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Posts posted by Styrka

  1. à l’instant, OlympicsFan a dit :

    Mayer is probably the biggest favorite here, so he should be safe. I wonder what happened with Diniz, did he shit himself again? I thought that he would win gold, but he had a stinker once again and i am not sure whether he will be able to handle the conditions better in Tokyo next year, especially given his age.


    All week, Diniz was groaning against the conditions. I think he didn't even want to compete here in Doha. He's one of the commentator for the television now. :facepalm: I'm really afraid for next year too.

  2. à l’instant, heywoodu a dit :

    Too bad it's barely shown, so I pretty much know every jump already before seeing it, which takes all the excitement out of it :( 


    Ow no ! :cry:

    For once, we have a good coverage of High Jump here with French TV. Usually, we're seeing absolutely nothing (but this time we have litteraly no coverage for Discus Throw :crazy: ).

  3. Pole Vault and Triple Jump were so goooood to watch ! :thumbup: And so happy with the Bronze for Marie-Josée Ta Lou ! I don't really know why, but I love this woman. :')

    It's such a shame that the stadium is so empty... :cry:


    I wonder if France will get a finalist in a track event.. :mumble:Probably not.

  4. Le 23/09/2019 à 10:01, phelps a dit :


    however, I fear that most of all, it's France who are going to benefit from this switch (and I'm pretty sure it was their proposal to make that change happen)...:facepalm:


    We are able to rig the calendar to benefit us, but... incapable to put Karate in Paris 2024 apparently. :cry::facepalm:

  5. il y a 25 minutes, Vojthas a dit :

    Tomorrow together in the mixed relay. She was the first one to go to Valentin after he crossed the finish line (well, at least to the fence of the tribune). Are they married already? Did I miss it?


    Urgh, after re-checking, the are absolutely not married (or not yet). :finger: A fantasy of mine maybe. :crazy:


    (nice picture, hope you are enjoying the competition ! )

  6. His official "return" will take place in october, at the Brasilia Grand Slam.

    He has participated in a tournament in July, but he felt like he wasn't "100% in shape" for the World Championships !

  7. Il y a 3 heures, OlympicsFan a dit :

    Absolutely insane results for France and Portugal so far. I feel like every year France has one freak world championships where they get results that they can never achieve again. I think a couple of years ago they won like half of the gold medals at the fencing world cjampionships ...


    Well, Judo has always been a really strong sport for us. If I believe Sir Wikipedia, we are the second country that won the most medals at the world championships since their beginning, behind Japan.  It's very popular in the country, being the fourth sport in terms of number of licensees.


    Buut three gold medals are a big surprise. Clarisse Agbegnenou was expected, but much less Gahié and Malonga, who are also still young. It's great for them and their chance to qualify in Tokyo 2020, because their categories are the most competitive in France (Pinot getting a Bronze medal in 70 kg for example).

    Then, these three girls were very impressive in these championships, which is very positive. Agbegnenou vs. Tashiro was a terrifying fight, I loved it ! And I think Gahié won all hers fights with ground actions, which is "bizarre" for French Judo.


    We had three other 5th place for the three other women's categories, a fantastic job for ours girls ! :d:thumbup:

    On the men's side... Yeah, nothing spectacular. Only one qualified for quarter finals, Clerget, who then won a Bronze Medal (and it's great for him ! ). I really don't know why the men side is now so lackluster.

    The shameful thing is that we don't have any fighter for the +100, the Federation giving absolutely no chance for youngers fighters to test themselves because they are preparing the return of Teddy Riner... :rolleyes::rolleyes:

  8. Le 28/08/2019 à 12:37, Gianlu33 a dit :

    I worked in Val d'Europe and i stay for a month in Èmerenville. Paris is really a nice city :) Where you will go? :p


    Il y a 20 heures, hckosice a dit :


    ah ok, cool. I passed by Paris and stayed there for a few days.  it's a really big city. too too big for my taste :d


    Oh great ! I only know Disneyland in Val d'Europe. :p I am going to live a little above Paris, but I'm going to work in Paris itself.

    I'm clearly not familair with the city, but I think Paris is a great city to visit because you have so much to do, but to live... Outrageous rent, pollution, noise, many constructions for Paris 2024, and the reputation of inhabitants that is very bad... :')



    Il y a 22 heures, Kaileena a dit :


    This can be a lot easier for Tavernier. Good conditions are half the battle. On the other hand, there are different fences, the favorite may have a slip-up, stumble or make a technical mistake. You dream of a medal on hurdles, and some of us dream of a medal for 400 meters women. If the Święty who looks very good goes down to 50 seconds is not impossible. She can even run faster. At ME she improved her PB by 0.7 seconds. If she did it again, she is already running for the Olympic medal. Iga Baugmart also announces that she can run around 50 seconds.


    For them it is the only sensible decision, because in fours they still have no chance for a medal. However, teams from Hungary, Belarus, Poland, New Zealand (if Lisa sail) look stronger. Maybe the French should try in the sprint?


    So let's hope together you could snatch a medal in W 400m, and for us, in M 400m Hurdles ! :cool::p


    Yeah, Guyot in particular, was successful in the sprint in recent years (well, at least she had podiums on World Cups and medals in European Championships), and behind Carrington, there may be more room to get a spot on the podium.

    I... don't really know why the Federation wants to bet on the K2. I can understand that they wanted to work K2 and K4 this year, for quotas. For 2020... Maybe simply the wish of Guyot and Hostens. :facepalm:

  9. Il y a 14 heures, hckosice a dit :


    haha nice, well. who else will do it if not me :p


    Merci beaucoup, btw if I can ask, from which city you are ? I spend some time in Nimes, I worked there and learned a little of your beautiful language. Was an amazing experience, I really wish I would return there in the near future.


    I'm at the complet opposite of Nimes, but I will be near Paris soon. :p:(

    I'm glad that you enjoyed your stay in France !


    il y a 12 minutes, Kaileena a dit :


    Tavernier is similar to our Fedorov. She is a good competitor, but I don't think she is throwing over 76 meters. Włodarczyk + Americans + Chinese women are a strong group. In addition, a Frenchwoman and our two Polish women. However, there are three strong favorites on the hurdles, namely Warholm, Benjamin and Samba. They are quick by a second, and that's a lot.



    Bart is a big surprise at the World Championships, just like Kaczor. However, they defeated Brendel and Fuksa. Germany can be very strong next year. I don't see any chance for French women in W2 500 m. 


    Yeah, the field in Hammer's Throw (women and men) is insanely strong ! The thing with Tavernier is she is constant in her results, and we could expect a big throw in the future. Also, since this year, she and her coach did built a throwing area (I don't really know the word in english :P) near her home, which allows her to practice every day. Before that, last year, she was traveling 200km per day to go training because her throwing area was closing... Being an international level thrower in France is, sadly, almost impossible.

    For the hurdles, you're right, Warholm/Benjamin/Samba will certainly be unbeatable if they are in good shape, but a man can always dream ! :cool:


    I read that Hostens/Guyot will focus on the W2 500m in perspective of the Olympics (which mean maybe giving up the individual), so once again, it gives me some hope !


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