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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. After 23 years, we return to Paris tonight and this time, things won't be so dreamy. I'm hoping there won't be any trashing and if we get something from the match, i'll be extremely surprised.
  2. Damn, that was the most awful mistake Buffon has probably made in his entire career. Italy hasn't played anything this whole match. It looks like their unbeaten streak will come to an end.
  3. The early 2000s had great F1 teams and all were easy identifiable, which was the most important for a young boy ( ) Jordan was yellow, Jaguar was green, Arrows was orange, Renault was yellow-blue, Minardi with black always in the back. Now all teams look the same.
  4. Mike Tyson entered our Celebrity Big Brother for 2-3 days. He really doesn't give a F what he does anymore.
  5. Colombians voting against the peace deal between the governtment and the rebels, whaaaat! Granted i have no clue about the situation, other than the news headlines, it seems uterly stupid to want this 50 year conflict to continue for me.
  6. The Nations League will not change that much the qualifying process for 2020. Only 4 teams will qualify from the Nations League, while the other 20 will be from the traditional qualifying stage we know.
  7. Tyson Fury caught with cocaine it seems. Probably going to lose all titles. And i was wondering why the match with Klitschko was being delayed so much.
  8. Europe's winner is the winner for me. Their outside games don't concern me.
  9. Slovakia 2010 still relevant @hckosice By the way, the real winner of 2016 again showed.
  10. Yup, it will be quite fun to watch her in alpine.
  11. Is Ester Ledecka going to try more regularly alpine races? I see she has done very well in SA.
  12. Inter have been pathetic, especially in defense. Sparta have been playing much, much better, should have led by more to be honest.
  13. F1 calendar remains the same for 2017 with Germany, Canada and Brazil with question marks for further confirmation. It's too much for me.
  14. Any news about Sundby, is he banned for the upcomming season?
  15. Too bad there is a TTT tomorrow, where Tinkoff will suck. Sagan had a very good chance to win the whole thing.
  16. So, Rome is officially out of the 2024 race, very disappointed, i really wanted them to win. Stupid new mayor..
  17. Why have Argentina picked Del Potro for the doubles and further tire him...
  18. Again, what a loss for tennis were all of Del Potro's injuries. The only present player (along with peak Wawrinka) that doesn't bend against the Big 4.
  19. The EC have decided that we will get 108 million for protection of the border with Turkey, with the plan is the sum to reach 160 million with the backing of the V4.
  20. Nah, this is nothing, we have these things on our football matches.
  21. Not surprised to see some familiar cycling names there.
  22. Slovenia takes charge of UEFA, still a future for the smaller nations.
  23. Another race, another win for the world champion.
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