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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Really the only ones I can imagine going to the final. The rest...meh. No thanks.
  2. We'd see only French people participate and then this whole nationality thing is no problem anymore
  3. Do we really need 10 finalists from today? Just send CZE and SMR to compete against those from semi 2 and the pre-qualified nations and let's go
  4. I disagree. The Greek singer has one of the most annoying voices I've ever heard. Like a teenage girl who CAN NOT stop complaining and gossipping about her 'friends'.
  5. Portugal's TAISC entry was a gazillion times better
  6. Those Estonian special effects @bestmen's GIF's are higher quality
  7. No, I didn't say it is Just that the 'romantic' view of 'it was fantastic, years ago' is a bit....exaggerated
  8. Anti-kinky? Dude, they were in full SM Most kinky act of the year
  9. 12 points for Iceland! 12 points for Iceland please!
  10. Eurovision is not kinky enough to allow people singing under the shower on stage.
  11. Belgium seems to focus on sending people with absolutely no feeling with the camera lately
  12. And Molano is out as well, because abnormal blood values.
  13. Belarus bought some props and fire, then asked what more they could buy to increase the show and thought, 'hey, props and fire....and more fire...and props'. Meh.
  14. Yeah, those years when Schumacher won, then Schumacher won, followed by Schumacher winning, after which Barrichello won was allowed to win because Schumacher had a problem...and then won, those times were super duper interesting!
  15. Unlike Poland, at least Russia had actual grandmas/old ladies in their grandma act
  16. The millions of fans would be my first guess.
  17. Yeah and Zandvoort is very much not urban, but there you go
  18. Interesting final though, climber Carapaz vs sprinter Ewan for the win within a few centimeters
  19. Thank you, Salvatore Puccio (the guy who started the crash that led to - among others - Dumoulin and half of Katusha having no chance whatsoever to avoid it).
  20. Pretty sure they still have contracts with them
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