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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. So thats all for this year guys, Thanks to everybody, see you next year
  2. SLOVAKIA Czech Republic 11 Denmark 10 Argentina 9 Canada 8 Spain 7 Croatia 6 Mexico 5 Serbia 4 Brazil 3 Indonesia 2 Ireland 1
  3. SLOVAKIA Greetings in Native Language: Dobrý deň Totallympics. Hlásia sa Košice, hlási sa Slovensko. Sme radi že sme opäť súčasťou tejto skvelej šou a je pre nás poctou že sme nevynechali žiadnú edíciu. Tu sú hlasy slovenskej poroty: English Translation: Hello Totallympians Košice Calling ! Slovakia Calling ! We are really glad to be once again part of this superrb show, Slovakia is one of the nations which never missed a single edition of this amazing contest. Here are the votes of Slovak Jury: Denmark 10 Argentina 9 Canada 8 Spain 7 Croatia 6 Mexico 5 Serbia 4 Brazil 3 Indonesia 2 Ireland 1
  4. SLOVAKIA Greetings in Native Language: Dobrý deň Totallympics. Hlásia sa Košice, hlási sa Slovensko. Sme radi že sme opäť súčasťou tejto skvelej šou a je pre nás poctou že sme nevynechali žiadnú edíciu. Tu sú hlasy slovenskej poroty: English Translation: Hello Totallympians Košice Calling ! Slovakia Calling ! We are really glad to be once again part of this superrb show, Slovakia is one of the nations which never missed a single edition of this amazing contest. Here are the votes of Slovak Jury: Ireland 1
  5. @Dnl Can I start to post now or have I to wait 5 minutes until 15:45 my time
  6. Oh fuck, it is my turn lol... Give me Two minutes please... until then let have a small TV commercial
  7. oh, do not throw this chance, it would be amazing to organize the contest in CZE
  8. ČT still re-counting the Pirate party votes, they do not have time for this
  9. well, I was not even close... That I guess sum up my betting skills
  10. Quick look at voting schedule. I have some feeling this was the last points SVK received tonight
  11. That´s cool. I was just surprised, did not sounds like your favorite style. But an interesting piece it is for sure
  12. I was sure abou this. What a Drama. Next CZE to vote. Be careful with what you are going to do bros !
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