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  On 4/18/2016 at 3:32 PM, hukbrazil said:


I suppose you speak Portuguese, then indicate this link. It is a picture sequence with texts that explain the situation.


About Rio 2016 and this crisis: link.


Personal opinion: it is very much a war for power than something that emanates from the people. Overall, the Brazilian citizen is very poorly politicized. It is very easy to use it with mass anti-government maneuver.


Another issue is that our House of Deputies (I dont know if it's the right term in english) is a joke. Yesterday we had fascists and religious discourses and politicians using their time to send kiss to the family during the impeachment vote.


 Wow, thank you for that link, very well explained! (Btw, didn't know there was an ElPais from Brazil :d)


I kind of had that "joke" opinion like you do, because yesterday the House of Deputies voting was broadcasted live on our news' channels, and I saw a bit of it, and it felt really weird both that kind of speachs and the cards that the very politicians brought to the voting saying "TCHAU QUERIDA".


But once again, that's what the media broadcasts, so that's why is allways good to have an opinion from the inside :)

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Today was election in Serbia. Election for republican parliament, provincial parliament (AP Vojvodina) and municipal elections. SNS won again with about 50% votes. At least 3 more will be in parliament (SPS,SRS,DS for sure) and maybe 1-2 more (ex president Tadic with his party is one of them).

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It's the time to follow the italian election results. I hope that the left will win in all big city. This election will be critical for Rome 2024 bid: if the right party (Marchini or Meloni :sick:) or the populist party (Movimento 5 stelle whit Raggi) will win we can say goodbay to our dream. 

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  On 6/5/2016 at 8:18 PM, Gianlu33 said:

It's the time to follow the italian election results. I hope that the left will win in all big city. This election will be critical for Rome 2024 bid: if the right party (Marchini or Meloni :sick:) or the populist party (Movimento 5 stelle whit Raggi) will win we can say goodbay to our dream. 


do you considerer yourself socialist or socialdemocrat?

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  On 6/5/2016 at 8:43 PM, Gianlu33 said:

I'm a moderate communist :p 


well in politics we wont have much in common, im liberal :p, i acept your "right" is particularly bad, Berlusconi is a good example of that.

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  On 6/5/2016 at 8:53 PM, konig said:

well in politics we wont have much in common, im liberal :p, i acept your "right" is particularly bad, Berlusconi is a good example of that.


Wait a moment :p For some reason i am liberal too. I have a very compless political thought. I am agaist all racist form (religion, sex orientament, race or other). In Italy actually I haven't a candidate with my own ideas.. 

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