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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Looks like Canada will not be getting their first gold in racquetball.
  2. I think there's only 9 medal events on Saturday. No swimming, no athletics (besides open water and race walking) and no gymnastics all weekend. Terrible schedule.
  3. After a valiant comeback effort by Iwaasa, he loses the first match against the Bolivian.
  4. Great battle in the first match of the men's team gold medal racquetball game.
  5. Wasn't this a bit premature? Isn't it best 2/3 and Wammes only won the first match? It's so hard to follow track cycling on the site (I can't watch now even if they are showing anything). It seems like Orban lost her sprint match? That's pretty sad.
  6. The next few days look light on the calendar overall, not just for Canada. Whoever made this weak calendar for the weekend should be fired. Athletics (besides race walk) not starting till Monday? So a whole weekend with no swimming, athletics or gymnastics of any kind.
  7. Wiens got screwed out of a bronze. He was consistently better than the Mexican diver, except for one dive (and the Mexican blew a dive, too). I'd argue Nathan deserved the gold, too, but that one is quite debatable. Overall, I felt like Mexicans were overscored across the board in most of the diving events.
  8. Your cat must have been very confused by all those Canadian golds, probably upset her.
  9. You could sneak a Chinese diver in, slap a Maple Leaf on her and tell the judges her name is Pamela Ware and she wouldn't crack 7.5. Both last night and tonight.
  10. Is there somewhere on CBC to watch track cycling? 2/4 streams are showing nothing. Am I missing something?
  11. I don't even pay attention to it at any meet. It should be removed from the Olympics.
  12. Yeah, I'm not complaining here or anything, but it can get a little overwhelming at times. I kind of like having a handful of medal chances everyday and then watching them finish fourth one after another.
  13. I wonder if this is how Americans feel watching the Olympics.
  14. Knox knocks out another gold in the pool (see what I did there?)!
  15. Pickrem's time would have gotten her bronze in Tokyo, and a very close 4th in Budapest this year (and maybe with tighter competition she would have pushed it harder).
  16. And with that gold, Canada has moved into 2nd place on the medal table.
  17. I'm not complaining about the gold, but it really shouldn't have been that close (6 points). Ware dominated, her dives were incredible, but it seemed like she couldn't break 7.5/8, which was the same that the 2-4 divers were getting for less good dives.
  18. Canada into the finals of every badminton final except women's singles (got a bronze instead).
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