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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Pretty good Bulgarian, if i say so myself.
  2. And if you were, you could make a good profit, since i'm sure you are aware, that there are betting options for the WWE PPVs.
  3. Once again at the dawn of a big PPV and Smackdown puts the better feuds. AJ - Joe, Miz - Bryan, the Women's title, all better executed than anything on RAW, but yet again will play second fiddle. The Main Event is going to be a lose-lose situation either way, but at least let's hope that the leach Lesnar finally loses the title after making it worthless for a year..
  4. GB i think are certain to win the 2 relays, which would put them at 6 golds. Wlodarczyk will make it 7 for Poland and in which case GB we hope Douglas can make a win in the triple jump. Unlikely, but still a possibility.
  5. Project "Poland wins the medal table" took a slight hit after the 1500, but things still look good.
  6. Bumping this thread from the deep backlog, because we are 1 week away from Summerslam Me and other bulgarians are thinking of starting a regular game in the forum about the PPVs, something we have done for many years on another place. But with time things change, and i think it would be a lot of fun, of having it here on Totallympics.
  7. Third silver medal for Mirela I believe one day that she will have a big win, certainly showed the attitude tonight.
  8. Kucina must be the grumpiest winner in some time.
  9. Very interesting that Jungfleisch is now flying after barely clearing 1.90 all season long. Good that i put her to win a medal in the predictions.
  10. Mirela skipping 1.96, going all or nothing i guess.
  11. I can solve her problems, though not sure if her results would improve.
  12. Probably knew she's not reaching the final, so at least fail with some style
  13. Ivet Smooth as always you fabulous thing.
  14. Yuliya Levchenko has become my new sporting crush I always think of bad things, when she pops-up on my screen
  15. We are not going to see anything from the field events are we... It's going to be running, running, running every 3 minutes with commercials in between.
  16. The BG night tonight with Demireva, Petrova and Ivet
  17. How angry are the italians for not making the mixed relay final now. No Codia, Miressi or Scozzoli this morning and no final, genius thinking.
  18. It could still be used for the new modern Olympic sport "Lumberjack hiking trough the woods on a bike". Perfect training complex in my opinion.
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