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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2022

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The End Is Near



While it would be fun for some if the contest would go on forever, all good things must come to an end, so let's finish it with the final session where 10 nations will vote between 20:00 and 22:00.


Will Spain be the first nation since Italy to win the Annual contest with a non-English song?


Will Ed Sheeran join the likes of The Weeknd and Shawn Mendes among the TISC winners?


Can Colombia still pull this off after a weak performance in Session 3?


Will Ireland win for the 6th time?


Can The Weeknd do something completely insane and win this contest again?


Will @hckošice reveal their final votes before the heat death of the universe?


These questions and many more will hopefully be answered in the next two hours.


 Voting Order 

 Voting Time 

 Host  Local 
Session 4 (20:00-22:00)
   30   :GBR Great Britain  20:00  19:00  
 31   :CZE Czech Republic   20:12  20:12
 32   :FRA France  20:24  20:24
 33   :UKR Ukraine  20:36  21:36
 34   :TUR Turkey  20:48  21:48
 35   :MDA Moldova  21:00  22:00
 36   :ROU Romania  21:12  22:12
 37   :DEN Denmark  21:24  21:24
 38   :ISR Israel  21:36  22:36
 39   :SVK Slovakia  21:48  21:48




   1   :ESP Spain   122     21   :NZL New Zealand   58   
 2   :GBR Great Britain   110   22   :KAZ Kazakhstan   56 
 3   :COL Colombia   103   23   :HUN Hungary   54 
 4   :IRL Ireland   93   24   :ARG Argentina   45 
 5   :CAN Canada   93   25   :UKR Ukraine   45 
 6   :CHN China   91   26   :SWE Sweden   44 
 7   :MEX Mexico   85   27   :GRE Greece   44 
 8   :BRA Brazil   77   28   :IND India   42 
 9   :MLT Malta   74   29   :USA United States   42 
 10   :FIN Finland   73   30   :CZE Czech Republic   35 
 11   :MDA Moldova   72   31   :ROU Romania   35 
 12   :DEN Denmark   71   32   :CRO Croatia   32 
 13   :LTU Lithuania   70   33   :POR Portugal   30 
 14   :POL Poland   68   34   :INA Indonesia   29 
 15   :GER Germany   66   35   :ISR Israel   26 
 16   :FRA France   66   36   :SRB Serbia   21 
 17   :TUN Tunisia   65   37   :TUR Turkey   18 
 18   :ITA Italy   64   38   :SVK Slovakia   12 
 19   :BUL Bulgaria   61   39   :SLO Slovenia   12 
 20   :NED Netherlands   58   
NEXT JURY: Great Britain 


We will visit the nation that is currently in 2nd place.

Will they help their rival?

Great Britain, are you ready to share your votes at 20:00 CEST?


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Looking at whose left to vote it's gonna be close. With a lot of our neighbours voting against us and a few more still to come I can see Spain nicking it.

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Just now, Werloc said:

I'm banking on 5 juries giving Lithuania points at best. But will it be the 30 that I need? We'll soon find out :p 

It will be 5x6 probably so you'll be fine. :coffee:


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Thanks for the gold @Griff88 Indonesia :cheer:Looks like it's time to reestablish India-Indo alliance :p 


Thanks for the bronze @Vic Liu Kinda expected this comsidering the close resemblance of the language. 


See you both for the Thomas and Uber Cup Discussion from tomorrow  :popcorn::toast:


@justony for the 6 points @Glen for 2 points thank You. 



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Likely points for Lithuania: France, Denmark

Fairly possible points for Lithuania: Great Britain, Czech Republic, Moldova

Slightly possible points for Lithuania: Ukraine, Turkey, Romania, Israel

Impossible: Slovakia


Let's see how f-ing wrong I'm going to be at the end of this. 

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So before anything else happens I want to give another big Thanks to:


:SRB @NikolaB

:FIN @Finnator123

:IRL @OlympicIRL


and of course to :CHN @Vic Liu for giving me those 12 points :beer:

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Great Britain





@Cinnamon Bun


Greetings from Liverpool.

Here are the results from the GB jury.





 3rd   :MLT Malta 
 4th   :BUL Bulgaria   5th   :FIN Finland 




 :MLT Malta   10 
 :BUL Bulgaria   9 
 :FIN Finland   8 
 :ISR Israel   7 
 :CRO Croatia   6 
 :POL Poland   5 
 :COL Colombia   4 
 :CZE Czech Republic   3 
 :FRA France   2 
 :UKR Ukraine   1 
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