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Totallympics Open International Song Contest 2021

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My votes have finally been cast! :d 

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair” - Nelson Mandela

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34 minutes ago, Belle said:

Is there any risk that this edition will be cancelled if our host has dropped out? :(

I think (hope) it will be fine.

I got assuring words from the host after sending my votes a week or so ago.


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1 hour ago, dcro said:

Now here is another idea for the Team Challenge format, based on @Olympian1010's sports climbing proposal from earlier.


11 teams of 3 + 1 team of 4*

* - 3 members to count in each phase (either the best 3 or the predetermined 3 for each phase)


Phase 1 - Speed (Votes 1-12)

  • Teams "race" to have all their members in points as soon as possible.
  • The team whose all 3 members get points the earliest secures 1 point, the second fastest team to get fully on board gets 2 points, and so on.
  • Should two or more teams have all their members in points after the same vote, a tie-breaker would apply (TBD).



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Vote #1

12 pts - Team A

11 pts - Team E

10 pts - Team E

9 pts - Team H

8 pts - Team D

7 pts - Team B

6 pts - Team D

5 pts - Team F

4 pts - Team J

3 pts - Team F

2 pts - Team D

1 pt - Team B


  • Team D secures 1 point for having all their members in points following the Vote #1.



    Phase 2 - Bouldering (Votes 13-25)

    • Teams are ranked according to the number of 12 points scored during this phase, followed by a number of 11 points scored, then 10 points, and so on. Sort of like a medal table, but basically the same way climbers are ranked according to the number of tops, followed by the number of zones reached.


    Phase 3 - Lead (Votes 26-37)

    • Teams are ranked according to the total number of points scored during this phase.


    Final results are determined by multiplying the points scored during the three phases above. The team with the lowest final result wins.


    Too contrived?


      Love it 

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