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Everything posted by Agger

  1. How did Dmitrieva not get a red card?
  2. Good news for @heywoodu Sloof will be in the World Cup this weekend
  3. I'm personally fine with mixed relays in sports with only one event per gender, but judo?
  4. Two things I really love. Bob Dylan's marvelous lyrics and Patti Smith: Even with her forgetting the lyrics (it's a damn long song), it's a fantastic performance!
  5. The extraordinary congress of FISA in february seems to be the decider for the lightweight four. The FISA council wants the men's lightweight four out giving place for a women's four. and (apparently supported by the Asian federation) wants to remove the men's four to give place for a women's leightweight four.
  6. But still shooting it right to the head of a goalie while being in physical control (which it seemed to me like she was). It's not an easy one to call, but blaming the refs for trying to hand the win to Sweden is wrong!
  7. I would say that red card is defendable. I don't know if I would say it was the right decision, but the shot goes right to her head and it's not like she's out of balance or anything.
  8. Man, I'm really missing a live timing where I can have more than 4 intermediates open! Edit: Nevermind. Just found out that it will let me have it open several times
  9. Must be a historical situation that Norway doesn't have a full team (they can start 6 skiers, but only 5 starts)
  10. Pathetic that the producers don't know the rules meaning that we didn't get to see the last penalty throw. But fantastic that we have 4 points. Means that we can lose against Norway without much problems when it comes to the semi finals.
  11. Pretty interesting that McLaren's online database has a danish athlete (athletics) in it who tested positive for EPO. The danish athletics federation don't remember any danes testing positive for that.
  12. It does indeed seem like that. Though he did hold out against Shipulin
  13. Boe clearly isn't in his best skiing shape!
  14. Not really. It's been pretty average (knock on wood). We're yet to see an earthquake at 8.0 or above (the one mentioned by @heywoodu was "only" 7.8). Last time we've been without an earthquake at 8.0 or above was 2008. I believe the number of 7.0-7.9 has been pretty average (perhaps a bit above). I used to think that things were getting worse and worse when it came to earthquakes, but looking at the statistics, it doesn't seem like it's that much (except that we're now slightly more used to the ones at 8.0 or above). When it comes to casualties, it's not so terrible either, though of course every one of the 1327 (according to Wikipedia) deaths were sad. I don't mean to make the major earthquakes less scary or the deaths less sad, but we've seen much worse. But of course the year isn't done yet, and you never know when they happen!
  15. Thomas Bjørn has been appointed captain for the European Ryder Cup team. This is absolutely fantastic!
  16. Oh come on. Everybody knows those are fake. The real one lives in Greenland!
  17. Finland could be a challenger in the men's tournament
  18. Would be lovely. 2 sure medals for Sweden and a good shot at qualification for Denmark!
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