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Everything posted by nenad

  1. It's a little bit of both. Puerto Rico is pretty bad even for this World Cup, and South Sudan has some interesting players. China is very very bad. I understand why but still it's difficult to understand how that big of a country where basketball is actualy pretty popular can't have better NT.
  2. One of two. Australia qualifies. I do think however that we'll be better than at least 2 more boats in the final.
  3. Nismo još uzeli kvotu u muškom četvercu. Moramo da budemo ispred jedne evropske posade u finalu.
  4. Woooow, verovao sam u momke, a bogami devojke iznenadile. Jel može i dvojac do kvote ako je izbore, a mislim da hoće?
  5. U muškom nije bilo toliko bitno ko je prvi, u ženskom jeste jer se ide direktno u finale.. Ali, bolje biti prvi nego peti.
  6. Još jedan loš dan za strelce, najbolji plasman 31. mesto. Ostaje nada da sutra možda Teodora može da uradi nešto i to je to.
  7. Odeš na SP, skočiš 40cm manje od najboljeg rezultata sezone.
  8. Watching Greece play in these friendlies, I'm thinking Montenegro or Lithuania for QF spot from groups C and D alongside Americans I mean, if New Zealand was stronger... But it's not, they'll pass initial group.
  9. Belgium had some good years and good teams in senior basketball but without competent youth categories that's like a fluke. Now, they are losing to Netherlands.
  10. France is there, but they lost two players and besides weak Lithuania team really didn't have a big test in prep matches. They would need to go over Canada and Spain for QF spot. For now, i would take these first two teams.
  11. Canada, USA, Germany, Spain, Italy all looking good in prep matches so far.
  12. Not too many I suppose. Maybe the ususal suspects Baltic states. I would think that as Ukraine being invaded and in a state of war, Ukrainian parliament would find something smarter to work on rather than this, but who am I to judge.
  13. So, Giannis is not playing for Greece which drops them in my opinion behind Italy in this part of the bracket. We still have a chance to reach semis, we just need to take care of business against weaker teams in the group stage and beat Italy to be 1st in the new group. If USA cruises to 1st place in their new group we could play against Greece or Lithuania for SF spot. We couldn't ask for much easier draw. Second part of the bracket is much tougher. But there will be surprises for sure. Teams without superstars and without much practice, anything could happen.
  14. Marina je tamo sa njima, ona drži i treninge.
  15. Kako je Staša Gejo postala ovako loša? Bila je na korak od norme za Tokio, iako povređena kroz pola ciklusa, a sad kada ima više mesta za kvalifikovanje ona ni u najjačoj svojoj disciplini ne može da uđe u 20 na SP.
  16. Very talented team, they sacrificed u19 to win this at home. Topić in my opinion should have played for u19 team, but it's nice to win something at least. Bošnjaković who is one year younger has played terrific final as well, he's a Real Madrid player.
  17. Možda sam se potajno nadao da možemo da iznenadimo Grke ali su njihovi centri prejaki za ovo što mi imamo. U svakom slučaju dobar rezultat je i ovo. Mi, CG i Hrvati ćemo se boriti za 2 od 3 kvote verovatno. Tako da u suštini borićemo se mi i CG, mislim da su Hrvati bolji u ovom momentu.
  18. Ne znam što bi to bilo međusobno isključujuće? Ne mora za normu da pliva jednu trku a za medalju drugu.
  19. Razočaravajuće polufinale, da je plivao 48 bilo bi i finale.. Biće da je Tokio bio peak neki Barnine karijere.
  20. Anja je isplivala lični rekord, ako ništa. Kad bi isplivala još bolje u polufinalu opet ne bi videla finale ali bi bar bio neki pomak. Barna jeste isplivao normu ali za finale će mu trebati rezultat blizu ličnog rekorda, a ni to nije garancija. Plivao je 23 stota slabije od toga. Nadam se da može u polufinalu da bude oko 48.
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