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Summer Olympic Games 2020 Medal Count

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  On 8/8/2021 at 9:06 AM, Vektor said:

2 gold :CRO  :HUN  :JAM  :KEN  :PRK


Wow, that's harsh. Did not expect to be in the top 10 here. :p


These Games were successful for us, but if we are not careful, we may end going down the Lithuanian road.


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I also added the gold and the total medal differentials to get a sense of who are the biggest winners and losers overall compared to Rio:


Biggest winners

+32 diff :JPN 

+30 diff :CHN 

+26 diff :AUS 

+19 diff :NED 

+16 diff :ROC 

+14 diff :ITA 

+10 diff :TPE 

+8 diff :NOR 

+7 diff :AUT  :HKG  :UKR 

+6 diff :BUL  :CUB  :IND  :SUI  :TUR  :UGA 

+5 diff :CAN  :ECU  :NZL  :POL  

+4 diff :CZE  :DOM  :EGY  :IRL  :ISR  :PHI  :POR  :QAT 

+3 diff :HUN  :KGZ  :LAT  :SMR  :SLO  


Biggest losers

-15 diff :USA 

-13 diff :KAZ 

-12 diff :AZE  :GER 

-9 diff :FRA  :PRK  :UZB  

-8 diff :RSA 

-7 diff :GBR 

-6 diff :COL 

-5 diff :KEN  :THA 

-4 diff :ARG  :CRO  :ETH  :JAM  :KOR  :ESP 

-3 diff :DEN  :GRE  :LTU  :MAS  :VIE 

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Australia and NZ had a great games. In saying that though NZ had a terrible Sailing regatta and questions are being asked and one reason is that lack of international sailing during COVID hurt them. They were expecting 4 medals and only garnered 1. Perhaps the one sport along with Equestrian that underperformed. Everything else expected. Gymnastics, Tennis and Triathlon were surprise medals. So that made up the offset of the poor performance of the sailors.

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  On 8/8/2021 at 9:18 AM, Vektor said:

I also added the gold and the total medal differentials to get a sense of who are the biggest winners and losers overall compared to Rio:


Biggest winners

+32 diff :JPN 

+30 diff :CHN 

+26 diff :AUS 

+19 diff :NED 

+16 diff :ROC 

+14 diff :ITA 

+10 diff :TPE 

+8 diff :NOR 

+7 diff :AUT  :HKG  :UKR 

+6 diff :BUL  :CUB  :IND  :SUI  :TUR  :UGA 

+5 diff :CAN  :ECU  :NZL  :POL  

+4 diff :CZE  :DOM  :EGY  :IRL  :ISR  :PHI  :POR  :QAT 

+3 diff :HUN  :KGZ  :LAT  :SMR  :SLO  


Biggest losers

-15 diff :USA 

-13 diff :KAZ 

-12 diff :AZE  :GER 

-9 diff :FRA  :PRK  :UZB  

-8 diff :RSA 

-7 diff :GBR 

-6 diff :COL 

-5 diff :KEN  :THA 

-4 diff :ARG  :CRO  :ETH  :JAM  :KOR  :ESP 

-3 diff :DEN  :GRE  :LTU  :MAS  :VIE 


We wish, but we have +5 not +6 difference from Rio (2 to 7). It could have been better if our top medal contenders performed, but well.... can't complain much after how it ended!

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After Final Day Rio: 306/306 events, 86 NOCs with medals

After Final Day Tokyo: 339/339 events, 93 NOCs with medals



On an exciting final day the :USA US (46-37-38 in Rio) managed to snatch away first place from the :CHN Chinese (26-18-26 in Rio). Even on a loss of projected medals for the US team, they have been capable of holding off anyone else. The Chinese however with a better performance compared to Rio. Very fine games for the :JPN hosts here (12-8-21 in Rio). The Japanese have turned many bronze medals into golden ones this time. Their judo team has made them proud and the inclusion of new sports have helped them. Especially in skateboarding. In total medals however, they fall short on :ROC (19-17-20 in Rio under :RUS) and :GBR the British (27-23-17 in Rio), holding off the Russians for 4th place. As stated before, remarkable games for the :AUS Australians with a gain of 9 golds and 17 more medals total compared to Rio (8-11-10).


:KOR South Korea leave the Top 10 while the :NED Dutch did not disappoint after the games have begun troublesome for them. 10 medals were required this time to reach the Top 10 in the medal table. 


As @Vektor already summarised, the biggest gainers and losers can be seen in his post.



4th place counter*


(30) :USA

(22) :ROC 

(17) :JPN 

(16) :GBR:KOR 

(15) :CAN:CHN 


(13) :NED

(12) :FRA

(11) :ESP 

(10) :TUR:UKR

(8) :BRA:MEX






(2) :ARM:AZE:BUL:CHI:CIV:DOM:FIN:GRE:IRL:MOZ:POR:ROU and the Refugee Olympic Team



*5th places in events that award two bronze medals; also includes QF losers in boxing and athletes in karate kumite one shy from the SF after the pool stage

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  On 8/8/2021 at 9:53 AM, dodge said:

I鈥檝e enjoyed these round ups. Thanks for the efforts @Quasit!


Me too got to admit it was pretty helpful 

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As for continental representation, we have the following outcome:



2016 Rio


:IOC Europe  139-155-165 [459]

:IOC Americas  76-60-74 [210]

:IOC Asia 69-54-88 [211]

:IOC Aus. + Oceania 13-20-15 [48]

:IOC Africa 10-18-18 [45]


2020 Tokyo


:IOC Europe 147-173-203 [523]

:IOC Asia 86-71-84 [241]

:IOC Americas 71-69-71 [211]

:IOC Aus. + Oceania 25-13-30 [68]

:IOC Africa 11-12-14 [37]


All in all, Asian countries have gained more medals on their soil, mainly thanks to :JPN Japan and :CHN China improving compared to last time.

Europe with the largest gain in medals, also thanks to the many new events. Disappointing games for African countries this time. Doesn't help them when European and American nations take away medals from them in running.

:AUS Australia and :NZL New Zealand boost Oceanias medal haul. Other than :FIJ Fiji however, these remain the only three countries with medals for the region.



Top 5 Europe


:GBR GBR - 22-21-22 [65]

:ROC ROC - 20-28-23 [71]

:NED NED - 10-12-14 [36]

:FRA FRA - 10-12-11 [33]

:GER GER - 10-11-16 [37]


Top 5 Asia


:CHN CHN - 38-32-18 [88]

:JPN JPN - 27-14-17 [58]

:KOR KOR - 6-4-10 [20]

:IRI IRI - 3-2-2 [7]

:UZB UZB - 3-0-2 [5]


Top 5 Americas


:USA USA - 39-41-33 [113]

:CAN CAN - 7-6-11 [24]

:BRA BRA - 7-6-8 [21]

:CUB CUB - 7-3-5 [15]

:JAM JAM - 4-1-4 [9]


Top 5 Aus. + Oceania


:AUS AUS - 17-7-22 [46]

:NZL NZL - 7-6-7 [20]

:FIJ FIJ - 1-0-1 [2]


Top 5 Africa


:KEN KEN - 4-4-2 [10]

:UGA UGA - 2-1-1 [4]

:RSA RSA - 1-2-0 [3]

:EGY EGY - 1-1-4 [6]

:ETH ETH - 1-1-2 [4]

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