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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Thankfully we now have the new European Commission for "European way of life" and traditional values to be preserved in Europe.
  2. Because people from african countries never win medals in middle/long distance running without help from the western world.
  3. High Jump final. Let's hope all is going to be well.
  4. I just have never liked their athletes. They come across so fake to me, with the constant smiles, the hairs, the pandering to the fans, which Bolt started. Our commentators couldn't stop talking about SAFP and Elaine's haires the whole night... They were nowhere until Bolt came and then everyone else after him in 2008 brought so much media/public hype, that i never liked. Even to this day, Jamaica rarely gets any negative press, even though their sprinters are just as shady as the americans. But they get a pass most of the time.
  5. Because i don't like Jamaica and have liked Gatlin since 2004.
  6. Can SAFP please go away already. Thank You!
  7. Felix with gold number 37 I must admit, i kinda enjoyed Omelko running from the ladies and then the american passing Swiety like it's F1
  8. Are there going to cheaters in this event?
  9. I wasn't talking about the sporting part. Plus, you should know that i'm from those very few posters here, who doesn't give a damn about the doping stuff. There will never be a perfect world/system. I don't base who i like or hate on this. The more medals Gatlin wins, the better. IAAF has always been a flawed organisation, with corrupt leaders. They punish some, while letting others go with the double standards all the time. Hope he wins one in Tokyo too.
  10. It's a strange night when OlympicsFan has the rational opinions.
  11. Justin like a true champion gave his best run when it mattered the most. At 37 running 9.8 is amazing. Another medal in the bag.
  12. Coleman looks so much stronger than everyone else. Easy win for him later tonight. Age shows for Justin sadly. It would have been amazing if he won again.
  13. Mirela has to come up with some tricks (again), if she wants another medal. That was one tough qualification.
  14. I will have many crushes during the WCH, and i'm starting with Alexandra Bell Hmm, that behind
  15. Slovenia kicking ass once again. And to think people here were mumbling after we lost to them. They are so much better than our team.
  16. The US is still going to win the medal table, though in many disciplines, their stars are not the best this season. It will be a championship of surprises i think.
  17. As a matter of fact, those two are my favourite players in those sports. Too bad both are past their prime and frustrate me with stupid loses.
  18. In a few decades, Qatar weather will be in many other places and countries, so why not start early with the sporting schedules.
  19. Especially when you have NBC and swimming schedule at Olympics
  20. PS. If they really ban Russia, they should cancel the Rhythmic Gymnastics, because the judges wouldn't know who to vote for. Everyone will be like chickens without their heads. Total chaos.
  21. It's a certain that the Olympics are nearing when Russia is getting up in the news about a ban. 2016 seems like yesterday. This time the show starts earlier.
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