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How Many Medals do You Expect from Your Nation at the Summer Olympic Games 2020? (2018 version)

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No big player will play the olympics in football anymore, Mbappe, Cutrone, Donnaruma, no one. Thinking otherwise is laughable. The clubs are more selfish than ever and fifa isn't interested in telling them anything (since they also hate the olympics).


Brazil in 2016 was an exception since they were hosting and many of their players forced their owners to let them play (Neymar most notoriously). Doubt they will care about it now that they have the gold.

Here are my predictions based off of 2017 results. Note, not all events had world championships/equivalents, biggest being women's boxing and equestrian. Weightlifting has been adjusted due to many nations missing out (though the nations missing out aren't compensated). Also nations with only one medal chance have been rounded down to 0 and I have not excluded any athletes which have retired.


:USA United States - 102

:RUS Russia - 61

:CHN China - 60

:GBR Great Britain - 46

:FRA France - 44

:JPN Japan - 43

:GER Germany - 37

:AUS Australia - 30

:ITA Italy - 29

:CAN Canada - 26

:NED Netherlands - 26

:POL Poland - 24

:KOR South Korea - 22

:HUN Hungary - 21

:ESP Spain - 21

:UKR Ukraine - 18

:BRA Brazil - 16

:NZL New Zealand - 15

:BLR Belarus - 12

:CZE Czech Republic - 12

:TUR Turkey - 12

:CUB Cuba - 11

:SUI Switzerland - 10

:DEN Denmark - 9

:IRI Iran - 9

:KEN Kenya - 9

:SRB Serbia - 9

:SWE Sweden - 9

:COL Colombia - 8

:GEO Georgia - 8

:MEX Mexico - 8

:AZE Azerbaijan - 7

:BEL Belgium - 7

:CRO Croatia - 7

:JAM Jamaica - 7

:UZB Uzbekistan - 7

:ETH Ethiopia - 6

:IND India - 6

:KAZ Kazakhstan - 6

:LTU Lithuania - 6

:MGL Mongolia - 6

:TPE Chinese Taipei - 6

:GRE Greece - 5

:NOR Norway - 5

:ROU Romania - 5

:SVK Slovakia - 5

:SLO Slovenia - 5

:RSA South Africa - 5

:THA Thailand - 5

:AUT Austria - 4

:BUL Bulgaria - 4

:POR Portugal - 4

:BRN Bahrain - 3

:DOM Dominican Republic - 3

:EGY Egypt - 3

:EST Estonia - 3

:HKG Hong Kong - 3

:ISR Israel - 3

:MAR Morocco - 3

:PRK North Korea - 3

:TTO Trinidad and Tobago - 3

:VEN Venezuela - 3

:ARG Argentina - 2

:ARM Armenia - 2

:BAH Bahamas - 2

:BOT Botswana - 2

:CHI Chile - 2

:ECU Ecuador - 2

:FIN Finland - 2

:INA Indonesia - 2

:IRL Ireland - 2

:LAT Latvia - 2

:MAS Malaysia - 2

:QAT Qatar - 2

:SGP Singapore - 2

:TUN Tunisia - 2

:VIE Vietnam - 2

:ALB Albania - 1

:CIV Cote d'Ivoire - 1

:CYP Cyprus - 1

:ERI Eritrea - 1

:FIJ Fiji - 1

:GUA Guatemala - 1

:KGZ Kyrgyzstan - 1

:MDA Moldova - 1

:MNE Montenegro - 1

:NGR Nigeria - 1

:PUR Puerto Rico - 1

:TJK Tajikistan - 1

:TKM Turkmenistan - 1

:ZAM Zambia - 1


  On 3/7/2018 at 7:59 PM, OlympicsFan said:

Yeah, i thought it was in your interest to postpone it, because there are no results that support your opinion for now, but if she does well at the next worlds, i am willing to change my opinion. For now there is nothing that supports the idea that Gros is a medal favorite or maybe even a lock for a medal at the next olympics.


My view is that Gros was the best cyclist we've seen at junior level for 10 years and that she will dominate sprinting in the future - but that 2020 might be 1-2 years too soon for her. She'll have the speed but not the tactical knowledge to win in Tokyo.


By the way James has retired.

  On 3/7/2018 at 7:45 PM, phelps said:


France beat Italy in 2016 sub-19 Euro-final

Italy beat France in 2017 sub-20 world cup eightfinals

imho, France have a lot of talent, but they are not as good as they could be as a team...more in general, I also think they are overestimated as individuals...for example, Mbappè is physically stronger than Cutrone, but as an all-round forward (and even as a pure striker) the young Italian is way better (and Mbappè is estimated over 100 million €, meanwhile Cutrone isn't even always a starter for AC Milan...mysteries of football)...

moreover, they usually mess things up in qualifiers and the sub-21 final tournament is here in Italy...there are many things that should go against the French...

I totally agree about England...

and for what concerns Brazil...they finally got what they wanted, the Olympic Gold (and they got it at home) last time, I'm not even sure they will qualify (they were not at the sub-20 world cup last year)...things in South America can be very complicated for them when they don't play at home (and there are only 2 spots available)...


however, as I wrote, Italy should start with ambitions, not that this means we're going to get anything (even if I'm sure that this time we have enough quality to get some success)...


Great Britain have already said they won't compete in the men's tournament but will compete in the women's tournament if they qualify.

  On 3/7/2018 at 10:19 PM, Dragon said:

My view is that Gros was the best cyclist we've seen at junior level for 10 years and that she will dominate sprinting in the future - but that 2020 might be 1-2 years too soon for her. She'll have the speed but not the tactical knowledge to win in Tokyo.


By the way James has retired.


That's nice, but i am still waiting for someone to deliver some facts, apparently this isn't possible, so for me this discussion is over for now. 

If this some kind of revenge for me embarrassing you in the "2018 track cycling world championships" thread, than i can only apologize, i didn't think that this would be so though for you.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


  On 3/7/2018 at 9:40 PM, JoshMartini007 said:

Here are my predictions based off of 2017 results. Note, not all events had world championships/equivalents, biggest being women's boxing and equestrian. Weightlifting has been adjusted due to many nations missing out (though the nations missing out aren't compensated). Also nations with only one medal chance have been rounded down to 0 and I have not excluded any athletes which have retired.


:USA United States - 102

:RUS Russia - 61

:CHN China - 60

:GBR Great Britain - 46

:FRA France - 44

:JPN Japan - 43

:GER Germany - 37

:AUS Australia - 30

:ITA Italy - 29

:CAN Canada - 26

:NED Netherlands - 26

:POL Poland - 24

:KOR South Korea - 22

:HUN Hungary - 21

:ESP Spain - 21

:UKR Ukraine - 18

:BRA Brazil - 16

:NZL New Zealand - 15

:BLR Belarus - 12

:CZE Czech Republic - 12

:TUR Turkey - 12

:CUB Cuba - 11

:SUI Switzerland - 10

:DEN Denmark - 9

:IRI Iran - 9

:KEN Kenya - 9

:SRB Serbia - 9

:SWE Sweden - 9

:COL Colombia - 8

:GEO Georgia - 8

:MEX Mexico - 8

:AZE Azerbaijan - 7

:BEL Belgium - 7

:CRO Croatia - 7

:JAM Jamaica - 7

:UZB Uzbekistan - 7

:ETH Ethiopia - 6

:IND India - 6

:KAZ Kazakhstan - 6

:LTU Lithuania - 6

:MGL Mongolia - 6

:TPE Chinese Taipei - 6

:GRE Greece - 5

:NOR Norway - 5

:ROU Romania - 5

:SVK Slovakia - 5

:SLO Slovenia - 5

:RSA South Africa - 5

:THA Thailand - 5

:AUT Austria - 4

:BUL Bulgaria - 4

:POR Portugal - 4

:BRN Bahrain - 3

:DOM Dominican Republic - 3

:EGY Egypt - 3

:EST Estonia - 3

:HKG Hong Kong - 3

:ISR Israel - 3

:MAR Morocco - 3

:PRK North Korea - 3

:TTO Trinidad and Tobago - 3

:VEN Venezuela - 3

:ARG Argentina - 2

:ARM Armenia - 2

:BAH Bahamas - 2

:BOT Botswana - 2

:CHI Chile - 2

:ECU Ecuador - 2

:FIN Finland - 2

:INA Indonesia - 2

:IRL Ireland - 2

:LAT Latvia - 2

:MAS Malaysia - 2

:QAT Qatar - 2

:SGP Singapore - 2

:TUN Tunisia - 2

:VIE Vietnam - 2

:ALB Albania - 1

:CIV Cote d'Ivoire - 1

:CYP Cyprus - 1

:ERI Eritrea - 1

:FIJ Fiji - 1

:GUA Guatemala - 1

:KGZ Kyrgyzstan - 1

:MDA Moldova - 1

:MNE Montenegro - 1

:NGR Nigeria - 1

:PUR Puerto Rico - 1

:TJK Tajikistan - 1

:TKM Turkmenistan - 1

:ZAM Zambia - 1



2 questions:

1) What happens with the remaining medals?

2) Why does the US lose about 10 medals, while Canada more than doubles it's medal count from 12 to 26?

37 medals would be disappointing for Germany. Germany currently has 33 medals and football, hockey, equestrian and shooting aren't included till now, so it would be disappointing if Germany would only gain 4 medals in those sports, i think it's more likely that Germany will win 10-12 medals in those events.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


Hmmm :mumble: The possibilities are:


Athletics: 1

Shooting: 1-3

Canoe sprint: 1-3

Volleyball: 1

Basketball: 1

Water polo: 1

Judo: 1

Wrestling: 1

Sport climbing: 1

Karate: 1

Taekwondo: 1-2

3x3: 1


  On 3/7/2018 at 8:50 PM, LDOG said:

No big player will play the olympics in football anymore, Mbappe, Cutrone, Donnaruma, no one. Thinking otherwise is laughable. The clubs are more selfish than ever and fifa isn't interested in telling them anything (since they also hate the olympics).


Brazil in 2016 was an exception since they were hosting and many of their players forced their owners to let them play (Neymar most notoriously). Doubt they will care about it now that they have the gold.


It's not that simple. If we do not qualify, well no one would care. But if we qualify, something less than a medal would be much criticized, Brazilians do not usually accept bad results in football. Of course it will not be at the level of Rio 2016, but it should be decently enough to fight for the title.

  On 3/8/2018 at 12:51 AM, hoversaBR said:

It's not that simple. If we do not qualify, well no one would care. But if we qualify, something less than a medal would be much criticized, Brazilians do not usually accept bad results in football. Of course it will not be at the level of Rio 2016, but it should be decently enough to fight for the title.



It's not a matter of the fans, they will always care. I'm talking about the clubs and federations.  It's just an example, but how will CBF be able to convince City to release Jesus this time? impossible, and I don't think the players themselves will make an scandal to play this tournament either. Rio was special because it was at home, but now?

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