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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Come on, how can this person be considered one of the best players?? His behaviour is beyond pathetic.
  2. Belgium should take 6000 doses like Norway. Their defence is being torn apart.
  3. Sounds like a Slovakian Gilda Montenegro.
  4. And I think it would be quite fun if Belgium wins the final in their first attempt. A chance for them to finally leave the Dutch shadow accross the board.
  5. Interesting to point out that India's Fouaad Mirza should be the out-and-out favorite for gold in individual eventing this time around. Equestrian gold for India would indeed be quite exciting. Mirza is quite experienced himself, but it's his horse Seigneur Medicott that is a real game changer. Seigneur Medicott is the horse that scored those ridiculously low 24 penalties (16 in 2018 rules) in dressage with Bettina Hoy at the last year's Europeans...
  6. At least Mektić and Vekić (and Škugor) are still in it. But yeah, very disappointing Wimbledon, especially comparing to last year's standards.
  7. Quite interesting to see Malta having not one, but two semifinalists (probably twins) in boys' 200m!
  8. Clark/Norrie - Arevalo/Podilipnik-Castillo match is at 12:12 in the 5th set...
  9. Haase eliminated another of our doubles players. And yet he'll likely face a Croatian player again next round.
  10. Seeding should be removed from WTA...
  11. It only makes sense for a sport with such doping problem to delete the WRs.
  12. Haase is about to lose too.
  13. Shockingly good 11th place for Eli Pevec in women's race walk. Too bad she's going to miss out on YOG due to Europe being awarded only 6 spots.
  14. Still, I'm sure Innsbruck for example has everything in place, having hosted both YOG and Olympics proper recently. Why then push for some "Graz" nonsense over that?
  15. Even so, I would rather have it in Bolivia if it would mean having everything at the same or almost same place. Imagine going to the Olympics as a spectator only to have different sports separated by hundreds of kilometers. What's the point of that? That's not Olympics anymore, that's World Championships. Such an irony that not so long ago having everything as close as possible was the thing that every bid strived for. And now all of a sudden it's the complete opposite.
  16. I don't see what we're gaining with events organized all over Austria...
  17. But you are not reading it properly. It's obviously boys decathlon for women.
  18. Very similar to last time around, when our only qualifier came from girls' hammer throw (mainly thanks to Europe being awarded with massive 11 spots).
  19. @hckosice is hyped. But apparently in all the wrong places.
  20. Some might be excited to hear that Karlovic-Struff are 6:6 in the final set.
  21. Dodig lost to Haase in doubles!
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