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National & International Sports Awards

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Because of current lockdown in the country, this year the Athlete of the Year award could not be presented in traditional evening TV Gala show, but just the results were revealed at the office of our NOC this morning.


and surprise, surprise, surprise...

Petra Vlhová won for the 3rd time in a row, this time even beating our only Tokyo 2020 Olympics Gold medalist :p


so here the results:


Slovak Athlete of the Year 2021

1. Petra Vlhová (Alpine Skiing)           1157 points    (80x 1st places votes -  36x 2nd places votes -  1x 3rd place vote)  121x voted

2. Zuzana Rehák Štefečeková (Shooting - Trap)        1109  (39 - 72 - 4)   121x

3. Jakub Grigar (Canoeing Slalom)                     771  (1 - 4 -   62)   107x

4. Rory Sabbatini (Golf)                                650  (0 -  0 - 10)   107x

5. Erik "Drago" Černák (Ice Hockey)                      557   (0 -  1 - 20)   96x

6. Filip Polášek (Tennis)                                  482   (0 - 0 -  6)    108x

7.  Milan Škriniar (Football)                        402   (1 - 5 - 5)   90x

8. Peter Sagan (Road Cycling)                             370   (0 - 2 - 6)    89x

9. Jozef Metelka (Paralympic Cycling)                  161   (0 - 0 -  3)  45x

10. Peter Cehlárik (Ice Hockey)                 129   (0- 0- 0)   44x

43 different Athletes received at least one vote


Slovak Team of the Year 2021

1. Canoeing Sprint M K4-500m (Canoeing Sprint) 340  (108 -  6 -  4)   118x

2. M Ice Hockey National Team (Ice Hockey)        115  (6 -  43 - 11)  60x

3. M Canoeing Slalom C1 Team (Canoeing Slalom)        72   (1 - 26 - 17)  44x

18 different Teams received at least one vote


Other Awards:


Slovak Legend (Slovak Sport Hall of Fame)

Miloš Mečíř (Tennis)  


Paralympian of The Year

Jozef Metelka (Road Cycling, Track Cycling)  


Sports Talent of The Year

Martin Svrček (Road Cycling)  


Non-Olympic Athlete of The Year

Vladimír Holota (Bodybuilding)  

Monika Chochlíková (Kickboxing)

Samuel Saxa (Water Ski)  


Non-Olympic Performance of The Year

Alexander Vaško (Water Ski)  for being the first person ever to jump over 70m which happened this year at the World Champs

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Meanwhile in Indonesia, the Indonesian Sport Awards status is unknown :lol: But we have Indonesian Sport Journalist Awards this year.


Best Male Athlete: Eko Yuli Irawan (Weightlifting)


Best Female Athlete: Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu (Badminton)


Best Coach: Eng Hian (Badminton)


Best Team: Indonesia Thomas Cup team (Badminton)


Best Para-athlete: Hary Susanto/Leani Ratri Oktila (Parabadminton)




Well, we don't have that many achievements so the winners are not surprising at all

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China doesn't have any official Awards this year due to Covid and the coming WOG i guess. So the below is voted by internet fans.


Best Male Athlete: Su Bingtian (Athletics)


Best Female Athlete: Zhang Yufei (Swimming)


Best Pair/Group: Olympic Women's 4*200m freestyle swimming relay team


Best Team: Olympic Shooting team


Best Newcomer: Quan Hongchan (Diving)


Best International Female Athlete: Elaine Thompson (Athletics Jamaica)


Best International Male Athlete: Caeleb Dressel (Swimming USA)


Best International Newcomer: Lamont Marcell Jacobs (Athletics Italy)


Best International Team: Olympic Italian Athletics Team


Chinese fans are really obsessed with Athletics and Swimming.:d



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1. Lukáš Krpálek (judo) 1 720
2. Barbora Krejčíková (tennis) 1 518
3. Jiří Prskavec (canoe slalom) 1 411

4. Jiří Lipták (shooting - trap) 1 168
5. Barbora Krejčíková/Kateřina Siniaková (tennis doubles) 1 100
6. Markéta Davidová (biathlon) 930
7. Patrik Schick (football) 814
8. David Kostelecký (shooting - trap) 813
9. Jakub Vadlejch (athletics - javelin) 671
10. Ester Ledecká (alpine skiing/snowboarding) 660
1. M Basketball NT 497
2. M Football NT 348
3. W Ice Hockey NT 335


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The Dutch awards were yesterday, for both 2020 and 2021 (two-in-one). Jetze Plat was voted Paralympic athlete of the year, the track cycling sprinters were Team of the year and the female and male prizes, rather unsurprisingly, went to Sifan Hassan and Max Verstappen. Excellent choices all over the place :d 


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:LTU Lithuanian sports awards:


  • Male athlete of the Year: Mindaugas Griškonis (Rowing)
  • Female athlete of the Year: Laura Asadauskaitė-Zadnieprovskienė (Modern Pentathlon)
  • Team of the Year: Women's Rowing 2x Sculls Team (Donata Karalienė ir Milda Valčiukaitė)
  • Coach of the Year: Andrejus Zadneprovskis (Modern Pentathlon)
  • Breakthrough of the Year: National Men's Rugby 7ens Team
  • Para-sport Team of the Year: National Men's Goalball Team 
  • Para-sport Coach of the Year: Ramūnas Leonas (Swimming)
  • Para-sport Breakthrough of the Year: Osvaldas Bareikis (Judo)
  • Para-sport Female athlete of the Year: Oksana Dobravolskaja (Athletics)
  • Para-sport Male athlete of the Year: Edgaras Matakas (Swimming)


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:GRE PSAT Awards (from Greek journalists) :


Male athlete of the year: Giannis Antetokounmpo (basketball)


Female athlete of the year: Maria Sakkari (tennis)


Team of the year: Men's national team (water polo)


Coach of the year: Thodoris Vlachos (water polo)


Disabled male athlete of the year: Athanasios Ghavelas with guide Sotirios Gkaragkanis (athletics)


Disabled female athlete of the year: Alexandra Stamatopoulou (swimming)


Disabled team of the year: Mixed pairs BC3 (boccia)



It's kind of funny that the male athlete of the year in an Olympic year was someone who didn't even go to the Olympics, but he was NBA Finals MVP so of course he had to win it because the whole world knows him. I personally think Miltiadis Tentoglou (long jump) deserved it the most. He had WL for indoor and outdoor, Olympic gold and European indoor gold. Really he was the best in the world in his sport and it still wasn't enough. Stefanos Ntouskos (rowing) also won Olympic gold. It was between Antetokounmpo, Tentoglou, and Ntouskos in the top 3. Crazy that Tsitsipas wasn't one of the three nominees (he was 5th in the preliminary vote), most other years he might have won but this was a really strong year for our men. Kostas Tsimikas (footballer for Liverpool) was 7th.


I think Sakkari deserved it this year for the women (unlike last year when she won it which I didn't think she deserved), it was the first Olympics since 1988 that we didn't have any women win medals. Sakkari made the quarterfinals in mixed doubles and round of 16 in singles, losing close three set matches in both to eventual medal winners. She had nine wins over top 10 ranked opponents this year, made two Grand Slam semifinals and moved up from 22 to 6 in the rankings. The other two nominees were Ekaterini Stefanidi (pole vault) who got 4th at the Olympics, and Anna Ntountounaki (swimming) who won gold at the European Championships, two medals at the European Short Course Championships, 9th and 11th at the Olympics in her two events (one being a relay) and set many national records this year. Anna Korakaki (shooting) was 4th in the voting and did not make it to the final round, she got 6th place in both of her Olympic events this year.


Side note: I'm disappointed that our rower Evangelia Fragkou was 39th out of the 39 female nominees. She competed in 4 events this year and won medals at all of them, including two gold (though they were both at European events, her other two medals were at World events). I'm not saying she should've been top 3 or even top 10, but she didn't deserve last place especially when other female rowers who didn't win as much as her were placed much higher.

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22 hours ago, Makedonas said:

It's kind of funny that the male athlete of the year in an Olympic year was someone who didn't even go to the Olympics, but he was NBA Finals MVP so of course he had to win it because the whole world knows him. I personally think Miltiadis Tentoglou (long jump) deserved it the most. He had WL for indoor and outdoor, Olympic gold and European indoor gold. Really he was the best in the world in his sport and it still wasn't enough. Stefanos Ntouskos (rowing) also won Olympic gold. It was between Antetokounmpo, Tentoglou, and Ntouskos in the top 3. Crazy that Tsitsipas wasn't one of the three nominees (he was 5th in the preliminary vote), most other years he might have won but this was a really strong year for our men. Kostas Tsimikas (footballer for Liverpool) was 7th.


Stefanidi thinks Tentoglou deserved to win and she is not staying quiet about it. She has a good point. She always speaks her mind even though I often disagree with her, I respect that she isn't afraid to give her opinions (on various issues including outside of sport too).

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513 Moldova Flag Stock Videos and Royalty-Free Footage - iStock


The best athletes of the year 2021

Sportswoman of the year:

Moldoveanca Irina Rîngaci a câştigat medalia de aur la Campionatul Mondial  de lupte rezervat juniorilor | PUBLIKA .MD - AICI SUNT ȘTIRILE

RÎNGACI Irina - women's wrestling


Serghei Tarnovschi s-a calificat la Jocurile Olimpice! | Olympic Moldova

Athlete of the Year: TARNOVSCHI Serghei - kayak-canoe




The best coach of the year 2021

CHIPERI Petru - women's wrestling

JURAVSCHI Nicolae - kayak-canoe



The top ten athletes of the year


CIOBANU Victor - Greco-Roman wrestling


Lupte libere – ȘSRO

LEORDA Iulia - women's wrestling


MOLDOVA TEAM: Marin ROBU, haltere | Tokyo2020 | Olympic Moldova

ROBU Marin - weightlifting


Oleg Tarnovschi a cucerit bronzul la Mondialul din Ungaria | Olympic Moldova

TARNOVSCHI Oleg - kayak-canoe


MOLDOVA TEAM: Elena CÎLCIC, haltere | Tokyo2020 | Olympic Moldova

CÎLCIC Elena - Weightlifting


Sportivele noastre, Daniela Cociu și Maria Olărașu, s-au calificat la  Jocurile Olimpice de la Tokyo (Video) -

OLARAȘU Maria and COCIU Daniela - kayak-canoe


Luptătorul moldovean de stil liber, Maxim Saculțan, a cucerit medalia de  bronz la Campionatul European de seniori de la Varșovia | PUBLIKA .MD -  AICI SUNT ȘTIRILE

SACULȚAN Maxim - free wrestling


Moldoveanca Anastasia Nichita, campioană mondială la lupte — Cotidianul

NICHITA Anastasia - women's wrestling


Denis VIERU /

VIERU Denis - judo


Andrian Mardare a ocupat locul 3 la Diamond League de la Paris la proba de  aruncare a suliței - #diez

MARDARE Andrian - athletics



The federations of the year 2021

Wrestling Federation

Kayaking Federation

Weightlifting Federation



The revelations of 2021

CHIHAIA Mihai - kayak-canoe

SOLOVEI Alexandru - Greco-Roman wrestling

COJOCARI Maria - fencing

HÎNCU Teodora-Luminița - weightlifting

SALCUȚAN Tatiana - swimming

LEFTER Radu - wrestling

GRAHMEZ Nicolai - wrestling

URSU Vladislav - table tennis

ERHAN Gheorghe - wrestling

IZVOREANU Radu - judo



Ne-olympics of 2021

PROCOPCIUC Daniel - armwrestling

SPÎNU ANASTASIA - Shotokan karate

GOFFREDO Gabriel and MATUS Anna - sport dance

VORONIN Pavel - oriental kickboxing

CEBAN Dumitru - grappling



Paralympics of 2021

BASOC Ion - para-judo

BUTUCEA Vladimir - para-athletics

MARINENKOVA Larisa - para-owerlifting

RAIUL Denis - para-powerlifting

SPATARU Oxana - para-athletics

CREȚUL Oleg - para-judo

CREȚU Evelina-Cristina - para-athletics

CERNEI Ion - para-armwrestling

BUCHILI Iaroslav, para-armwrestling

NACU Anton, para-armwrestling



Sports Journalists of the Year 2021

SANDU Mihai - Moldova1

LUNGU Gheorghe - TVR Moldova

CAFTANAT Vadim - sports photographer

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