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Posts posted by dareza

  1. Velja je plivao A normu na 200m i sa ovakvom formom. Ja sam siguran da ce on na OI da ide do 1:44.5/1:45 :) Vidi se da se dosta muci do pliva,da su mu ruke preteske zbog jakih treninga,ali sve ce to doci na svoje. Ovo je njegova disciplina.

  2. Just now, DaniSRB said:

    jel su ovo sve B norme? (osim 400m mesovito)

    na 200 delfin mislim da jos uvek nije :d ona je rekla da ce 400 mesovito sigurno plivati i da se nada da ce ispuniti jos neku A normu pa bi plivala i to u Riju. Inace,moze sad sve ovo da pliva. Ima i na 800 slobodno A normu,ali kontam da to nece plivati.

  3. 1 minute ago, heywoodu said:




    Raymaekers was exactly on schedule for the 2:11 Olympic standard after 25km, then he got dropped by the group in which he was running and he lost all of his speed...a few km later he was almost a minute behind schedule and then some old injury came back. 


    Well at least we'll have a male marathon runner again at the Olympics (Abdi Nageeye), better than nothing I guess :)

    This was last chance for him?

  4. 1 minute ago, heywoodu said:

    Still good that at least someone did a good job in Rotterdam. Boring marathon in terms of tension this year, boring winner and the Dutch guy going for the Olympic standard (Koen Raymaekers) quit after around 30km with an injury..

    :facepalm: Also Serbian athlete Zivanovic was on good way,but in last 10km his time was disaster.

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