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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. I love how all the European athletes claim to speak English, and then continuously make grammar and vocabulary errors in the biographies. However, this makes them more relatable, so my above post still stands.
  2. I wish more countries will force/ask their athletes to fill out their biographies on the timing system. Personally, I find easier to cheer for athletes I can connect to, and I enjoy reading the biographies to see what kids are into these days. Professionally, it allows journalists (like myself) to write more creative and funny stories about the athlete. In my opinion it’s a win/win. It takes 5-10 minutes, the athletes gain fans, the NOCs then have athletes that people like, and journalists can write fun stories.
  3. Taynara Da Silva will race both Biathlon and Cross Country @heywoodu. Maybe @brunamoura can give me a good scouting report about her and some of the other “exotic” biathletes?
  4. I see they’re using @heywoodu favorite system
  5. Came across a little something...
  6. Lying out their ass there. Something that strikes me is that they don’t directly deny HUNADO taking bribes. They also seem to be quite close to them, as they continuously talk about how great their cooperation is. It’s going to be a long year for the IWF.
  7. As long as stuff is available online live, I’ll be happy.
  8. Here’s my beef. Why have an Olympic Channel on TV, and then not show live Olympic events! I mean I’d probably just stream them anyways because that’s what I prefer, but cmon NBC. I don’t need re-runs from this summer’s world championships, or of the Tour De Ski, or of bobsleigh from last week; give me some good YOG coverage. I will say, I do like that NBC are finally giving the YOG some air-time in the United States, but it’s not a bad thing to want more.
  9. I don’t see how that’s pro-Cold War, but it is something I said, so alrighty then.
  10. Awe, that’s unfortunate. I quite like this though. More multi-sports games and world championships should do this type of giveaway.
  11. Alright, I’m sitting in 6th place in the live trivia. I’m 2 questions down on the leader after the first game. Only 120 people participated. 7/10. A disappointing performance really.
  12. I’m not going to debate that I did, but when did I exactly?
  13. Yeah no problem. I just need a good amount of hard, sufficient evidence against certain judges. I’ll need their “normal” scores/score range, and their abnormal scores and range. You can never have enough evidence. The more that can be found/used the better.
  14. First live trivia round starts in 40 minutes!
  15. If you really think the judges are working to give France a “free ticket”, I’d love to write a story about it. However, I’d need proof, evidence, and knowledge as an equestrian fan. I’d need your expertise to guide me in the right direction, and to help me find the right scores, and to show me how they’re unusually high/low.
  16. Glad you listened I can’t really speak for his views, but I both agree and disagree with what he said. I don’t think laser guns should replace events, but I do think it would be a nice addition. With laser guns, we could actually bring back events like pistol dueling, or incorporate new events like laser run, obstacle course shooting, etc. It opens a door to more creative events, and I think it’s worth looking into. I do agree with you that it should not replace the traditional events (even though I hate guns myself). I will say that I much prefer the air guns to the small bore guns used at 50m range.
  17. Whenever CAS decides to reveal their opinion (probably some time in the Spring).
  18. I wouldn’t say we bred them. We made the conditions necessary for them to become mainstream. Plus, we armed them as allies at one point...
  19. It’s that time of the week! TWU #3 is out now: (I was feeling quite a bit under the weather, so I apologize if that translated onto the podcast this week)
  20. Just finished watching “Two Popes” on Netflix. It’s such a feel good film. It has a great mix of real footage and movie footage. The scholar in me appreciated the attention to detail when describing the events around the pope. The sound mixing and scoring was delightful. The acting was spot on. The dialogue was both serious and fun. There was a good mix of drama and realism. It shows what I want in the church (though it paints the church in too positive a spotlight for my liking). I’m almost inclined to give it a 10/10, which is crazy since I don’t give a lot of films that, especially those made by Netflix, or those about the Catholic Church. The only reason my final score is 9.5/10 is because it fails to address the modern short comings of Pope Francis. Though if it’s any inclination as to how good the film was, it made me think about my faith. Overall, it’s great film that deserves praise, and it’s one that I recommend watching when you have some downtime.
  21. Yeah that was the main critique (including mine). I wanted it to challenge more, and be more thought provoking. However, having a satire that everyone can understand also has its benefits. The kid that plays Jojo was nominated for best actor at the Golden Globes tonight (he lost to Joaquin Phoenix for his performance in Joker of course).
  22. Football would’ve been nice. I wouldn’t mind seeing lacrosse added as a nod to the native peoples of Canada, or another more common “American” sport.
  23. ...and there goes Iraq as one of our allies
  24. Any inside knowledge you can share as to the sports we could expect to see on their bid? (Anything different than 2022)
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