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Totallympics Superstar
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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Correct (though not available in all countries)
  2. Lots of channels will be showing it :
  3. You can also find live results from the active event
  4. Not the kind of time I expected from our boys, but it's only qualifications. I'm expecting our 4th man to hold a little longer (he was dropped after 11 rounds, which simply is too early!). We should be able to fight for the 3rd place final tomorrow, but at the moment I'm not quite satisfied.
  5. Well. The track cycling World Championships has just started today. The last chance to get a spot at the Olympics. Several quotas have already been secured, but lots of riders still have to fight for it to the end. The men's team pursuit is the first event to begin with the qualification being on at the moment. With the 4 big teams (Australia, GB, New Zealand and Denmark) left, it's Italy in the lead
  6. Wouldn't say that we've worked for nothing. Surely it's gone now, but nonetheless it has given us 5 good years. Hopefully the new site gives us even more good years. Personally I agree that it was good with results posts (especially as some sports are damn hard to find results for if you don't know exactly where to look), but I do also agree with others that perhaps it was becoming a bit too much about results and a little too little about discussions.
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