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Men's Football UEFA European Championship 2020

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1 hour ago, Vektor said:

"common decency"


That's where the problem is, you think that Western Europe and the US are the center of the world. Is it decent? Arguable, the view on it varies depening on where you live. Is it common? It's certainly not everywhere in the world. Personally I am on side of people who support the cause, but this entire issue is up for political debate. And those debate shouldn't be had at an international sport event. The last time people let politics take center stage at international sport events, it destroyed two Summer Olympic Games. 

No, the problem is that apparently you think (or at least make it sound that way that) discriminating people because of their sexuality (or other things) is a valid opinion. Western countries certainly aren’t morally perfect (or close to it) as we have for example seen during the Iraq war (or many other instances). Many times it is just about trying to cover up the fact that you are trying to make money by claiming pure Motives, although it has to be said that this is usually on the level of politicians/executives (and it is the fault of normal people to buy into it). Personally I don’t care what laws the Hungarian people want to give themselves. If they think that people of a different sexuality shouldn’t be allowed to marry, then it is their right to have that law in their country, but it is not acceptable to hate against people of different sexuality. If Manuel Neuer would tell Orban in a press conference after the game what to do in Hungary, then it would be political and he shouldn’t be allowed to do that, but supporting a movement to stop discrimination (everywhere, this isn’t focused on only one country) isn’t political.

Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.


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16 minutes ago, OlympicsFan said:

I see, you just want to have your beliefs confirmed. Just to clarify a few things (in case you are willing to reconsider your position):

- It might surprise you to hear the mayor of Munich makes its own decision and he doesn’t even belong to the party that governs Bavaria. I wouldn’t be surprise to see a Hungarian person thinking that one party determines everything, but if I remember correctly you said something a while ago about the mayor of Budapest having beef with Orban, so I am bit surprised to hear the can’t fathom the idea of the mayor of a city having his own mind. Also if you think that this is somehow determined by Merkel or other higher-ups, it would be nice to see proof (which is normally what you do in a discussion of you make a claim like that).

- Did you even read my comment? I never claimed moral superiority, I even said that western countries often/usually don’t take their own values very seriously, since they usually aren’t willing to pay for it. Often they just like to tell themselves that they are morally pure to ease their conscience. I also said that certain societies just have completely different values and there is no point in trying to impose your values on them. If people in those countries want to change something it is up to them and it is up to other countries not to be in bed with those countries if they don’t share their values.

Munich represents an entire country when it's hosting a big international event just like how Budapest does. For example, I agree with the activism that the mayor of Budapest is conducting against the Chinese university that Orbán wants to build in the city but I would never agree to have any kind of official messages against the Chinese university at a football match against China set in Budapest. The mayor was elected to represent the people of the city, an international match reflects on the entire country, not just on the hosting city. 

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34 minutes ago, OlympicsFan said:

No, the problem is that apparently you think (or at least make it sound that way that) discriminating people because of their sexuality (or other things) is a valid opinion. Western countries certainly aren’t morally perfect (or close to it) as we have for example seen during the Iraq war (or many other instances). Many times it is just about trying to cover up the fact that you are trying to make money by claiming pure Motives, although it has to be said that this is usually on the level of politicians/executives (and it is the fault of normal people to buy into it). Personally I don’t care what laws the Hungarian people want to give themselves. If they think that people of a different sexuality shouldn’t be allowed to marry, then it is their right to have that law in their country, but it is not acceptable to hate against people of different sexuality. If Manuel Neuer would tell Orban in a press conference after the game what to do in Hungary, then it would be political and he shouldn’t be allowed to do that, but supporting a movement to stop discrimination (everywhere, this isn’t focused on only one country) isn’t political.

The real problem is that you are apparently one of those many people who think political debate is about declaring that the people who you disagree with have an invalid opinion and then hope that you took the side of the majority on the issue. You can see how much this line of thinking helps progressives to win elections in Hungary. 

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