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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2020

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Multi-Jury: France




1 israel

2 ukraine

3 greece

4 poland

5 hungary

6 mexico

7 italy

8 spain

9 bulgaria

10 iran

11 australia

12 germany




12 points : China

11 points : Indonesia

10 points : Malta

9 points : Israel

8 points : Bulgaria

7 points : Poland

6 points : Netherlands

5 points : Sweden

4 points : Norway

3 points : Ireland

2 points : Spain

1 point : Slovenia

+ Portugal, Lithuania



Combined Votes:

:BUL Bulgaria - 17 (9+8) - 12 points

:CHN China - 12 (0+12) - 11 points*

:GER Germany - 12 (12+0) - 10 points

:POL Poland - 11 (4+7) - 9 points

:AUS Australia - 11 (11+0) - 8 points*

:INA Indonesia - 11 (0+11) - 7 points

:ISR Israel - 10 (1+9) - 6 points

:ESP Spain - 10 (8+2) - 5 points

:IRI Iran - 10 (10+0) - 4 points*

:MLT Malta - 10 (0+10) - 3 points

:ITA Italy - 7 (7+0) - 2 points

:NED Netherlands - 6 (0+6) - 1 point*


:MEX Mexico - 6 (6+0)

:HUN Hungary - 5 (5+0)

:SWE Sweden - 5 (0+5)

:NOR Norway - 4 (0+4)

:GRE Greece - 3 (3+0)

:IRL Ireland - 3 (0+3)

:UKR Ukraine - 2 (2+0)

:SLO Slovenia - 1 (0+1)


* - decided by a random draw


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Multi-Jury: India











Bulgaria.     12
Sweden.     11
Spain.        10
Portugal.    9
Croatia.     8
Indonesia  7 
Slovakia.   6
Poland.      5
Serbia.     4
Argentina 3
Malta.       2
Italy.        1



1 Greece
2 Uruguay 
3 Israel 



Combined Votes:

:BUL Bulgaria - 23 (11+12) - 12 points

:SWE Sweden - 21 (10+11) - 11 points

:ESP Spain - 18 (8+10) - 10 points

:SVK Slovakia - 15 (9+6) - 9 points

:CRO Croatia - 15 (7+8) - 8 points

:POR Portugal - 14 (5+9) - 7 points

:TUN Tunisia - 12 (12+0) - 6 points

:POL Poland - 9 (4+5) - 5 points

:INA Indonesia - 7 (0+7) - 4 points

:IRI Iran - 6 (6+0) - 3 points

:SRB Serbia - 4 (0+4) - 2 points

:URU Uruguay - 3 (3+0) - 1 point**


:ARG Argentina - 3 (0+3)

:DEN Denmark - 2 (2+0)

:MLT Malta - 2 (0+2)

:FRA France - 1 (1+0)

:ITA Italy - 1 (0+1)


** - decided by reserve lists


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Multi-Jury: Italy



  • 12 points to CHN
  • 11 points to ESP
  • 10 points to ISR
  • 9 points to BRA
  • 8 points to POR
  • 7 points to MLT
  • 6 points to CAN
  • 5 points to SWE
  • 4 points to USA
  • 3 ponts to KAZ
  • 2 ponts to NOR
  • 1 points to IND


Reserve 1: ARG

Reserve 2: GER




12 pts  Mexico

11 pts: Spain

10 pts: Israel

  9 pts: Sweden

  8 pts: Hungary

  7 pts: Norway

  6 pts: Iran

  5 pts: Argentina

  4 pts: Ireland

  3 pts: Australia

  2 pts: Lithuania

  1 pt:   Canada


R1: Netherlands;  R2 Serbia



China PR 12 points
Brazil 11 points
Israel 10 points
Tunisia 9 points
Lithuania 8 points
Spain 7 points
Norway 6 points
Iran 5 points
Croatia 4 points
Portugal 3 points
Sweden 2points
Slovenia 1 point
On the bench




Canada          12 pt

Ireland            11 pts

China             10 pts

Mexico             9 pts

Germany          8 pts

Australia           7 pts

Moldova           6 pts

India                 5pts

Iran                  4 pts

Lithuania          3 pts

Indonesia         2 pts

Netherland       1 pts








Combined Votes:

:CHN China - 34 (12+0+12+10) - 12 points

:ISR Israel - 30 (10+10+0+10) - 11 points

:ESP Spain - 29 (11+11+7+0) - 10 points

:MEX Mexico - 21 (0+12+0+9) - 9 points

:BRA Brazil - 20 (9+0+11+0) - 8 points

:CAN Canada - 19 (6+1+0+12) - 7 points

:SWE Sweden - 16 (5+9+2+0) - 6 points

:NOR Norway - 15 (2+7+6+0) - 5 points

:IRI Iran - 15 (0+6+5+4) - 4 points

:IRL Ireland - 15 (0+4+0+11) - 3 points

:LTU Lithuania - 13 (0+2+8+3) - 2 points

:POR Portugal - 11 (8+0+3+0) - 1 point


:AUS Australia - 10 (0+3+0+7)

:TUN Tunisia - 9 (0+0+9+0)

:GER Germany - 8 (0+0+0+8)

:HUN Hungary - 8 (0+8+0+0)

:MLT Malta - 7 (7+0+0+0)

:IND India - 6 (1+0+0+5)

:MDA Moldova - 6 (0+0+0+6)

:ARG Argentina - 5 (0+5+0+0)

:CRO Croatia - 4 (0+0+4+0)

:USA United States - 4 (4+0+0+0)

:KAZ Kazakhstan - 3 (3+0+0+0)

:INA Indonesia - 2 (0+0+0+2)

:NED Netherlands - 1 (0+0+0+1)

:SLO Slovenia - 1 (0+0+1+0)


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Multi-Jury: Tunisia




1-Kazakhistan 12 pts

2-Iran               11 pts

3-USA               10 pts

4-Greece           9 pts

5-Ukrain             8 pts

6-China              7 pts


8- Romania  



12  Uruguay





3- Austarlia 




01 - :HUN HUNGARY 12 pts

02 - :ESP SPAIN 11 pts

03 - :SLO SLOVENIA10 pts


05 - :IRL IRELAND 8 pts

06 - :LTU LITHUANIA 7 pts

07 - :NOR NORWAY 6 pts

08 - :FRA FRANCE 5 pts

09 - :BUL BULGARIA 4 pts


11 - :AUS AUSTRALIA 2 pts

12 - :CAN CANADA 1 pt




14 - :IRI IRAN




Combined Votes:

:USA United States - 13 (10+3) - 12 points

:HUN Hungary - 12 (0+12) - 11 points*

:KAZ Kazakhstan - 12 (12+0) - 10 points

:IRI Iran - 11 (11+0) - 9 points**

:ESP Spain - 11 (0+11) - 8 points

:SLO Slovenia - 10 (0+10) - 7 points

:GRE Greece - 9 (9+0) - 6 points*

:NED Netherlands - 9 (0+9) - 5 points

:BUL Bulgaria - 8 (4+4) - 4 points

:UKR Ukraine - 8 (8+0) - 3 points**

:IRL Ireland - 8 (0+8) - 2 points

:FRA France - 7 (5+2) - 1 point


:ITA Italy - 7 (7+0)

:LTU Lithuania - 7 (0+7)

:CHN China - 6 (6+0)

:NOR Norway - 6 (0+6)

:ROU Romania - 5 (5+0)

:IND India - 3 (3+0)

:AUS Australia - 2 (0+2)

:CAN Canada - 1 (0+1)

:URU Uruguay - 1 (1+0)


* - decided by a random draw

** - decided by reserve lists



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Multi-Jury: United States




12 :GRE Greece

11 :IND India

10 :TUN Tunisia

9 :AUS Australia

8 :SLO Slovenia

7 :CAN Canada

6 :HUN Hungary

5 :CHN China

4 :GER Germany

3 :SVK Slovakia

2 :SRB Serbia

1 :BUL Bulgaria


1st Reserve :ISR Israel

2nd Reserve :MEX Mexico

3rd Reserve :UKR Ukraine




:NOR - 12

:SLO - 11

:IRL - 10

:HUN - 9

:POR - 8

:UKR - 7

:BRA - 6

:SVK - 5

:ISR - 4

:MLT - 3

:NZL - 2

:CHN - 1

:TUN - R1

:IRI - R2

:POL - R3

:KAZ - R4



Combined Votes:

:SLO Slovenia - 19 (8+11) - 12 points

:HUN Hungary - 15 (6+9) - 11 points

:GRE Greece - 12 (12+0) - 10 points*

:NOR Norway - 12 (0+12) - 9 points

:IND India - 11 (11+0) - 8 points

:TUN Tunisia - 10 (10+0) - 7 points**

:IRL Ireland - 10 (0+10) - 6 points

:AUS Australia - 9 (9+0) - 5 points

:SVK Slovakia - 8 (3+5) - 4 points

:POR Portugal - 8 (0+8) - 3 points

:UKR Ukraine - 7 (0+7) - 2 points**

:CAN Canada - 7 (7+0) - 1 point


:CHN China - 6 (5+1)

:BRA Brazil - 6 (0+6)

:GER Germany - 4 (4+0)

:ISR Israel - 4 (0+4)

:MLT Malta - 3 (0+3)

:NZL New Zealand - 2 (0+2)

:SRB Serbia - 2 (2+0)

:BUL Bulgaria - 1 (1+0)


* - decided by a random draw

** - decided by reserve lists


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Here is the overview of the songs I voted for...


12 points - :IRL - Like I said, this song hit the timing on the head. I even said it was my all-time favorite at some point. It's probably not. Maybe it wouldn't have even scored the maximum points otherwise, but it would have scored high in any case. One of my favorite Irish songs yet. :d

11 points - :MEX - That first note is a perfectoin. Definitely my favorite Mexican entry so far.

10 points - :SWE - Tillfälligheter apparently means "Coincidences". I did not understand the lyrics, but I'm guessing it's about all the coincidences in life. In that context, it sounded so good. This one grew on me.

9 points - :CAN - Before every listen I expected this to lose some places in favor of other songs, but when it came down to the actual listening it always ended up with "Yeah, this is pretty good."

8 points - :CHN - Aside from the 3-beat rhytm (3:11 to 3:21 is a perfection for flying changes), I liked the use of instruments, and the fact that you can easily sing along despite the song being in Chinese!

7 points - :DEN - I like how this song is quite different, but importantly also engaging in its own way. You will not find me voting for a song that's just unique. I have to enjoy it too. :p

6 points - :ISR - I really liked the sound of this. Another song that grew on me with every listen.

5 points - :AUS - Really good start of the song. Probably the biggest climber in my rankings.

4 points - :BRA - This one went up and down. I liked the Companhia part in particular. :d

3 points - :UKR - I liked how powerful it sounds. Some really good transitions as well.

2 points - :KAZ - I give points to Q-Pop on occasion. This one even had some serious lyrics (compared to "Ah! Yah! Mah!" at least :d)

1 point - :FRA - I desperately wanted to give this some points, and in the end I could spare just one.





Tunisia and Slovenia grew on me the most after the voting ended.


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I posted the final shortlist of songs from the Irish national selection on the Music Thread. Labour of Love was the easy winner amongst the final list.



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4 minutes ago, dcro said:

Kind of a slow day, isn't it? :d

Depends though. It was a good Easter Sunday with the exception that no Easter eve mass .


Thanks everyone for voting our song. When I came yesterday in the middle rounds I seriously had doubt like what is going to happen somehow it did well


Great organization by Croatia and congrats to all the winners. 

Did like the Tunisian song very much. 

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