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Biathlon at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022

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Biathlon at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022


CHN.gif Beijing (CHN) - 5 February 2022 - 19 February 2022 CHN.gif




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  • 3 months later...


Biathlon Qualification Standing


Blue - 6 Quotas

Green - 5 Quotas

Bold - 4 Quotas


after Stage 4 (Hochfilzen II)

Completed Events 7/25






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  • 4 weeks later...

Biathlon Qualification Standing


Blue - 6 Quotas

Green - 5 Quotas

Bold - 4 Quotas


after Stage 5 (Oberhof I)


*Rumors saying the Qualification process will be extended and will last until the end of next Season, very likely after 1st Trimester. Still has to be confirmed. Also apparently not all races will be counted, some worst results will be scratched. According to our specialized site, our boys are now even on the 22nd current place and girls in 21st rank counting the scratched races.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok. so our Biathlon site wrote an article about the Olympic qualification, here is the translated one

Link to the article in slovak


Time to look closely to the new Biathlon Qualification process.



First let took a closer look at how the qualification actually takes place. If you classify yourself as a PRO level fan (you know almost everything in biathlon), you can skip the first five paragraphs.


Qualification for previous Olympic Games was very simple and practically identical to both World Championships qualification and World Cup qualifiers. In each Individual, sprint and relay races, the points of the three best competitors of every nation are counted in the Nations Ranking. The winner gets 160 points, the second 154, the third 148 points ... and from the eleventh place to the eighty it goes down by one single point down, so it stops at 61 points for the eighty ranked bathlete. But then it breaks and every other competitor has two points less than the previous one, so the 110th biathlete has only one point and then everyone who crossed to the finish line gets 1 point as well.


In the relays, the winning country gets 420 points and then it gradually decreases. For the tenth place it is, for example, 220 points, for the twentieth 120. Scoring is the same in mixed relays, with the difference that men and women divide those points in half. So, for example, if the Norwegians win the mixed relay, women will get 210 points, and men will get 210 points. There is no difference whether it is a 2 + 2 mixed relay or 1 + 1 mixed singles relay.


In the current season, 25 World Cup events are counted for the Nations Ranking for both women and men, including the World Championships in Pokljuka. At the end of the season, the final counts looks like this: The first five countries can enter six competitors in the World Cup for the entire following season, countries from sixth to tenth enter five, from eleventh to seventeen-four, from eighteenth to twenty-third three, and 24th and The 25th country will receive two places. The IBU can still award a wild card to eight other countries, which can fiels one competitor at a time. Thus, a total of 113 biathletes from 33 countries can compete in one WC race, but they also have to fulfilled personal result quotas. This is quite difficult to calculate, we will not explain it here. Briefly, the competitor needs at least one 50-60 place in the IBU Cup to qualify for the WC race.


But for the world championships, quotas are stricter for stronger countries and more benevolent for the weakest. In practice, this means that up to the first fifteen countries they are allowed to enter four competitors, then the national teams from 16th to 25th place three, from 26th to 30th place two and the IBU still reserves the right to another ten wild cards for smaller countries. So a total of 110 biathletes from up to 40 countries can compete at a WCh race. At the same time, the performers need to meet the required personal quota, but is also easier to achieve, you only need to place around 80-90. places in the IBU Cup.


Every race is different, so it is not possible to determine exactly. It is therefore true that in the 2020/2021 season, Slovakia is fighting hardly for quotas for next year's World Cup races. Based on last year's ranking, we can enter three men and three women, because last year we finished on the 20th, respectively. 18th place. It is therefore logical that we want to reach the Top 17 so that four biathletes can start. Men are currently in 18th place and women in 20th place.



And now lets move on the


Changed qualification to WOG Beijing 2022


Usually there would be a parallel fight for quotas like for the world championship, ie as you read above, with exactly the same system, only the amount of quotas deadline are only again with slightly shifted deadlines.


Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the need for a more up-to-date reflection of the performance of different countries in competitions under the five circles, the IBU decided to make a change and the qualification model for the Beijing Olympics 2022 was modified and approved just before the new season, the 28th of November 2020.


Again, the Nations Ranking decides, but not its ranking at the end of the 20/21 season as it was originally planned, but each country counts only the twelve best results from: 6 sprint races 1 individual race 3 relay races 1 mixed relay race 2 + 2 and 1 single mixed relay race 1 + 1; from the whole season 20/21, as well as the first six stages of the World Cup 21/22. The qualification will therefore end after the Ruhpolding stage on 16 January 2022.


The breakdown is as follows: The first twenty countries will get four places to start in all races, including relays. And the IBU will award twelve wild cards to the strongest athletes whose countries have not qualified. Maximum two places per country. Thus, a total of 92 women and men should start in each individual race at the Olympics. Interestingly, the document does not say anything about the host country, China, which is not competing at all this season.



It is therefore absolutely crucial for our biathlon that we somehow manage to finish into the Top 20 in both categories, because not having the relays at the Olympics could be a significant breakthrough in our biathlon, also in terms of its funding (contribution from the governement + sponsors), which would was very difficult to get.


The pandemic is currently helping but also harming us at the same time, as the Fialková sisters were left out and we are completely on the edge with women, although the virus has also affected other countries like Bulgarians, Slovenes and Chinese women cannot fully entered some races. In mens the Bulgarians. If we take a closer look at these qualifying criteria, we will find by logical reasoning that about a third of the starts will count, and as has been said, only the best ones. Many average or below-average races will therefore be irrelevant. In practice, this means, for example, that our men have three decent relays behind them, in which they won 16th, 13th and 12th place. Since three are counted, they are only interested in the result of 15th and higher. And with this model, it is better to totally ruin two starts in individual disciplines, but to score massively in one with all three competitors. And we have the biggest problems with that. If we get to a better result, usually with only one competitor, the other two will only help him cosmetically. That is the only way we can lose the relays at the Olympics but at same time we can also be in the 17th or 18th place in the classic nations ranking.



As the qualification is about one third right now, and it wasn't until Anterselva that the first weaker races began possible to be cut, the standings look almost identical to the classic nation rankings. If this starts to differ, we will inform you and publish the rankings from time to time. It is true that after each race we will continue to publish the traditional nations rankings, whom on the basis all the quotas for WC races are determined.





1. NOR NÓRSKO  4714 0
2. FRA FRANCÚZSKO 4316 -398
3. GER NEMECKO 4060 -654
4. SWE ŠVÉDSKO 4021 -693
5. RUS RUSKO 3880 -834
6. AUT RAKÚSKO 3532 -1182
7. ITA TALIANSKO 3468 -1246
8. BLR BIELORUSKO 3195 -1519
9. UKR UKRAJINA 3096 -1618
10. SUI ŠVAJČIARSKO 2962 -1752
11. SLO SLOVINSKO 2920 -1794
12. CZE ČESKO 2890 -1824
13. FIN FÍNSKO 2860 -1854
14. CAN KANADA 2700 -2014
15. USA SPOJENÉ ŠTÁTY 2649 -2065
16. LTU LITVA 2316 -2398
17. BEL BELGICKO 2003 -2711
18. SVK SLOVENSKO 1955 -2759
19. EST ESTÓNSKO 1859 -2855
20. LAT LOTYŠSKO 1795 -2919
21. POL POĽSKO 1714 -3000
22. JPN JAPONSKO 1574 -3140
23. BUL BULHARSKO 1543 -3171
24. KAZ KAZACHSTAN 1290 -3424
25. ROU RUMUNSKO 1023 -3691
26. MDA MOLDAVSKO 647 -4067
27. SRB SRBSKO 338 -4376
28. GRE GRÉCKO 216 -4498
29. CRO CHORVÁTSKO 181 -4533




1. SWE ŠVÉDSKO 4303 0
2. FRA FRANCÚZSKO 4248 -55
3. NOR NÓRSKO 4247 -56
4. GER NEMECKO 4156 -147
5. RUS RUSKO 3961 -342
6. BLR BIELORUSKO 3770 -533
7. AUT RAKÚSKO 3521 -782
8. ITA TALIANSKO 3499 -804
9. UKR UKRAJINA 3378 -925
10. SUI ŠVAJČIARSKO 3183 -1120
11. CZE ČESKO 3046 -1257
12. USA SPOJENÉ ŠTÁTY 2817 -1486
13. POL POĽSKO 2711 -1592
14. CAN KANADA 2706 -1597
15. EST ESTÓNSKO 2455 -1848
16. FIN FÍNSKO 2371 -1932
17. JPN JAPONSKO 1974 -2329
18. KAZ KAZACHSTAN 1664 -2639
19. SVK SLOVENSKO 1591 -2712
20. KOR KÓREA 1586 -2717
21. BUL BULHARSKO 1471 -2832
22. SLO SLOVINSKO 1370 -2933
23. LTU LITVA 995 -3308
24. LAT LOTYŠSKO 924 -3379
25. BEL BELGICKO 613 -3690
26. ROU RUMUNSKO 446 -3857
27. MDA MOLDAVSKO 292 -4011
28. GBR VEĽKÁ BRITÁNIA 217 -4086
29. CRO CHORVÁTSKO 158 -4145
30. AUS AUSTRÁLIA 107 -4196
31. GRL GRÓNSKO 84 -4219
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I dream of a day when the IBU releases a qualification system that doesn’t take hours and hours of analysis to understand. Oh, and when they make the actual standings that matter public.


Also, only 1 Individual counts, but 6 sprints do...At the very least make it 5 sprints and 2 individuals.

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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Also, does anyone have an idea as to what the odds are that Belgium accepts a full team quota?

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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  On 2/5/2021 at 6:06 PM, Olympian1010 said:

Also, does anyone have an idea as to what the odds are that Belgium accepts a full team quota?




They accepted every single quota for Pyeongchang 2018.


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Could someone please explain how the qualification in biathlon works for the individual starters outside the top 20 nations. 

12 places , are those really wild cards means invitation or based on some criteria. 2018 it was decided by IBU qualifying points. 
thanks in advance. 

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  On 2/13/2021 at 8:21 AM, prso1000 said:

Could someone please explain how the qualification in biathlon works for the individual starters outside the top 20 nations. 

12 places , are those really wild cards means invitation or based on some criteria. 2018 it was decided by IBU qualifying points. 
thanks in advance. 


As far as I understood it correctly. yes, all 12 are wild cards based on criterias (IBU points), for the 12 best biathletes from already non qualified countries, but with a limit of max 2 per country.



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And to add to that: the IBU qualifying points rankings are kept on a secret list, which is only handed out to federations and not made public anywhere. Unless you make the list yourself, but I tried hard for 2018 and that's nearly impossible unless you're a real Excel magician.


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