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Posts posted by dareza

  1. 7 hours ago, Vektor said:


    Not going to happen. The FIFA World Cup is simply the biggest, most watched sport event and has a 90 years long history. And it's helped by the fact that the World Cup will always be incredibly competitive with many strong teams who can win it. Being a World Champion in football means a lot. Being a World Champion in basketball is basically meaningless if you are American, because they will always win the WCh (and the SOG) by default every time they send their top players. Plus Americans tend to not a give a shit about any non-Olympic sport event that happens outside of their country with the exception of the FIFA World Cup, and the World Championships of every major American team sport will always be "second rate" because of this, including ice hockey.


    Not always :P

  2. 15 minutes ago, OlympicsFan said:

    Given his 800 free time i consider Paltrinieri untouchable in the 1500 free, the world Record should Go down. I still think Wellbrock is the Most likely to Beat him next year, but Paltrinieri has a clear Headstart. Quadarella Could go 15:30 in the 1500 free next year, but if Ledecky is at her best, then it still should only be enough for Silver. I think Quadarella can Go around 8:12 Here and if she keeps improving at the same Rate she did the last couple of years, then she could go 8:08 or so next year, which could seriously trouble Ledecky. Burdisso could have a Shot at Bronze behind Milak and Urlando.


    Yeah, that guy Urlando is very talented. Maybe not as Milak, but for sure he has big chance for silver in Tokyo. 1:53.84 for 17 yo boy is just wow.

  3. Ja stvarno nisam razocaran u ovaj rezultat. Imali su oni i dobre meceve. Meni je samo nejasno to sto je forsirana svetska liga, a ne SP. Ja kapiram da igracima treba odmora i slazem se za to, njih 7 igraju 10 god vec ovako po 2-3 takmicenja godisnje i to je jako naporno, ali opet zasto SL? 

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