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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I believe Georgia is on halt too, but not exactly sure why. @Olympian1010? And while we're at it, what's the delay in North Carolina? In Pennsylvania I believe it's due to the huge number of mail ballots, most of which they could only even start counting after yesterday's in-person votes were all counted.
  2. To be entirely fair, making sure every single vote of many dozens of millions is registered correctly is a tiny bit more important than making sure every single test is registered correctly
  3. Mostly because of the mail ballots I believe? They can arrive until 10 November and will be counted (if marked 3 November at the latest of course), perhaps that has something to do with it?
  4. Slowly some more votes from Wisconsin and Michigan are coming in, which aren't really doing much different than slowly increading Biden's lead.
  5. Bozeman, which I only know from the aforementioned Big Bang Theory scene Is Montana like North Dakota? You know, "North Dakota, we're not even the best Dakota!"?
  6. I had never in my life heard of Helena, Montana when I read this a while ago. Then half an hour ago I was walking while listening to a podcast.....and I kid you not, Helena, Montana of all places was mentioned
  7. It's bizarre (but not surprising) that the president himself simply seems incapable of understanding the simple fact that votes are counted in different orders and so swings either way were entirely expected. He is more and more like the kid who can't have a candy and gets angry about it.
  8. Big. There's a good reason Biden is now the clear favorite to be the new US president.
  9. This sounded cool so I checked it out...too bad Edit: Oops, looked at Alabama's total
  10. I don't bet on this shitshow My only regret is not betting on Trump to win 2016 at odds of 251 when I saw them once, but when Trump going for president was still a bit of a joke. I vividly remember seeing that and thinking "Huh, imagine that he's actually gonna do it. Haha, ok, close."
  11. And Biden's lead in Wisconsin has grown to 21k.
  12. Trump's Michigan lead down to 36k, and Wayne County (Detroit) still has hundreds of precincts that have to report in.
  13. Big one, this was Trump's main hope to get Wisconsin back again.
  14. Well look at that, Detroit starts to come in and Trump's lead has been slashed to 64k.
  15. It's a matter of time until we can get a sense of what Wisconsin's Milwaukee-move does there, but in Detroit. There is a whole lot of space for Biden in terms of votes he can win there, most likely enough to take the lead (with the question then being how much he holds on in the smaller counties).
  16. It's now getting closer and closer in Wisconsin, where this time most uncounted votes are from small but more Trump-leaning areas.
  17. And now Trump is clawing back in Nevada, where they're busy counting rural areas
  18. No, it's not. Again, it's about where the votes come from, this is not an incredibly surprising turnaround if you looked at the locations and kinds of votes.
  19. From 'no way' to 'it's over in favor of Biden' in record time
  20. Again, that too depends on where the remaining votes are coming from. He is the favourite, yes, but both Dane County and Milwaukee County - home to the two major cities - have quite a significant amount to report in yet and both are strongly Democratic (currently 75 and 60 percent Biden, which is expected to be a tad higher in the mail ballots). It's not just numbers, it's also where they are coming from. Like in Michigan, Trump is the favourite, but Biden definitely still has a realistic chance. I mean, if he doesn't, the current betting odds of around 1.7 for Trump must be absolutely free money for anyone who is convinced Trump can't lost it anymore.
  21. But that's just not unlikely at all. He still has fairly realistic chances mostly in Wisconsin and Michigan, not so much in North Carolina. Georgia will depend entirely on how many votes are still coming out of the Atlanta area (mostly Democratic) and Pennsylvania could get close, but is just impossible to say for now. If Nevada (not sure, mostly rural area to be counted, so Trump) and Arizona (looks excellent) stay blue, Wisconsin and Michigan would be enough to win and Pennsylvania wouldn't even be needed. Trump is definitely the favourite at this point, but it's really simply not decided yet, at all.
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