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Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022 Opening Ceremony Flag Bearers

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  • ALB.gif Albania - Denni Xhepa (Alpine Skiing)
  • ASA.gif American Samoa - Nathan Crumpton (Skeleton)
  • AND.gif Andorra - Maeva Estevez (Snowboarding)
  • ARG.gif Argentina - Franco Dal Farra (Cross-Country Skiing) & Francesca Baruzzi (Alpine Skiing)
  • ARM.gif Armenia - Mikayel Mikayelyan (Cross-Country Skiing) & Tina Garabedian (Figure Skating)
  • AUS.gif Australia - Brendan Kerry (Figure Skating) & Laura Peel (Freestyle Skiing)
  • AUT.gif Austria - Benjamin Maier (Bobsleigh) & Julia Dujmovits (Snowboarding)
  • AZE.gif Azerbaijan - Vladimir Litvintsev (Figure Skating)
  • BLR.gif Belarus - Ignat Golovatsiuk (Speed Skating) & Hanna Nifantava (Speed Skating)
  • BEL.gif Belgium - Armand Marchant (Alpine Skiing) & Leona Hendrickx (Figure Skating)
  • BOL.gif Bolivia - Simon Breitfuss Kammerlander (Alpine Skiing)
  • BIH.gif Bosnia and Herzegovina - Mirza Nikolajev (Luge) & Elvedina Muzaferija (Alpine Skiing)
  • BRA.gif Brazil - Edson Bindilatti (Bobsleigh) & Jaqueline Mourao (Cross-Country Skiing)
  • BUL.gif Bulgaria - Radoslav Yankov (Snowboarding) & Milena Todorova (Biathlon)
  • CAN.gif Canada - Charles Hamelin (Short Track) & Marie Philip Poulin (Ice Hockey)
  • :CHI Chile - Henrik Von Appen (Alpine Skiing) & Dominique Ohaco (Freestyle Hockey)
  • :CHN China - Gao Tingyu (Speed Skating) & Zhao Dan (Skeleton)
  • :TPE Chinese Taipei - Ho Ping-Jui (Alpine Skiing) & Huang Yu-Ting (Speed Skating)
  • :COL Colombia - Carlos Andres Quintana (Cross-Country Skiing) & Laura Gomez (Speed Skating)
  • :CRO Croatia - Marko Skender (Cross-Country Skiing) & Zrinka Ljutic (Alpine Skiing)
  • :CYP Cyprus - Yianno Kouyoumdjian (Alpine Skiing)
  • :CZE Czech Republic - Michal Brezina (Figure Skating) & Alena Mills (Ice Hockey)
  • :DEN Denmark - Frans Nielsen (Ice Hockey) & Madeleine Dupont (Curling)
  • :ECU Ecuador - Sarah Escobar (Alpine Skiing)
  • :ERI Eritrea - Shannon Abeda (Alpine Skiing)
  • :EST Estonia - Martin Himma (Cross-Country Skiing) & Kelly Sildaru (Freestyle Skiing)
  • :FIN Finland - Valtteri Filppula (Ice Hockey)
  • :FRA France - Kevin Rolland (Freestyle Skiing) & Tessa Worley (Alpine Skiing)
  • :GEO Georgia - Moris Kvitelashvili (Figure Skating) & Nino Tsiklauri (Alpine Skiing)
  • :GER Germany - Francesco Friedrich (Bobsleigh) & Claudia Pechstein (Speed Skating)
  • :GHA Ghana - Carlos Maeder (Alpine Skiing)
  • :GBR Great Britain - Dave Ryding (Alpine Skiing) & Eve Muirhead (Curling)
  • :GRE Greece - Apostolos Angelis (Cross-Country Skiing) & Maria Ntanou (Cross-Country Skiing)
  • :HAI Haiti - Richardson Viano (Alpine Skiing)
  • :HKG Hong Kong - Sidney K. Chu (Short Track)
  • :HUN Hungary - Marton Kekesi (Alpine Skiing) & Zita Toth (Alpine Skiing)
  • :ISL Iceland - Sturla Snaer Snorrason (Alpine Skiing) & Kristrun Gudnadottir (Cross-Country Skiing)
  • :IND India - Arif Mohd Khan (Alpine Skiing)
  • :IRI Iran - Seyed Sattar Seyd (Cross-Country Skiing) & Atefeh Ahmadi (Alpine Skiing)
  • :IRL Ireland - Brendan Newby (Freestyle Skiing) & Elsa Desmond (Luge)
  • :ISR Israel - Evgeni Krasnopolski (Figure Skating) & Noa Szollos (Alpine Skiing)
  • :ITA Italy - Michela Moioli (Snowboarding)
  • :JAM Jamaica - Benjamin Alexander (Alpine Skiing) & Jazmine Fanlator-Victorian (Bobsleigh)
  • :JPN Japan - Akito Watabe (Nordic Combined) & Arisa Go (Speed Skating)
  • :KAZ Kazakhstan - Abzal Azhgaliyev (Short Track) & Yekaterina Aidova (Speed Skating)
  • :KOS Kosovo - Albin Tahiri (Alpine Skiing) & Kiana Kryeziu (Alpine Skiing)
  • :KGZ Kyrgyzstan - Maksim Gordeev (Alpine Skiing)
  • :LAT Latvia - Lauris Darzins (Ice Hockey) & Eliza Tiruma (Luge)
  • :LBN Lebanon - Cesar Arnouk (Alpine Skiing) & Manon Ouaiss (Alpine Skiing)
  • :LIE Liechtenstein -  Volunteer
  • :LTU Lithuania - Deividas Kizala (Figure Skating) & Paulina Ramanauskaite (Figure Skating)
  • :LUX Luxembourg - Matthieu Osch (Alpine Skiing) & Gwyneth Ten Raa (Alpine Skiing)
  • :MAD Madagascar - Mathieu Neumuller (Alpine Skiing) & Mialitiana Clerc (Alpine Skiing)
  • :MAS Malaysia - Jeffrey Webb (Alpine Skiing) & Aruwin Salehhuddin (Alpine Skiing)
  • :MLT Malta - Jenise Spiteri (Snowboarding)
  • :MEX Mexico - Donovan Carrillo (Figure Skating) & Sarah Schleper (Alpine Skiing)
  • :MDA Moldova - Doina Descalui (Luge)
  • :MON Monaco - Arnaud Alessandria (Alpine Skiing)
  • :MGL Mongolia - Achbadrakh Batmunkh (Cross-Country Skiing) & Enkhtuul Ariunsanaa (Cross-Country Skiing)
  • :MNE Montenegro - Eldar Salihovic (Alpine Skiing) & Jelena Vujicic (Alpine Skiing)
  • :MAR Morocco - Yassine Aouich (Alpine Skiing)
  • :NED Netherlands - Kjeld Nuis (Speed Skating) & Lindsay Van Zundert (Figure Skating)
  • :NZL New Zealand - Finn Bilous (Freestyle Skiing) & Alice Robinson (Alpine Skiing)
  • :NGR Nigeria -  Volunteer
  • :MKD North Macedonia - Dardan Dehari (Alpine Skiing)
  • :NOR Norway - Kjetil Jansrud (Alpine Skiing) & Maiken Caspersen Falla (Cross-Country Skiing)
  • :PAK Pakistan - Muhammad Karim (Alpine Skiing)
  • :PER Peru - Ornella Oettl Reyes (Alpine Skiing)
  • :PHI Philippines - Asa Miller (Alpine Skiing)
  • :POL Poland - Zbigniew Brodka (Speed Skating) & Aleksandra Krol (Snowboarding)
  • :POR Portugal - Ricardo Brancal (Alpine Skiing) & Vanina Guerillot (Alpine Skiing)
  • :PUR Puerto Rico - William Flaherty (Alpine Skiing) & Kellie Delka (Skeleton)
  • :ROC ROC - Vadim Shipachyov (Ice Hockey) & Olga Fatkulina (Speed Skating)
  • :ROU Romania - Paul Pepene (Cross-Country Skiing) & Raluca Stramaturaru (Luge)
  • :SMR San Marino - Matteo Gatti (Alpine Skiing) & Anna Torsani (Alpine Skiing)
  • :KSA Saudi Arabia - Fayik Abdi (Alpine Skiing)
  • :SRB Serbia - Marko Vukicevic (Alpine Skiing)
  • :SVK Slovakia - Marek Hrivik (Ice Hockey) & Katarina Simonakova (Luge)
  • :SLO Slovenia - Rok Marguc (Snowboarding) & Ilka Stuhec (Alpine Skiing)
  • :KOR South Korea - Kwak Yoon-Gi (Short Track) & Kim A-Lang (Short Track)
  • :ESP Spain - Anders Mirambell (Skeleton) & Queralt Castellet (Snowboarding)
  • :SWE Sweden - Oliwer Magnusson (Freestyle Skiing) & Ema Nordin (Ice Hockey)
  • :SUI Switzerland - Andres Ambuehl (Ice Hockey) & Wendy Holdener (Alpine Skiing)
  • :THA Thailand - Nicola Zanon (Alpine Skiing) & Karen Chanloung (Cross-Country Skiing)
  • :TLS Timor-Leste - Yohan Goncalves Goutt (Alpine Skiing)
  • :TTO Trinidad and Tobago - Andre Marcano (Bobsleigh)
  • :TUR Turkey - Furkan Akar (Short Track) & Aysenur Duman (Cross-Country Skiing)
  • :UKR Ukraine - Oleksandr Abramenko (Freestyle Skiing) & Alexandra Nazarova (Figure Skating)
  • :USA United States - John Shuster (Curling) & Brittany Bowe (Speed Skating)
  • :UZB Uzbekistan - Komiljon Tukhtaev (Alpine Skiing)
  • :ISV Virgin Islands -  Volunteer
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sofia Goggia will be the Italian flag bearer at the opening ceremony, Michela Moioli will carry the Italian flag at the closing ceremony. 

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  On 10/22/2021 at 11:49 AM, Gianlu33 said:

Sofia Goggia will be the Italian flag bearer at the opening ceremony, Michela Moioli will carry the Italian flag at the closing ceremony. 


source (in Italian):,-michela-moioli-alfiere-nella-cerimonia-di-chiusura-2.html

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Well, let's hope the IOC approves this and thus ends the dark age of joint flag bearers.


I am not exactly hopeful, though...


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  On 10/22/2021 at 12:06 PM, dcro said:

Well, let's hope the IOC approves this and thus ends the dark age of joint flag bearers.


I am not exactly hopeful, though...


A lot of countries will only qualify one athlete.... so it defeats the purpose of dual flag bearers 

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I read Michela Moioli will be the bearer during the closing ceremony so at least they have a backup :p Btw, so the two bearers per one stick fiasco is shelved for WOG? :evil:

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  • 1 month later...

I'd be shocked if we don't pick Maria Ntanou. This will be her third Olympics (and possibly her last considering her age). She has never done it before (and it's not like we have a ton of options) and she works for the IOC and Hellenic Olympic Committee. She was an Athlete Role Model at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics too.

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  On 12/23/2021 at 8:07 PM, Makedonas said:

I'd be shocked if we don't pick Maria Ntanou. This will be her third Olympics (and possibly her last considering her age). She has never done it before (and it's not like we have a ton of options) and she works for the IOC and Hellenic Olympic Committee. She was an Athlete Role Model at the 2020 Winter Youth Olympics too.


I sat beside her at Short track speed skating in 2018... very nice and down to earth person lol

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