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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. I think the DQ was technically correct, but the Chinese skater really, really, really sold it hard. He could have carried on and let it go, but wanted to get the penalty. But there was contact and JPG was technically in the wrong.
  2. Same. Plus British media for some reason has had a hate-on for Canada at the Olympics since Vancouver. I think a lot of other media wanted the big story of China's first gold medal and are upset they didn't get it. People are only looking at the last jump, ignoring the rest of the run.
  3. This isn't surprising when you consider that 83% of Canadian Olympians have finished 4th at some point of their careers.
  4. How the hell was Moffatt's last jump a 61? It was better than his second jump.
  5. I wish. No, just at home. Going to the OC, you cannot go to another event for 7 days afterwards so I will attend something this weekend, probably hockey. I'm just at home watching hockey and big air, both of which are down the road from me (opposite directions). Both next to drinking holes I often go to, haha. Beautiful day here in Beijing.
  6. Went with the homer pick of Boutin, but it'll probably be Schulting or Fontana, or even one of the Chinese racers.
  7. Where they're playing hockey is even closer to my apartment than the big air venue. It's in a nightlife area where I go often. The Ikea is also right next to it. Overpriced foreign restaurants and bars, but good Russian, Korean and pizza for sure!
  8. McMorris looks like a teen idol on the cover of Tiger Beat in his official picture.
  9. Me when every non-Canadian starts: I secretly want them to fall. Me when they fall: OH NO!!!
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