looks like you're just throwing everything on the wall to see what sticks. The kind of politics you're supposedly against has very few to do with politicians and political parties, and more to do with people's awareness about who they are in this world.


You see, even splitting the competition between men and women for the overwhelming majority of sports is a political decision. These kind of decisions affect our everyday lives, such as keeping different restrooms for men and women, for example. Let's not forget that decisions about gender are at the very core of how the Olympics are organized, so I believe it's not up to anyone to just decide who can or cannot show their support about policial causes, and when it's okay to do it. It's just hypocritical to forbid or impose limits about where athletes can show their support.

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23 minutes ago, Vektor said:

You know what the difference is between those political things you listed and all other kinds of activism?  

You deem those acceptable and the others not.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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9 minutes ago, LDOG said:

What about athletes from poor countries without funding for sport and, consequently, no chance to win medals? for example, some oppressed person from Yemen or Afghanistan that wants to make some statement.

Then they don't get to make a statement at the Olympic Games, unless you count participation as a statement. 

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2 minutes ago, Olympian1010 said:

You deem those acceptable and the others not.

If this is where you take this debate you don't understand at all what this is all about. 

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12 hours ago, rybak said:

Sorry, but I dont have time to read all those posts wrote today. In short, what happened, about what is this whole disscusion? :d

Ethical things semi-wrongfully being called politics :p


Bigger than all of this though: no Mobot in Tokyo, waiting for BBC to pull the plug on the entire Olympics :hairpull: 



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