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Posts posted by Adriano

  1. 31 minutes ago, JoshMartini007 said:

    Unfortunate that Australia rejected both C1 quotas. The Guam athlete in the women's C1 200m had a time of 1:43 at the Oceania qualifier. Most athletes will finish the race in under 50 seconds and I imagine the second slowest (barring an injury) will finish in under a minute.


    Also the men's C1 1000m quota has not been reallocated. There is currently a bit of a reallocation issue. Following the letter of the law it could go to Samoa, but the athlete had a DNS, but since he counted as one of the three eligible nations in order to make this event eligible he should technically get the quota. Of course, awarding a quota to someone who didn't even race would be seen as bad faith so the quota should go to Ukraine based on their performance at the 2023 World Championships.

  2. 25 minutes ago, ChandlerMne said:

    I agree, never said that 'right' isnt dangerous. Not at all.

    I said that radical leftist are more willing to act. History proved me right more than once. 

    Just to note, i am talking mainly about political shootings, not about political philosophy per se.


    From the polish view could be different = people from right closed to nationalistic groups. Some time just unstable people, sometimes "painters and artist". 

  3. 6 minutes ago, ChandlerMne said:

    I am not saying that 'right' doesnt have them but leftards are more willing to act.

    I dont blame people on the left, i am blaming those radical leftist who just cant stand other opinion than their own and are ready for this despicable deed.

    Yeah, i hope that Robert will survive and that this act wont happen in Europe ever again. 

    It goes always both way, radical people are ALWAYS dangerous. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, MHSN said:

    Kulynycz wasted a big chance to beat the top seed Maskevich 


    I might be wrong but it feels like this is Poland A team and that team in Baku was the B team ! :mumble: risky strategy but I think it works at least for a couple of them

    But small chance for repachage for him?

  5. 2 hours ago, MHSN said:

    it's weird that there is still nothing about East Asian Qualifier in either ITTF or ATTU website. I assume there won't be a separate tournament, they will either mix it with another tournament in the region. or just award the quotas to the best ranked athlete. 


    it's HKG or PRK for the men's quota and just PRK for the women's quota. MGL is there too but too weak to compete.

    Honkong should take this, and they could take second quota (Baldwin/Lam) because one is so sure. But still Korea could make a suprise like in mix. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Nickyc707 said:

    :GBR has selected these pairings for the synchronised events in Paris.


    Men's 3m - Anthony Harding & Jack Laugher

    Men's 10m - Tom Daley & Noah Williams 

    Women's 3m - Yasmin Harper & Scarlett Mew Jensen

    Women's 10m - Andrea Spendolini-Sireix & Lois Toulson


    The individual competitors will be selected after the British trials near the end of this month.



    Which names could be doubled?

  7. 18 minutes ago, Josh said:

    :CAN roster for Week 1


    Brie O’Reilly (formerly King)

    Courtney Baker

    Emily Maglio

    Jazmine White

    Alicia Ogoms

    Layne Van Buskirk

    Alexa Gray

    Hillary Howe

    Andrea Mitrovic

    Vicky Savard

    Kiera Van Ryk

    Shainah Joseph

    Julia Murmann

    Kacey Jost 


    No Jenn Cross. 

    Good luck!

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