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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Awful competition so far, gate 5 is far too low Hofer...
  2. Great debut for Klaebo. The inexperience cost him the win, but the future is very bright for him. Goldberg as a reserve getting the win shows once again how monstrous team Norge is.
  3. Gigantic mistake by Hasselborg and the swedes in their last stone to lose the title. What a finish from the russian newcomer, beating the best skips in back-to-back days, when it mattered the most. Hasselborg was gutted after the failure.
  4. The german wall is ever so strong.
  5. Poor Eve, a perfect group performance, but the one lousy match came in the 1/2.
  6. This was only a IBU cup event.
  7. Why was Gagnes missing from team Norge? Bad form or some injury?
  8. New season, but old problems for Zografski with the equipment. First the company that makes his jump suits send a different one to Ruka, so he had to use his old one from last season. Then at the official measerment, in contrast to popular belief, at 23 he has shrunk 1 cm in height from last year. And because those measerments are made right before the first start, there was no chance to get new skis, so his father had to cut the ones he had to the required lenght. Needless to say it was a disaster.
  9. Malaysia will no longer host Formula One races after the current deal at the Sepang International Circuit ends in 2018.The race has been a regular on the F1 calendar since its debut in 1999, but dwindling ticket sales and viewing figures have seen the event's place come under pressure. And Malaysia's tourism and culture minister Nazri Abdul Aziz confirmed the agreement will come to an end as the race is "no longer" attractive.
  10. It's the thought that counts.
  11. No team Sidorova at this years Euros
  12. Yeyyy, some good news.
  13. Another one in the injury list. Fritz Dopfer with a broken leg and is out for the rest of the season.
  14. Nah, there are only 2 players that can beat MVG and they are Taylor and Barney. He always has some second thoughts when he playes them, which leads to a shaky game by him. It doesn't help either that Barney always brings his best game against him. Ando is very so-so and it seems he always loses to MVG in the big tournays lately. I'm not so confident in him.
  15. Looks like no one will beat MVG in a Major tournament this year. Ughh, we don't need a reminiscence of the Taylor era in a new form.
  16. Well done Murray, finished the job. Well deserved finally to have the spotlight, maybe with outside circumstances, but still a champions run in 2016 and a year-end number 1 is what the stats will show.
  17. Oh man, haven't seen Wade so precise and passionate in a very long time. Epic win. Ando almost won a third nail bitter in-a-row, but not this time. Nevertheless, it is that time of year and the signs are back on, Gary is reaching perfection. 3 Worlds in-a-row incoming, everyone should be afraid. Wright once again hitting the brick wall MVG. This guy no matter how good he plays in the Majors, always encounters MVG, i feel so sorry for him. He just cannot beat his demons over and over again.
  18. Nope, I'm out now, have to see a replay tomorrow.
  19. Very tough match for the world champion, Noppert played amazingly, could have beaten nearly anyone else. But big match Gary made a crucial appearance just to squeek the win.
  20. A wise man Not much fight from Big Ben in this match.
  21. Damn that was some drama, great first match. I can't believe Hughes lost that. A fantastic comeback from 5:9 to 9:9 and he was on 24 when Dobey was some 250+. The crowd were really behind Hughes, which added to Dobey's collapse. Uggh why Hughes, why
  22. Lol Taylor is nervy, that last smack before the break.
  23. Price - Dolan
  24. If Canada doesn't have snow, i just....
  25. I agree on the wishes, tho reality will kick in very fast. I don't think Taylor was bothered very much with that dead rubber, it will be very different tonight. Plus the longer format will help him if he starts slow. As for Jeff, as amazing he is on the check-outs, if the big scoring isn't there he would have a very hard time keeping up. I hope the main go for the BDO guys was to get out of the group, so now they can go out without any pressure and loosen up. If 1-2 guys sneak in the 1/4 that would be awesome.
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