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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Like
    NikolaB reacted to Jesse_Pinkman) in Serbia National Thread
    Znaci i Jokic u paketu
  2. Like
    NikolaB reacted to ChandlerMne in Serbia National Thread   
    Za 3 dana pocinje jedno od najvaznijih takmicenja ove godine. Ne mogu ni da zamislim da se ne kvalifikujemo. Hajdemo momci!
  3. Like
    NikolaB reacted to hckošice in Men's Ice Hockey Tournament at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022   
    Livestream of the Sisak Group (CRO, SRB. TUR and BUL)
    First Game -   already 3-0 after 4 minutes

  4. Like
    NikolaB got a reaction from Yannakis in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    Politic 1 - 0 Sport
  5. Haha
    NikolaB reacted to Olympian1010 in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    Right, In fact our doping test system is very good at catching athletes. Generally athletes dope on a one off basis, and our eventually caught. Our national federations do not encourage doping, nor does the government. Many of the drugs used in doping are hard to obtain in the US anyways. Our doping system could be much stronger though.
  6. Like
    NikolaB reacted to phelps in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    well, if (and it's a big if) this is the case, they must publish that list immediately (and fu*k all the privacy rules...the question goes well beyond that and it's a lot more important)...
    all the sports fans in the world have all the rights to know who's a cheater and who's not...
    p.s. and imho, 2 or more positive tests within a team = no team sport in Tokyo...
    at the same time, stop this OAR/ANA or whatever they want to name it farce!!! if there are some clean athletes who have been capable of qualifying, they should compete under the Russian Flag (and be able to listen and sing their National Anthem in case they win a gold medal)...
    IOC should have all the interest to show that nobody is discriminated and all the clean athletes are more than welcome to the OGs, also the clean Russians...
  7. Haha
    NikolaB reacted to hckošice in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    well, not impossible, because you probably must be stoned to do things like that in front of millions of viewers

  8. Haha
    NikolaB reacted to Monzanator in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    You should be a little sad. You wanted Russia banned for 30 years IIRC so 4 years is kinda soft   Plus it's Russia who gets banned but not actually Russians
  9. Haha
    NikolaB got a reaction from heywoodu in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    Yeah of course. Every word said from Russian side is propaganda and every idea come from US and their puppies is the best possible and only valid options. Putin who invaded Ukraine is dictator and Doctor Evil, Obama who bombed Libya and Siriya is Nobel Peace Laureate. That is how modern democratic world live today.
    How is possible that USADA knows nothing about about their own athletes doped for years, like Marion Jones, L. Armstrong , Tyson Gay. How is possible that one man can swim 10 races in one day and won on 9. Is M. Phellps human or machine? Kenyan athleets run like they eat gasoline.... Qatar buy athleets and medals on daily level... Ian Thorp, Australian wonderman decide to finish his careere after speculations about doping. Than fairytales about Dr Salazar, Chinese super super humans...
    Yeah, Russia is the only problem. Bad Russia, bad bad 
  10. Like
    NikolaB got a reaction from crolympics in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    Yeah of course. Every word said from Russian side is propaganda and every idea come from US and their puppies is the best possible and only valid options. Putin who invaded Ukraine is dictator and Doctor Evil, Obama who bombed Libya and Siriya is Nobel Peace Laureate. That is how modern democratic world live today.
    How is possible that USADA knows nothing about about their own athletes doped for years, like Marion Jones, L. Armstrong , Tyson Gay. How is possible that one man can swim 10 races in one day and won on 9. Is M. Phellps human or machine? Kenyan athleets run like they eat gasoline.... Qatar buy athleets and medals on daily level... Ian Thorp, Australian wonderman decide to finish his careere after speculations about doping. Than fairytales about Dr Salazar, Chinese super super humans...
    Yeah, Russia is the only problem. Bad Russia, bad bad 
  11. Like
    NikolaB got a reaction from Monzanator in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    Politic 1 - 0 Sport
  12. Like
    NikolaB reacted to phelps in Doping Cases and Bans 2019 Thread   
    from any point of view people might look at it, today is just another very sad day for Sports...
    we have one of the hardest sentence ever taken against a whole Country, theoretically and morally producing enormous damages but in practice being another farce, not really sweeping Russian sport movement and authorities away...
    moreover, we have a political trial producing a political result against only 1 of those "big cheaters" clearly caught cheating, but the other guilty parts are still there (Salazar? NOP? they are not competing...athletes are..and people like all those who dominated middle distance running in the last few years are still there and still are the only medal candidates for the Tokyo Games...and of course this is only one of those major scandals that should have had a different exposure and countermeasures)...
    so, we can't even think for a while: "justice is done", because that's not true at all...
    really, just a very sad day bringing on injustice rather than justice...
  13. Haha
    NikolaB got a reaction from Майкл in Serbia National Thread   
    Генијалци из Пливачког савеза су, у вези са предстојећим европским првенством у малим базенима у Глазгову, прво објавили квалификационе норме као главни услов за учешће на том првенству, а онда су кориговали сами себе са новим правилима. Максималан број учесника је заокружен на 5, а без обзира на резултате у малим базенима предност имају пливачи са А олимпијском нормом, док ће преостала места одредити селектор на основу своје интуиције. 
    И док све нормалне пливачке земље користе првенства у малим базенима за своје младе и перспективне пливаче да стичу искуство, наши измишљају топлу воду и дискредитују сами себе. У свим земљама је резултат главно мерило за учешће на неком такмичењу, само је код нас то неко сасвим десети. И после се чудимо што таленти попут Саба одлазе да наступају за друге земље. 
  14. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to ChandlerMne in Serbia National Thread   
    Ekatarina Avakumova.
    Nema nista novo za nju. I dalje je u Srbiji, trenira. Vjerujem da je to signal da ce nas zaista predstavljati.
  15. Like
    NikolaB got a reaction from nenad in Serbia National Thread   
    Košarkaški savez dokazuje da je ipak ozbiljna sportska institucija. Kad se samo setim onih mulaca iz FSS i RSS sloši mi se
  16. Haha
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2019   
    I heard another finalist is Christian. Wow.
    I guess?
  17. Haha
    NikolaB reacted to heywoodu in Athletics IAAF World Championships 2019   
    And world record that will not be broken for a long, long, long time.
  18. Like
    NikolaB got a reaction from Майкл in Serbia National Thread   
    И то су баш баш побољшали програм. Јест да су им коментатори углавном ретарди али нема везе 
  19. Haha
    NikolaB reacted to VolleyRuller96 in Men's Volleyball CEV European Championship 2019   
    When the team name was abbreviated to SVN, played very well and won the first set. When it was changed to SLO starting with the second one, Serbia dominated the game and easily won.
  20. Haha
    NikolaB got a reaction from Майкл in Serbia National Thread   
    Ja nemam Sport klub, izgleda da ta dva kanala nikako ne mogu zajedno  
  21. Like
    NikolaB got a reaction from mihamiha in Men's Volleyball CEV European Championship 2019   
    What a year for our national volleyball teams, double title and Olympic quota for girls. I really hope guys can qualify for Tokyo too, they deserve it.
    Congrats to Slovenia who made miracle here, čestitke fantje 
  22. Haha
    NikolaB got a reaction from Jesse_Pinkman) in Men's Volleyball CEV European Championship 2019   
  23. Like
    NikolaB got a reaction from bestmen in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    I really hope you will change you mind and sent C'est la vie by Cheb Khaled, that song was huge hit here. It's my fave song on Arabic ever. Or Aicha, another great song  

  24. Like
    NikolaB got a reaction from Henry_Leon in Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2019   
    I really hope you will change you mind and sent C'est la vie by Cheb Khaled, that song was huge hit here. It's my fave song on Arabic ever. Or Aicha, another great song  

  25. Thanks
    NikolaB reacted to vlad in Men's Football UEFA European Champions League 2019 - 2020   
    Yeaaaahhh...big big congrats to Zvezda
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