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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. You were 15 safety cars off And to think they placed some asphalt in the Tarzanbocht to make it acceptable for F1, but luckily they managed to keep most of the gravel there!
  2. Best atmosphere I've ever witnessed in an F1 race, what a fantastic party Plus definitely not the race with the least overtaking opportunities, this one should absolutely stay
  3. Oh man, on TV they're already discussing potential restarts with things like "I don't think the leader will hit the gas earlier than start/finish, to avoid giving anyone a tow towards the Tarzanbocht." I can't believe we're actually talking for real about a Formula 1 Grand Prix going through the Tarzanbocht, Hunserug, Scheivlak, Arie Luijendijkbocht and all those legendary names I've been going to since I was barely a teenager Never been this hyped for a race.
  4. Peter Genyn defended his Paralympic 100m title earlier this week, but that was quite something....shortly before the race, when he got to his racing wheelchair, there were three (!) flat tyres and a broken frame, which could only mean a rival (or someone related of course) actively went and sabotaged his wheelchair Good that whatever loser it was didn't win
  5. Yeah, I noticed this, but got annoyed that not a single news site or blog or whatever mentioned anything more than "China filed a protest and it was accepted" I did see later that China tried protesting several times during the competition, but the referees didn't accept it. They then went higher up, as is their right, and of course that process takes a bit longer (sadly). One can definitely assume the Brazilian did break some rule and the fault lies with him, but it is very bad - to say the least - that the video on which the decision was based isn't shown anywhere or at least to the Brazilians. On a more positive note, we were happy to cheer Thomaz to 400m silver My earlier comment about a winter medal was mistaken, he has apparently mostly given up the skiing, since athletics ends up giving him much more money (although every actual Olympian/Paralympian in Brazil gets quite a decent base salary, simply competing in any event will already give you 3000 reais per month for four years). I was confused with Cristian Ribera in the sit skiing, who is going for a medal in Beijing.
  6. Any idea yet what happened with the Brazilian F57 shot put athlete? Live stream only showed the top-3 athletes' best throws and nothing weird happened there, but since the mentioned rule (WPA 2.13.5) seems to have something to do with the removal of clothing, one would imagine maybe he tore off his short or something? Approved Amendments (January 2021).pdf
  7. Louis Meintjes crashes out in the one race in history in which he placed a careful attack or two...
  8. And after 36 years, it's finally happening again.....the Grand Prix of the Netherlands is upon us I've been to Zandvoort so many times from when I was a young teenager to only a few years ago (DTM, DTM, DTM, A1GP, A1GP, F3 Masters, WTCC and tons of other stuff) and never could I have imagined Formula 1 would actually ever race there again! It's truly a shame some of the dunes have been torn down and replaced with temporary grandstands (especially at the first corner), which aren't there outside of the F1 weekend, meaning one simply can't watch other races there anymore unless grandstands are placed back every time, but that's how it is I guess.
  9. While rumours are also growing more and more that Nyck de Vries will take the other Alfa Romeo seat and Albon might get back in F1 and take Russell's seat at Williams. Rumours aplenty, left and right
  10. Potentially epic day today, with finish on the Gamoniteiru. Might well be one of the very best climbs to have not yet featured in the Vuelta, fans have been screaming for it for many years and finally they're being heard This is gonna be fantastic, no excuses to not tune in.
  11. I'm going to assume this isn't being shown anywhere (mainly in such a way one can watch later)?
  12. Why are the pilots constantly and nearly entirely ignored (in both live graphics and even commentary) in the blind tandem cycling? Unlike the guides in running or skiing, the pilots do actually also have a physical part in the result.. In running and skiing they are obviously crucial as well, but they don't actually deliver some of the physical energy in the performance.
  13. Alpecin-Fenix seemingly riding for Philipsen today. Are they aware he's not in the race anymore, one wonders?
  14. My most useful 'tip' is to open the schedule for day X the day before day X. Then you have the full schedule, but without the results. Just make sure you only open results and such by right clicking and selecting 'Open on new tab' (not with Ctrl + click, that doesn't work) and don't refresh the page
  15. Another annoying thing is that it shows the results of finished medal events on the schedule (the medalists, that is). Sucks badly, you have to train yourself to avoid spoilers and hold your hand over the results while scrolling
  16. Of course, but it's sort of nonsense to first go all-in on 'we have to get out' and now that that happened under his successor, it's all-in on 'BUT if this or that, we have to go in!'. I know it's of course just Trump doing his usual U-turns to play his games, so it'd be perfectly normal for him, but still.
  17. It's annoying, because there's so much scrolling especially in Paralympics when they show every single match of 435 classes of judo and table tennis and boccia and whatnot
  18. Anyone knows why the 'Hide' button on the schedule doesn't work?
  19. Because it's always worth going out there to see the conditions. Norris' mistake was unfortunate, but doesn't necessarily mean racing wouldn't be possible. If there wasn't as much spray (and, mostly aquaplaning), it would have been possible. Now it wasn't, which you find out by driving around.
  20. Yeah, it was just impossible to make a 'right' decision Sunday. No single decision would have made a large group of people happy: what they did now was unfair to some, cancelling it altogether would have been unfair to others, actually going racing was obviously not at all a realistic possibility (maybe for people who only watch to see heavy crashes, but not so much for fans)...every option was wrong, sadly. The only real bad thing in terms of 'decisions' was Hamilton's dumbass statement: "I hope the fans will get their money back." Yeah, that's easy for him to say, scoring super cheap points over the backs of those who'd actually have to pay it (organizers) and who already have financial problems for years.
  21. Peace maker Trump: "We should invade Afghanistan with everything we have, or bomb it to hell." Trump first: "We need to withdraw." Withdrawing doesn't go great under a non-Trump president...Trump: "We need to invade." How do people still fall for this probably permanently drunk moron?
  22. They're actually working on it
  23. Same story emerging about Romania, which is accused of hosting 150 non-existing tournaments. It's in Belgian media though, so, you know, pinch of salt
  24. Yeah, no, giving an incredibly prominent terrorist group which now holds all the power a bunch of names of people they can directly target. What could go wrong.
  25. Shouldn't education be a little sooner on that list? Your order seems definitely valid, but other than that, one would imagine a well-educated group of people would - in the long run - be better able to sustain itself than a group of people where a large majority lacks even basic education. Of course in the short term, food, water and shelter are top priorities.
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