The best thing out of this was seeing all the tears in the media, which is justice served. Especially at the Clinton News Network, they were in a funeral last night. It was so sweet after watching months of twisting information and throwing objective journalism out of the window. No more jokes for thier own amusement and arrogance.
The same goes for Hollywood, who still think they can force the normal people to vote after their privileged ass. I can't believe that after all the talk from Trump that Clinton is the establishment, is getting funds from the elite, she went out parading all these celebs in the final days. And by the results in the rust belt, people needed words how their life will get better and not some free concerts from Katy Perry or Beyonce, who have nothing in common with them. It would be fun seeing all those celebs saying they would move out, actually do it. The hubris in Hollywood is just over the roof.