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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Whatever happened to Bob de Vries? That man who stole an Olympic 5000m spot from Bergsma.
  2. So we lost yesterday's doubles, but... Stats say that only one team in history of DC managed to win the final after being down 2:0. Australia in 1939. Sounds like a perfect achievement for us.
  3. Esmee Visser could have gone faster than Bloemen here...
  4. Can someone remind me why again the favorites start DH/SG first? These races become a snoozefest extremely early.
  5. La La Land theme is quickly becoming the most overused piece of music...
  6. Which was started by Natalie Geisenberger?
  7. Ice preparation on the track is somewhat weird this year. Particularly in the first corner, which caused a lot of problems for Igls standards.
  8. It's interesting how luge announcer still prounounces Zmij as Zmizh.
  9. Aaaaand Voetter is already guaranteed to finish at least 7th...
  10. And as I say it, Sweden of course wins in an anti-climactic ending. Now let's just forget this thread as soon as possible, thank you.
  11. I hope Switzerland wins. Sweden has a realistic chance of scoring 3 in one of the ends, and yet they still decided to draw for 1... Both are doing anti-curling, but Switzerland at least has not been that awful.
  12. Seriously though. 7 ends completed and still not a single multi-score end or a steal.
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