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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Only two rows of women matches have passed, but i have seen more dynamic and fun wrestling than the entire GR part.
  2. Yup, no problem It looks like all of our team will be there. On the mens side Vladimir Iliev, Krasimir Anev, Anton Sinapov and Dimitar Gerdzhikov and on the womes side Desislava Stoyanova and Emilia Yordanova.
  3. [hide] Men's Tournament - Knockout Round August 17th - August 21st, 2016 8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 August 17th 2016, h. 10:00, Ginasio do Maracanazinho, Rio de Janeiro Canada 3 1 Russia August 17th 2016, h. 14:00, Ginasio do Maracanazinho, Rio de Janeiro United States 3 2 Poland August 17th 2016, h. 18:00, Ginasio do Maracanazinho, Rio de Janeiro Italy 3 1 Iran August 17th 2016, h. 22:15, Ginasio do Maracanazinho, Rio de Janeiro Brazil 3 1 Argentina [/hide]
  4. [hide] Women's Tournament - Knockout Round August 15th - August 19th, 2016 8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Semifinals Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 August 17th 2016, h. 12:00, Olympic Hockey Center, Rio de Janeiro Netherlands 1 Germany August 17th 2016, h. 17:00, Olympic Hockey Center, Rio de Janeiro New Zealand 1 Great Britain [/hide]
  5. [hide] Women's Tournament - Knockout Round August 15th - August 19th, 2016 8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Semifinals Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 August 17th 2016, h. 12:20, Olympic Aquatics Stadium, Rio de Janeiro Hungary 3 United States August 17th 2016, h. 16:30, Olympic Aquatics Stadium, Rio de Janeiro Italy 3 Russia [/hide]
  6. Amazing Ivet Lalova going to the final 12 years after Athens!! The only women over 30 in her last Olympics, what an amazing moment.
  7. Aleksanyan losing only 2 technical points the whole tournament, no dillema who the winner is here. 5th big title for him and only 2 loses.
  8. Well since we are not winning anything, i'm glad that at least it went to someone closer to us, i believe Serbia's coach is bulgarian. This activity thing looks too much like the boxing activity and not in a good way. Too much room for interpretation and from what i have seen the majority of matches are decided by the par terres given by the referees or the warning points afterwards. I have barely seen any throws from standing possition or take downs..
  9. Little late to the party, but still gonna pipe in and say that i hope you finally see why i hate that little troll so much from Road cycling.
  10. Bussiness has picked up for team Netherlands these last few days after a very slow start. I don't know what you value more - more gold or more medals, because i see that in London you had 7 and they are already 8, so it is a step upword.
  11. Getting ever so close to us for that top 20 place in the all time medal table. After Rio you would be around 25 behind, so in 2 Olympics time get ready for a prime top 20 spot.
  12. Haven't watched the match, so i can't comment on the result, but people blaming riggage everytime when losing to a russian is a constant thing at these Olympics and i'm not talking only about boxing. All media lashing has really gotten into the heads of many athletes and they just need a reason for their loss, which in great majority of the situation has nothing to do with riggage. On the other hand both Ireland and GB have done exceptionally well in boxing in recent years and were with nearly full teams here. And then they can hardly win matches and will win only a handfull of medals. You can't see what the deal is Boxing is such a mess.
  13. So, how are everyone's predictions comming? Mine is dead right at the moment, as in our sport is dead.
  14. With Raisman being an exception, i though US womens gymnasts go for one Olympic cycle and then new girls come in for the next. Of course with how Biles is dominating, i'm sure your federation wants to keep her indefinitely.
  15. Sweden to shock the other favourite too.
  16. Doesn't she plan an early retirement, so the womens gymnastics goes back to being interesting.
  17. This is the only sport at the Olympics, which i have never seen being broadcasted and have no idea what is going on.
  18. Boxing needs a reform like fencing - electronic system that calculates the hits each boxer lands.
  19. Why can't rowing be like canoeing? Organized schedule, clear system, no repechage crap, no pointless races over and over. It's a real pleasure watching this sport.
  20. Not in the present, they have won only 3 bronzes in the last two Worlds. Maybe they are having a new generation after London and still couldn't find credible boxers.
  21. Like i've said countless times about boxing, AIBA wants to reward all of their important parties. They distribute the titles / medals equally between everyone. It doesn't matter if one boxer is doing great, if his country already has an advantage in other categories he will lose, so that other countries can get his categorie. You especially see this in the 1/4 before the medals, where countries who need medals usually beat ones that already have ones from other categories. Russia is getting presumably 1-3 wins and Tishchenko was a clear favourite in this categorie, so other russians needed to lose early like Egorov or Chebotaev. But shit comes in when the clear favourite Tishchenko is outplayed, then AIBA has a big problem, because they have already cut other russians and they would need to compensate them in categories that shouldn't be their, which would make a domino effect. The same goes for the other "powerhouses" Kazakh, Uzbek, Azer, Cuba, France. Everyone of them will get their categorie. Kazakh should get 81 categorie, i think 69 is for the Uzbek. Sad, but that is the present, and i get less and less angry when our boxers get screwed all the time.
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