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Other Multi-Sport Games Discussion Thread

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Women's baseball and football have been dropped from the 2019 Pan Am Games program, so much for gender equality :p


And sport climbing will not be contested.

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Jiujitsu seems a whole lot more interesting than karate and especially wushu, I'm happy they added it, and jetski looks fun :d 


54-87kg (men) and 46-73kg (women) really needs to be divided in 8 (!) weight classes each? That seems a bit like over the top... 


I'm very happy kabaddi and sepak takraw will stay as they are, by far my two favourite 'unknown' sports when looking from a non-South East Asian perspective and two sports for which I most definitely will wake up in the middle of the night if there's a live stream :d 

Edited by heywoodu


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7 hours ago, MHSN said:

Equestrian (6) - no change, this is in the program at the moment but apparently not finalized yet and they may drop the whole sport, will decide about it after the Asian federation election.


That's because of a lack of progress in venue construction and concerns about the equine health issues in Indonesia.


Events may as well be reallocated to another country.


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11 hours ago, MHSN said:

OCA published the number of events and sports for the 2018 Asian Games, this is from few days ago but I didn't notice that before. they made revolutionary changes in the program, huge huge changes. I understand Indonesia saved OCA after Vietnam gave up hosting the event very late but still I can't believe they let them make such big changes ! they have this program to benefit Indonesia, :thumbdown: we were supposed to have Kurash, Roller skating, skateboaring and Sambo here as well but fortunately they removed them from the program. these changes will change the medal table A LOT, I mean China, Japan and Korea will be in top 3 for sure but that will change a lot for the rest.


here I'm comparing the events with previous program, the only sport they completely dropped from the program comparing to 2014 was Cricket, not a bad idea when top Asian countries (India, Pakistan etc) didn't take it serious.




I can understand your anger/dislike, but as I've posted before: You haven't seen Southeast Asian Games yet.


Take note that Indonesia is the first non East Asian country or oil rich West Asian country to host the AG since 1998 (and will be like that until 2026). We have limited resources, funds, athletes, interest in sports, etc but we want to win more medals as host and we are going to try everything possible to get more medals (that's how we do it in the Southeast :p ). Dirty, unfair, full of scandal, just name it.. I believe any country with the same sport condition at least will cut some events which will be a disadvantage for them since OCA doesn't really enforce a strict rule about the events (even worse in SEAGF for SEA Games).


Bridge, jetski, paragliding - yes... a warm welcome to those coming to the beautiful archipelago to compete next year :clap:


And addition of sport like Pencak Silat for me is just like adding Sepak Takraw in 1990, it's about the Southeast Asian nations. But as of today the Asian Big 3 already winning medals... It's about time before countries started to picking up...


Plus that "list of events" is not confirmed... There might be changes until a final list in August 2017. I think OCA trusts Indonesia too much :lol: - hopefully we will be able to deliver them in time


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10 hours ago, intoronto said:

Women's baseball and football have been dropped from the 2019 Pan Am Games program, so much for gender equality :p


And sport climbing will not be contested.

Well I understand why the cut Women's baseball, as it is not that developed enough, but women's football? Just because the Peruvian women are weak, that's no excuse to kick this event from the program :thumbdown:


And to think they added bodybuilding, which is actually full of doping

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37 minutes ago, Griff88 said:



I can understand your anger/dislike, but as I've posted before: You haven't seen Southeast Asian Games yet.


Take note that Indonesia is the first non East Asian country or oil rich West Asian country to host the AG since 1998 (and will be like that until 2026). We have limited resources, funds, athletes, interest in sports, etc but we want to win more medals as host and we are going to try everything possible to get more medals (that's how we do it in the Southeast :p ). Dirty, unfair, full of scandal, just name it.. I believe any country with the same sport condition at least will cut some events which will be a disadvantage for them since OCA doesn't really enforce a strict rule about the events (even worse in SEAGF for SEA Games).


Bridge, jetski, paragliding - yes... a warm welcome to those coming to the beautiful archipelago to compete next year :clap:


And addition of sport like Pencak Silat for me is just like adding Sepak Takraw in 1990, it's about the Southeast Asian nations. But as of today the Asian Big 3 already winning medals... It's about time before countries started to picking up...


Plus that "list of events" is not confirmed... There might be changes until a final list in August 2017. I think OCA trusts Indonesia too much :lol: - hopefully we will be able to deliver them in time



oh well I don't blame Indonesia, host nation wants to benefit at max but it's OCA 's responsibility to keep the balance. but when IOC let Japan (as 2020 host) added 5 sports to the program what we ask from OCA lol and also they had no other option since Indonesia saved OCA by hosting the event when Vietnam withdrew.


as a crazy sport fan I follow SEA Games sometimes, and I know how it works there. but I believe Asian Games should be much bigger than this. I understand adding 1-2 sports with limited events but 16 is too much for Pencak Silat.


and btw I'm not against all those changes, some of them are actually positive, having team events in shooting was too much, cutting half bowling events were actually great ! I also like the changes in Basketball, Swimming, Golf and Judo. the worst changes are in Cycling and Fencing. and also removing events from Tennis and Table Tennis program while Badminton has its full program was quite unfair.


so you are saying this is not final ? do you have any more information, the possible "new" change will be about adding or removing and in which sports ? beside that they only publish the numbers, do you have the event names by any chance ? (mostly in Fencing, Cycling, Climbing, Shooting and Wushu)


from my country's point of view, these changes hurt us but not much, and in those "new" sports apparently we will participate in all of them except Bridge. and yes we have Pencak Silat in Iran :d (apparently that's a bit similar to one of Iranian traditional martial arts) removing non-Olympic weights in wrestling is the biggest disappointment, also whatever they cut from Sanda program in Wushu. beside that I don't think other changes affect us negatively.

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19 hours ago, MHSN said:


so you are saying this is not final ? do you have any more information, the possible "new" change will be about adding or removing and in which sports ? beside that they only publish the numbers, do you have the event names by any chance ? (mostly in Fencing, Cycling, Climbing, Shooting and Wushu)


from my country's point of view, these changes hurt us but not much, and in those "new" sports apparently we will participate in all of them except Bridge. and yes we have Pencak Silat in Iran :d (apparently that's a bit similar to one of Iranian traditional martial arts) removing non-Olympic weights in wrestling is the biggest disappointment, also whatever they cut from Sanda program in Wushu. beside that I don't think other changes affect us negatively.

Well according to a news 2 days ago, there will be 431 events and so far OCA currently lists 426 of them. OCA rejects our vice-president's plan to reduce to 420-something events in 36 sports (so the sports will stay as it is now, unless the equestrian issue finally force those events to be held somewhere else and maybe it is possible to make room for other events).


What I know is that all the Olympic events listed in the current program, no changes will be made. And the Organizing Committee's VP also stated that there will be no changes of event numbers in jet ski, paragliding, and bridge.

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I just discovered that 2017 SEA games will be a mixed event, we'll have summer and winter sports :yikes: For winter sports we'll have figure skating, short track, and ice hockey.

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