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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. Thank You, Thank You! Let's see if it's going to be shown here, or i would need to look for some live links.
  2. No division 2 team championships thread? Now where can i say that we have gathered all our best athletes in one place. Ivet Lalova, Mirela Demireva, Tihomir Ivanov, Radoslava Mavrodieva, Gabriela Petrova all are going to participate, which is quite surprising for me, but i like it of course.
  3. USA are the absolute favorites in our group and i have no doubt they will qualify. Given the atrocious performance we had in the Nations League, i'm not betting on even a single win for us.
  4. They just needed a reason to get you out of the house. Maybe you weren't getting the hint to start living on your own
  5. Because why not. And frankly it's an amazing piece of television.
  6. So, were are having many people, in different disciplines, going in the top 10 all time lists. Even a WR last week. And the big event hasn't even come. Strongest athletics season in a while or?
  7. I agree with you. Like i said, the gun control should be much, much harder. There should be different requirements, before obtaining a gun. But for me, it is not possible to completely remove all guns from the americans. And it's not because of the culture. The US is so different and vast, that i see the reason why people want to have a gun. You could be on a farm in Kansas somewhere, with no one near you for many miles. And some psycho comes and attacks you or your property. What can you do to protect yourself. Call the police, sure, but when they could come in an hour, what kind of use are they going to be? Or you are in the big city, and you are going home at night and someone jumps you in the alley. Or you are on the subway, where there is always a group of idiots, that wan't to start a fight for their amusement, or because they don't like how you stare. If people don't feel safe in the society they live in, it's natural they want to have a way to self-protect. I haven't used a gun in my life, but if i had to live in the US, with the way things are, i would hesitate not to get one just for the same reason. I definitely won't feel as safe there, as i feel in Bulgaria.
  8. Is it really though? I can guarantee you there are some countries where i can feel much safer being out in the night, than many other.
  9. Mass shootings have been happening for decades in the US. It's not something that Trump has brought up, no matter how much some people want it to be that way. Nevertheless a more strict control should be considered and have buying a gun easier than buying a beer...
  10. There goes the french win. The wait continues into yet another edition, year, decade
  11. Scheduling months in advance a regular check-up is one thing, even though i don't think that is normal too.
  12. It wasn't life threatening i think, but still it's a brain tumor and they can't say come in a year. Until then it could very well be life threatening..
  13. A 69 year old (bulgarian) woman, who is living in England, got an appointment date to see a doctor, for after 51 weeks for a brain tumor.. With this paradox, she returned to Bulgaria and on the next day they removed the tumor. I feel sorry for all people in England (and Western Europe) that have to endure this abysmal health system..
  14. As i've said many times, it should be 3 full weeks. There are just so damn many things at the same time. They already have stuff on the prior wednesday-friday. Just have the opening ceremony on a tuesday (the TV audience would much more like that, than on a friday) and start a few other sports from wednesday. Swimming and athletics cross-matching on 3 days is a no-no. Also i wish just once, that wrestling is in the beginning and judo is in the second half. Always starting with judo in every multi-sport event..
  15. A Phelps world record went down On this mediocre championship no less, are you kidding me..
  16. Sun is a small man and should be treated as such. End of story.
  17. [hide] Women's Tournament - Knockout Round July 20th - July 26th, 2019 12 Nations, Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Semifinals  Date & Time (GMT +9)  Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 24th 2019, h. 17:00 United States 4 Australia July 24th 2019, h. 18:30 Spain 3 Hungary [/hide]
  18. [hide] Men's Tournament - Knockout Round July 21st - July 27th, 2019 12 Nations, Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Semifinals  Date & Time (GMT +9)  Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 25th 2019, h. 17:00 Spain 3 Croatia July 25th 2019, h. 18:30 Hungary 2 Italy [/hide]
  19. I'm so happy, i can't watch this thing, because it is one big trainwreck with awful results. Not that bothered Eurosport is not showing it.
  20. Well she did take off her mask, when they warned her not to do it. And that's 6 seconds before the end.
  21. [hide] Men's Tournament - Knockout Round July 21st - July 27th, 2019 12 Nations, Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Third Place Match and Final Quarterfinals  Date & Time (GMT +9)  Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 July 23rd 2019, h. 14:00 Serbia 4 Spain July 23rd 2019, h. 15:30 Croatia 5 Germany July 23rd 2019, h. 17:00 Hungary 3 Australia July 23rd 2019, h. 18:30 Italy 1 Greece [/hide]
  22. Budapest would be a dream choice, if of course all sports are there and not thrown all over the place.
  23. Ledecky losing and Sun even competing, let alone winning is an awful start to the worlds. The US won't be so dominant this year. After the fantastic 2017 i was expecting a slight decline, but maybe it's going to be even worse.
  24. Can it be? Could a frenchman actually win the Tour? The madness
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