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Everything posted by Agger

  1. I guess I'll go for the 12 or nothing tactics again! And thanks a lot to
  2. With those statistics I'm guessing that *** will win with *** 2nd and *** 3rd!
  3. It would be something like:"it doesn't have to be harder than this to stop a loudmoutth (or a complaining person)
  4. Nothing wrong with not seing full sessions. It can actually strengthen the democracy. But that one in Slovakia is really embarassing!
  5. Sadly I am now sure that I will once again miss the event. I guess I know what I'm gonna do sunday, then
  6. I did of course mean semi-communist Party
  7. I don't know if I would say as dangerous, but that may just be caused by how it's in Denmark (and most western countries). Nationalists (and those who are worse) usually tries to divide the people, which creates a lot of anger. Even though communist extremes exist (also in Denmark, though they are very few), but they don't seem to create the same anger. But of course, in countries where communism is still big, it is absolutely a threat as well. We have a semi-communist country, but other than being terrible at economics, I don't see them as much of a threat.
  8. And we'll have a german election where AfD will most likely get a bunch of seats. At least Fremskridtspartiet in Norway seems to be losing votes, and if we end up with an election in Denmark (which doesn't seem too unlikely), our nationalist populists aren't looking too good either. Sadly it seems like an even worse populist party may get some seats.
  9. Hey. Don't counter me with facts! I would be pretty surprised if he doesn't win it, though. But I'm cheering for van Niekerk!
  10. Who cares. We all know that Bolt wins it automatically!
  11. I'm really getting tired of the greats dying this year. Leonard Cohen was an old man, but the loss is still terribly sad. Some of the most famous and a couple of my own favourites:
  12. I am not part of a left Wing ideologi. I'm social liberal (of course that's left Wing in USA) My main concern is the climate. It would be goodbye to any kinds of trying to rescue the climate.
  13. I'm sorry, but I'm having problems understanding this. Johnson has shown absolutely no understanding of foreign politics (and I'm not just talking about "what is Aleppo?") Trump has a terribly sad understanding of the foreign politics including ideas that will make more or less every NATO country unsure about whether USA can be trusted or not, make oppression and even genocide possible without any kind of punishment. Sure some wars in the Middle East have been failures, but just watching isn't the right thing either.
  14. Most people don't have the day off In Denmark it's usually weekdays as well and barely anyone has the day off.
  15. You want 80's? I'll give you 80's! And I could keep on for a long time!
  16. I wonder... Did Kim Jong Un participate and is he as good as his father was?
  17. And Finland seems to be beating Austria!
  18. Well. With the draws done, let's get back to the festival. Here is... Syria Faia Younan - Ohebbou Yadayka
  19. Well. At the last five Summer Olympics Denmark has won 2 gold medals. I guess 2 gold will therefore be my next
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