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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2020

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1 minute ago, dcro said:

Slovaks are doing everything they can!

you mean thanks our 2 points or so from the last half day ? :lol:

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Yes, it's curious how India that has not received a lot of support with more "energetic" entries, now seems to peak with Christian Rock.


Still, great result for them :thumbup:

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3 minutes ago, OlympicIRL said:

Where's that Greta button.....

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5 minutes ago, Vektor said:

btw, you shouldn't use my votes to predict the winner, this is the second time in a row that I didn't even have the winner among my reserves. Well, this time I didn't even have the runner-up there (if Canada will be the runner-up). On my debut I gave two points to Netherlands when they won, I guess they got lucky. :d

It's safe to say that Hungary flipped after this. :evil:


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Malta hits back fiercely in the battle for bronze, although both the little island nation and Ireland might even still be in the hunt for silver! France and India battle it out for 5th, whereas Lithuania cheers for a first 100+ point result in more than three years :cheer:




Juries voted so far: 32 / 35

Next jury: :GRE Greece

TOISC - NETHERLANDS 2020 :CHN China 18 62 
:SRB Serbia 1 207  :DEN Denmark 19 56 
:CAN Canada 2 146  :POR Portugal 19 56 
:MLT Malta 3 131  :INA Indonesia 21 54 
:IRL Ireland 4 130  :USA United States 22 53 
:FRA France 5 117  :ITA Italy 23 52 
:IND India 6 115  :POL Poland 24 48 
:LTU Lithuania 7 103  :CRO Croatia 25 44 
:GER Germany 8 96  :SLO Slovenia 26 41 
:KAZ Kazakhstan 8 96  :ESP Spain 26 41 

New Zealand

10 85  :ISR Israel 28 39 
:BRA Brazil 11 78  :TUN Tunisia 28 39 
:ROU Romania 12 76  :SVK Slovakia 30 36 
:GBR Great Britain 13 75  :EGY Egypt 31 35 
:ARG Argentina 14 74  :GRE Greece 31 35 
:MDA Moldova 14 74  :MEX Mexico 33 24 
:NED Netherlands 16 72  :HUN Hungary 34 23 
:CZE Czech Republic 17 69  :BUL Bulgaria 35 14 

With only three juries to go, we hand it over to @Janakis, who can tell us the outcome of the Greek :GRE jury's voting process.


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2 minutes ago, mrv86 said:

Yes, it's curious how India that has not received a lot of support with more "energetic" entries, now seems to peak with Christian Rock.


Still, great result for them :thumbup:

For me personally it's not about energy, but the vocal style. I'm not a huge fan of the overuse of vibrato voice that's pretty popular in Eastern music. This is why this entry was already levels above compared to many previous entries from India. 


Still, pretty tough contest this year, ended up in 14th.

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Hello fellow Totallympians, this is Greece calling!


Here are the votes of the Greek National Jury:




Portugal 10
:USA United States 9
:SRB Serbia 8
:CAN Canada 7
:NED Netherlands 6
:ROU Romania 5
:BRA Brazil 4
:EGY Egypt 3
:IRL Ireland 2
:CHN China 1
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