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Everything posted by Andry84

  1. Pity for Valcepina, she did something amazing, one of the best 500 race I have ever seen coming back from 4th place in the last lap, doing something different from she usually does being most of the times in first place after the start. The DQ was not so clear but it's definitely not a scandal, she could have stayed safe with silver medal, but she wanted gold and will go home with nothing...
  2. It was well known that Australia and GB in team pursuit are and will be far away from Italy but I think that Italian male team pursuit will be around 3.50 next year and they will fight for bronze with Denmark and New Zealand. For the women it will be more difficult, I'm quite sure they will be around 4. 15 or less next year but it won't be enough to beat GB, Australia and USA.
  3. So Hahlen is at least 70 hundreds behind Goggia.... I had the feeling that also Gut time is at least 20 hundreds slower, good work in Crans Montana for all Swiss skiers.
  4. The first split of Hadalin was not correct, it stopped at least 30 or 40 cents after the red gate, I don't think he would have lost less than 2 seconds.
  5. My early prediction for Italy: Archery 1 medal (men team as the best chance but possible also mixed team and Nespoli in individual) Athletics 1 medal (Palmisano in race walking and Tamberi in high jump could have a chance) Canoeing 1 medal (i think among both k1 slalom, k 1 200 man, c2 1000 man 1 medal should be possible) Cycling road 1 medal (Nibali, Longo Borghini, Guderzo, and also Moscon in time trial are the best chances) Cycling track 2 medals (men pursuit, men and women omnium and men Madison as the best chances) Cycling MTB 1 medal (men race) Fencing 5 medals ( 3 or 4 medals from foil, 1 from men team sarbre and 1 from epee) Gymnastics artistic 1 medal (I think something good from the young girls) Rhytmics 1 medal from team Judo 1 medal (Basile, Lombardo, Giuffrida, men 81 kg, Gwend are possible medal contenders) Modern pentathlon 1 medal (more an hope than a real chance but especially girls are very talented) Karate 2 medals (women kata, Cardin, Busà and Crescenzo are medal contenders) Rowing 3 medals (four, quadruple, pair and lightweight double are medal contenders, then there is the dream of a medal from the 8, of course all men boats) Sailing 1 medal (Nacra for sure then both Rsx and men 470 could have a chance) Shooting 3 medals (Skeet, trap and mixed trap for sure, then there is Zublasing) Swimming 4 medals (pool and open water:Detti in 400 and 800, Paltrinieri in 800, 1500 and open water, Quadarella in 1500, Miressi in 100, 4x100 men freestyle, Cusinato in 400 medley, Bridi and Bruni in open water, I think this will be the best national team Italy ever had, many very good swimmers for final but I fear not for medals) Volleyball 1 medal (counting also beach volley: women team and Nicai Lupo in beach are medal contenders) Waterpolo 1 medal (probably men more likely than women) Wrestling 1 medal (Chamizo)
  6. Oh, the tournament of an entire career, the boy just turned 20 two months ago and he lost to the winner of the tournament and to the number 4 of the 66 kg world ranking....
  7. Thrilling last touch but it was quite clearly an attac au fer of Curatoli...
  8. He did better 10 days ago in Poland and I think he could already lift around 243 in total, scarantino wasn't at the same level when he was 16.
  9. Disaster????????When italian fencing supporters start to understand that winning in fencing is much, much, much, much more difficult than 15 years ago? Disaster for a world medal?Ok Garozzo and Avola are better than korean and spanish fencers but surprising results often happens in sport (remember Marco Cecchinato in Paris)
  10. Quando si analizzano i risultati della scherma non si può non tenere presente che il livello globale di questo sport è cresciuto in maniera esponenziale negli ultimi 15 anni, altrimenti si rischia di incorrere in analisi catastrofiche che non rappresentano la realtà .Detto questo in 4 prove a squadre su 6 siamo ampiamente da podio tutt' oggi.
  11. Non credo che siano in rosso per il numero di spettatori.Non vedo molti tornei che il lunedì pomeriggio riempiono 2 campi contemporaneamente come succede a Roma.
  12. Who is a bunch of idiots? Hey this is olympic mass start , did you really think that Lollo was allowed to go away and nobody would have followed her like in World cup, with USA, Japan and Netherlands with 2 great athletes in final.She did her best and she did a very good race; Bettrone simply didn' t have the legs, she is a long sprinter, 2 mass start in 1 hour are too much for her, and then what she would have done? look at Manganello that destroyed herself for Bergsma, but if you don' t have the legs....We are speaking about a 4th place in Olympics, oh well 7th, but it doesn' t change my thought about the very good race she did, she was one of the favourite, not the biggest favourite as you can read around the web.
  13. And we go with nothing but for Gontier' s disasters...
  14. Italian coaches had this doubt but they bet on Gontier not going on penalty lap, if she manage in 6 km she can be at least 40 seconds faster than Runggaldier on cross country.Runggaldier doesn' t have the same shape of last year on ski; the other great problem is that Sanfilippo after sprint had some health problems so i wouldn' t bet on Italy on the podium. Italy choose to go with all or nothing strategy, Runggaldier locks a top 5 finish, with Gontier you can arrive 10th but also in 3rd position.
  15. What an amzing shot by Switzerland that gives them 5 points in 9th end....
  16. I don' t say it' s expected , i said that the standing shooting is his weakness that doesn't mean he can't shoot clear (he did it in sprint and in other races) but sometimes he makes more than 1 mistake, also Windisch sometimes shoot clear (probably once a year) but in that day he is definetely a medal contender and in last 500 metres of relays or mass start is very difficult to beat, very, very difficult for everybody.In my opinion Pfeiffer's misses in prone shooting were a big surprise not in standing and in that situation of pressure. Don' t be sarcastic, you know that Italy with De Fabiani wouldn' t have won a medal, and with only 2 good athletes the future is dark, very dark, considering also what was Italy in the 2000....
  17. I didn' t want to insult you, i' m sorry if yuo felt that, it' s not easy for me explain exactly what i mean in correct English, we simply have two different ways of considering the results of these races.....
  18. No, with this track and this line up it' s not a big surprise as it' s not a big surprise Pfeiffer making mistakes in standing shooting because it's his weakness...
  19. It' s impossible to talk with you, you are Always wrong, i don't know if you are a Young boyor simply you don' t follow sports during the year but only during Olympics and you think that the 1st, 2nd, 3rd in ranking of the worldcups have to win medals. Medal in giant slalom wasn' t sure, but if you look the result of the 13 giant slalom , i think Italy has around 15 podiums, in men biathlon, if Fourcade and Boe make mistakes, there are probably 20 athletes that can achieve a podium, Windisch and Hofer are among these 20:Windisch disappointments in individual?t' s his worst format, ok i have understood, you don' t follow sports during the yar, you watch only the final results of races.In speed skatinh Italy, on paper, was just behind the podium in 5000, 10000 (probably not Tumolero, but Ghiotto) and team pursuit, it' s not a surprise winning 1 bronze.
  20. I think USA and Great Britain should go in semifinal...
  21. Yes, Moioli is very talented but she starts only in 1 race, she can't win more than 1 medal, and we are speaking about boardercross when you can fall also without your fault (look at Visintin in men, he was the biggest threaten for Vaultier and didn' t see him without a medal in such a long and difficult course).I was speaking about snowboard half-pipe, slopestyle and big air, fore sure in boardercross and alpine men we have a strong team.
  22. Italy is not overperforming at all in alpine skiing and also in the other disciplines, Italy is in the 5th place if you consider the top 10 placements, the problem of Italy is the lack of a serial winner like Fourcade, Dahlmeier, Klaebo, Kuzmina, Frenzel, Wust and many others who can start to win 3,4,5 medals; but we have a lot of medal contenders, many very good athletes in many disciplines considering that we don't exist in snowboard and ski freestyle (probably Klotz is the only decent athlete).
  23. Not a very surprising medal, Italy in mixed is the 4th relay on paper, and when you are the 4th is likely you win a medal.
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