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[OFF TOPIC] Coronavirus Pandemic


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7 hours ago, Olympian1010 said:

Someone’s lying about their numbers (and mass graves to cover it up)...


ah again, another dumb American journalist tries to play smart


first everybody knows the number from health ministry is not accurate, because they only count those who pass the final Corona test, but because of limited resources they can't test everybody. that's why I never trust the numbers, the real number of infected people is MUCH higher, 10000 is just a joke and the number of deaths is also higher (but not the way those dumb journalists try to picture) even the number announced by health organizations in each province is different, if someone sums up those numbers that gives a total number of 780 deaths at least so far for the whole country. remember local health organizations are still part of the same government, (if there was a "cover up" they wouldn't do that) the difference is they don't limit themselves to only count 100% Corona positive deaths. they also count suspected deaths too. they are almost sure about most of those suspected deaths through CT-scan but still health ministry doesn't count them because they only believe in their own 100% confirmed tests. if Iranian economy wasn't crippled and the healthcare system wasn't ruined because of financial troubles, I'm sure we would have the accurate number by now


as someone who knows Iranian social media , 90% of these kind of videos are fake or exaggerated, no matter who makes them, government or anti-government organizations. I mean of course there were dead bodies but Qom is a city with more than 1 million population, mostly old population unlike the rest of the country , everyday is a busy day in the cemetery . and with the news of Corona coming out, they treat all dead bodies the same, just to not risk their own lives.


that mass graves things is nonsense unless they are preparing something for the future in case that's necessary, I have first hand information about this one since I had a relative who died from Corona (as I said 2 days ago) the funeral and the grave was like any other death, they just didn't let anybody to be there when they were burying the body and they buried it much deeper than normal, his family visited the grave the next day.


the Iranian government is to blame for sure for so many reasons, for not informing people about the danger very clear and very quick at first, mostly because they wanted to finish their stupid parliament election which had a very low turnout after all. (lowest ever in history)  and also to not quarantining Qom, because of stupid religious reasons, only because it was Qom. and also for not cancelling all nonsense religious events immediately. (they did that but when it was too late) also for not cancelling all flights from China immediately, if someone checks the map, only central provinces are deeply involved which means the virus came through plane and directly from China. (guess why Iran is this much dependent on China and didn't cancel the flight soon) there are so many reasons to blame the Iranian regime but please, don't believe whatever you read. some so called stupid "oppositions" believe they can spread any bad thing (truth or lie) just because they hate the current regime (which I do hate too, but I hate lying more than anything else) and they feed some dumb foreign journalists with these nonsense. everything happens for a reason, and there is no reason right now to cover up anything. actually from what i see people are too much relaxed I would love to see "panic" here. if I was on charge I would announce the numbers 10 times bigger just to make people understand the danger. if people continue not listening we will reach that disastrous day your journalist tries to picture soon. we need to do something like Italy.


ps: American journalists better work on their own country's problems, the last time I checked USA is no paradise regarding the coronavirus treat because of mismanagement. and maybe solving problems there, solves some problems here too. after all when you throw 10000 disasters on a country and make life miserable for people there (and you are even proud of doing that), some of those disasters come back to you too. who knows maybe some of those Iranian-Americans bought coronavirus to the United States.


this is disgusting when people politicize such worldwide disasters

Edited by MHSN
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3 hours ago, MHSN said:

ps: American journalists better work on their own country's problems, the last time I checked USA is no paradise regarding the coronavirus treat because of mismanagement. and maybe solving problems there, solves some problems here too. after all when you throw 10000 disasters on a country and make life miserable for people there (and you are even proud of doing that), some of those disasters come back to you too. who knows maybe some of those Iranian-Americans bring coronavirus to the United States.


this is disgusting when people politicize such worldwide disasters


Calm down bro. It's not the first and not the last "interesting" news from US media. We are so used to it and just let it be. Let me show you something reported by NY times with 20 minutes interval which shows their attitudes towards the lockdown in Wuhan and Italy. One is violation of human right and the other is sacrificing themselves to save the Europe.



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Trump wants to play. We were the first to put measures in place. The federal government refused to heed our warnings. They gave us zero support when we were one of the first states affected. Maybe we should all just stop paying our federal taxes, and stop housing US troops in our state...


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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I was not getting through to totallympics since morning ( tried 3-4 times) and I felt this is it..... Sindo has got corona........ ?.....


Luckily totallympics came back ?

strength does not come from physical capacity but from an indomitable will. - Gandhi

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1 hour ago, Vic Liu said:


Calm down bro. It's not the first and not the last "interesting" news from US media. We are so used to it and just let it be. Let me show you something reported by NY times with 20 minutes interval which shows their attitudes towards the lockdown in Wuhan and Italy. One is violation of human right and the other is sacrificing themselves to save the Europe.




hard to be calm these days :d that was a very good example. I'm not mad at American journalists, they usually write these kind of nonsense without knowing a shit about other countries. I get used to it. I rarely remember such things from journalists who actually traveled to Iran though


I'm mostly mad at those Iranians giving them these kind of information. specially twitter is full of these kind of videos. most of them by fake accounts. this is their way of "fighting" the current corrupt regime, by being more corrupt ! :facepalm: this is disgusting to consider this as an opportunity.


China did a remarkable job monitoring everybody, tracking every single infected person, that's simply not possible here, and if officials don't take a drastic decision like what Italy did we are going that path to need mass graves . I give up  on people to be responsible. we have the Persian new year in few days, which means more traveling, more partying, more kissing, more hugging and of course more coronavirus.

Edited by MHSN
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18 minutes ago, MHSN said:


hard to be calm these days :d that was a very good example. I'm not mad at American journalists, they usually write these kind of nonsense without knowing a shit about other countries. I get used to it. I rarely remember such things from journalists who actually traveled to Iran.


I'm mostly mad at those Iranians giving them these kind of information. specially twitter is full of these kind of videos. most of them by fake accounts. this is their way of "fighting" the current corrupt regime, by being more corrupt ! :facepalm: this is disgusting to consider this as an opportunity.


China did a remarkable job monitoring everybody, tracking every single infected person, that's simply not possible here, and if officials don't take a drastic decision like what Italy did we are going that path to need mass graves . I give up  on people to be responsible. we have the Persian new year in few days, which means more traveling, more partying, more kissing, more hugging and of course more coronavirus.


Every country has its own traditions hence lots of habits can't be changed in a short time. I've been to Iran for traveling, people are truly very very enthusiastic, warm-heated and talkative. But as long as you keep staying at home, you are safe. It's the stupid and effective way we handle it.

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Yep, definitely my least favorite US President:


“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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