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Your Tokyo 2020 Schedule

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2 hours ago, dcro said:

I don't know about you, but I am starting to get some Rio flashbacks. Sleeping from 7am to 3pm. :hairpull:

You're only getting them now? :p 


I mean, as soon as we knew it's in Japan, I was going for sleeping from roughly 17:00 to 00:00 and that's still the plan, depending on the exact days. Meaning my sleeping doesn't change, only the time does :d 


Obviously this is only possible because I'm free from work. If that's not possible or you have a child or something, this simple solution becomes near-impossible :p 


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19 minutes ago, heywoodu said:

You're only getting them now? :p 


I mean, as soon as we knew it's in Japan, I was going for sleeping from roughly 17:00 to 00:00 and that's still the plan, depending on the exact days. Meaning my sleeping doesn't change, only the time does :d 


Obviously this is only possible because I'm free from work. If that's not possible or you have a child or something, this simple solution becomes near-impossible :p 

My plan if I won the lottery was to move to Singapore. Time’s running out for that.

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1 minute ago, LuizGuilherme said:

I will be on vacations from work during the olympics, so i will sleep 1 pm to 9 pm 



Actually I find it perfect when Olympics are during the night. Basically nobody else is awake then, so I can give my undivided attention to the Olympics and only communicate with people related to the Olympics instead of the usual daily things :d (and have the groceries delivered, of course, although I already have 30 packs of noodles for nightly hunger :p)


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I always say it will be my last full Olympic coverage, and this time I feel pretty confident about it. I will not be wasting a single vacation day on Beijing 2022. No thank you. :p


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1 minute ago, dcro said:

I always say it will be my last full Olympic coverage, and this time I feel pretty confident about it. I will not be wasting a single vacation day on Beijing 2022. No thank you. :p



I'm likely going all-out to be able to follow Beijing 2022 as close as possible, but I think that's understandable if a certain someone qualifies :d 


Other than that, I don't think I can see myself not try and follow all or at least most of any Olympics, except when at some point children could be a factor and their school vacations are the only time in which to go on holiday or something.


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21 minutes ago, dcro said:

I always say it will be my last full Olympic coverage, and this time I feel pretty confident about it. I will not be wasting a single vacation day on Beijing 2022. No thank you. :p

Yeah, good luck with that. I am saying this to me since Vancouver.



I have experience with Asian olympiades, It will be like PC 2018 when I missed almost nothing. I expect the same, Time to sleep from some cca16:00 to cca02:00, apart Day 14 with the 50km Race Walk starting 22:30 my time.


People who know me are always amazed, how I can keep watching the whole nights and half days for two weeks, well, my answer is always the same, If you are an Olympic fanatic like me, nothing is more easy than staying excited and focused the 2 weeks. The problem is rather that it is ONLY 2 weeks :d


But I am considering skip the -2 and -1 nights, since there not many things I can rewatch the softball later on demand, but from Day 0 I will be here from 02:00 with Archery Ranking round live score, be sure of that ! :d

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Sydney 2000 was the only Olympics I couldn’t follow fully because I was at secondary school at the time :d 


Since that I have watched all the Summer Games pretty much fully (obviously not fully but you know what I mean).


Winter Olympics is another story of course, I don’t change my schedule for those but I did stay awake some nights during Vancouver 2010 because I wasn’t at school, didn’t have a job and had that luxury :d 

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Meanwhile it sucks for me when there is an Asian Olympics... Basically I have to play cat-and-mouse with my boss and the supervisors for 2 weeks :lol:



My Olympic watching history:


Beijing 2008 - school vacation; enjoying the full broadcast

London 2012 - basically up until midnight to the point my father pulled the plug of the TV

Sochi 2014 - only the morning events

Rio 2016 - college summer vacation; enjoying morning and night session

Pyeongchang 2018 - still an intern, basically nothing to do so I can enjoy it quite a lot

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This will hopefully be the last Olympics before I start work (I have been ill on and off this year so haven’t been able to search much).


Sadly those illnesses mean I might not become as fully nocturnal as I originally planned to be. 

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