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Suggestions for Quota reductions on the existing sport program

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2 hours ago, intoronto said:

Football/Field hockey are the only possible team sports that can reduce quotas (Handball already subtracted one in the last quad) and all others are 12 or less. Its hard to subtract, but they need to come from somewhere. 

Football is already pushing it with 18 players, especially given that by rule three of them need to be keepers. Normally a team has 23 players for a tournament.

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34 minutes ago, phelps said:

first, drop the ipocracy of gender equality...


then, drop entire senseless sports (artistic swimming, trampoline, rhytmic gymnastics, dressage, skateboarding, freestyle BMX, surf, rugby 7s, the current no man's baseball...and of course this weightlifting and the farce of "amateur" -or "Olympic", name it as you prefer- boxing) or some events in some senseless sports (synchronized diving, individual time trial in cycling)...


after that, drop most of the places reserved to officials and IOC's guests...actually, this could be the first option...


finally, I'm pretty sure that the remaining sports not only don't need quota reduction, but they also have a shot to regain their technical dignity by increasing the number of competitive starters in any event (of any sport)...


frankly, I'm really tired of and annoyed by this everlasting buzz of "quota reduction"'s time to choose an affordable number of sports to appear at the Games and let them have the best and strongest competition possible...:evil:


stop making most Olympic events a "technical farce" in the name of stupid ipocracy...:pope::wall:

We know how the IOC works, and its not going to work.


I for one absolutely hate the idea of gender equality, but we know in 2024 it will be equal. Under Bach the IOC and the Olympics have become a joke. Bring back Rogge!

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1 hour ago, De_Gambassi said:

Drop the gender equality policy...

I’m gonna disagree here. I think that it’s a good thing for sports to move towards (maybe not as fast as it currently is)

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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I don’t think quotas need to be reduced, though I do agree that they definitely could be in some sports

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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1 hour ago, Olympian1010 said:

I’m gonna disagree here. I think that it’s a good thing for sports to move towards (maybe not as fast as it currently is)

It's good for sports in one way, but not when great events are removed in favour of mediocre events just because it makes it more equal.


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To be honest, we should be looking at removal of events rather than reduction of quotas. Any team event with fewer than 12 nations and any individual event with fewer than 16 entrants should either be removed or expanded. If an event's talent pool becomes too diluted than it isn't exactly worthy of competing at the Olympics.


The IOC may claim it is trying to reduce costs, but athletes themselves aren't the issue. It's the venue size (and amount) requirements

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I don't get why football gets so much heat. Junior tournament or not, it still has a lot of diversity.


Honduras and Iraq qualifying in other team sports would be a work of science fiction. And such nations do not only qualify here, they also usually put up decent performances too.


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Just now, dcro said:

I don't get why football gets so much heat. Junior tournament or not, it still has a lot of diversity.

Mostly because it's a junior tournament. It's just as useless as the water sports were at the 2015 European Games. Just like the ice hockey in Pyeongchang it can be fun, sure, but not Olympic-worthy.


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12 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

Mostly because it's a junior tournament. It's just as useless as the water sports were at the 2015 European Games. Just like the ice hockey in Pyeongchang it can be fun, sure, but not Olympic-worthy.

Exactly. You can't have an Olympics without the most popular sport on the planet but also you shouldn't have Olympic football without the best players.

It's going to be the same with baseball in Tokyo. What does an Olympic title mean when 900 of the best 1000 players in the world won't be there?


Oh, and I would completely remove greco-roman wrestling becaus it's not sufficiently different from freestyle to be worth a place.

Edited by Dragon
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